Meet The Parents

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A/N: just finished my college finals, and I've been so stressed and exhausted especially because there's one professor who is a bitch and won't leave me alone even though finals ended days ago. I've been so stressed I haven't been able to update, but I thought fuck it! Writing will be a good distracting and it's almost christmas. edit: lol I'm leaving this a/n up, but my old laptop died while i was writing this chapter.

 btw the scenes in my story are going to be as accurate to the 80s as possible.

Veronica's POV~

It's been a couple weeks, and as much as I tried to avoid Billy, he would always find me. It was like he knew where I was every second. I have a feeling that the gang is spying for  him to let him know where I'll be and what I'm doing. Although I'm not surprised that Max would, he is her brother after all. At this point the entire school believed Billy and I were dating, much to my dismay. Some people would look at me with distaste for being with someone like Billy, while others were terrified of me because I'm 'Billy's girl.' But I'm NOT!! It's just some stupid rumor. People can't seem to mind their own business and need to start rumors about someone else because their lives are fucking boring.

After I was done being grounded, Billy insisted he give me a ride home everyday, which only seemed to support the rumors. For the past few weeks I was able to convince him to always drop me off at Steve's house. I didn't want him to see where I lived, and I didn't want him in my personal life either. It seemed that Billy did believe that we were dating. The man is completely delusional if so because it's obvious that I am not interested in him. Hargrove was the ultimate bad boy and player before the incident that happened this past summer, and he just isn't my type.

Currently Billy is holding my hand in his significantly larger one, as he's humming a tune, staring off into space with a small smile. I didn't interrupt him. I rather he be distracted  then deal with him. I started thinking about what my life would have been like if I hadn't met him. If Heather didn't die from the virus, but rather Billy did. If the virus didn't scare away Jonathan's mom causing him to leave town with her and his younger brother. Suddenly, I felt someone's lips on my cheek. I inhale a gasp and look to see Billy back away and smirk at me. 

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned, his long lashes fluttering down at me.

"Just about the english test I have tomorrow." I lied. He rolled his eyes.

"You're worried about that? You've been reading the book all week, you'll do fine." He said leaning down to my lips, but I quickly put my hands to his chest and moved my head.

"I guess so." I said.I hadn't noticed I was shivering. The cold was coming from the breezy November air and Billy.

"Here." He said with a frown, wrapping his jacket around my shoulders. 

"T-thanks. Billy?...Why are you always cold?" I asked. Billy  parted his lips to speak, but Max rushed to us to interrupt. 

"Because the virus that he has lowered his body temperature." Max said glaring at Billy as he frowned at her. I looked between them with my eyebrows raised.

Billy changed the subject. "Why don't we get going." He said.

"Actually, I asked Steve to come pick me up, so it would be a waste of time for you to just bring me over to his house when he is already on his way." I tried to reason.

"I already took care of him. Steve went with Robin, Nancy, and the kids to see Chief Hopper. He won't be home for hours." He said with a smirk, and my heart sunk. "I was thinking that I could drop you off at your house." He finished. I probably looked terrified right now. There was not much I could do.

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