space girl - junchan

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Junhui shut the front door to her and Chan's shared apartment. She was beyond exhausted; she felt a little burnt out as well. But nothing can get to her if she has Chan by her side.

She took down her hair tie and shook her head, her hair flowing left and right. The sun was after the golden-hour, but she was still shining. The sun was like a constant for Junhui, always there on her down days and up days. Like someone she could depend on always, exactly like her girlfriend.

Junhui peeked around the corner of the foyer to catch a glimpse of her beauty in her element. was almost in a catatonic state, her eyes glued on her phone screen as music kept playing.

She smirked as she had decided to surprise her lovely girlfriend for a moment. Junhui crept behind Chan, and her hair was oh so beautiful, but was in her face. Junhui loved Chan, her everything. Her willingness to be there for Junhui and listen even if she's going to miss her lecture.

She quickly wrapped her arms around Chan's back and pressed a kiss onto her cheek.

"Oh! You scared me!" Chan jolted and laughed, turning off her phone and just holding it in her hand while trying to look back at Junhui. The laugh that was the weight of the stars. The laugh that people would remember for years, that would be in history.

"Sorry baby, you just looked so perfect I didn't want to mess your flow" Junhui snuggled into the back of Chan's neck. Wiggling her nose in the other's hair as Chan let out giggles. The slight scent of her sweet perfume and strawberries filled Junhui's nostrils.

"Junnie, you know how I don't like being called perfect, I'm less than that." Chan murmured under her breath as Junhui heard her. She frowned, "If anything, you are more than perfect! You are my girlfriend. The girlfriend of an in-progress model, Moon Junhui!"

She maneuvered herself to be in front of Chan and held her cheeks. "Babe, if you're having a hard time, just tell me. You're always there for me and I am so greatful for you. I'll need to thank your parents for making you."

Junhui noticed that Chan's cheeks flushed pink as her smile never faultered. "Stop that! You are so!" Chan smiled even wider as she jokingly slapped Junhui's shoulder. Junhui just felt warmth blooming in her heart, running through her veins and making her almost feel light-headed with love.

"I'm being serious though my darling, if you're in a tough spot, tell me." Junhui held Chan's shoulders lightly and gave her a light peck on the lips.

Once Junhui pulled away, she started to panic. Her sense of worry kept rising as she saw the younger start to tear up. When Chan's tears started to overflow, dragging down her cheeks and staining them a clear color.

"It's just—just that my dance courses are only getting harder, Seungkwan and Vernon are getting better at dancing and I just feel stuck! You're always so amazing and complimenting me but I'm just less than!" Chan's voice cracked as Junhui sincerely looked in Chan's face, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Aww my baby," Junhui cooed as she wiped her tears away with the side of her thumb "life does get tough, and I'm pretty sure you feel stuck because you are already good enough" She pressed a kiss on the button of Chan's nose, wrapping her arms around Chan's waist and gazing at her.

"You wanna go to bed, the heels of your feet are begging you to" Junhui joked as Chan sniffled and showed her everlasting smile. "There's my girl, my girl that even the stars are jealous of"

Chan started to giggle as Junhui wrapped her arms around the smaller and lifted her up; leading her to the bedroom and placing her on the white sheets. "C'mere princess" Chan patted her lap as Junhui wiggled to lay her head on the other's thighs.

Her thighs were so soft, like little pillowcases. Junhui looked up at Chan, the sight was like seeing a goddess in person. Chan had the light shining behind her and everything, some light seeping through the gaps in her hair.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" Chan winked as Junhui chuckled, swiping Chan's hair behind her ear as she smirked. "Whoa whoa, five minutes ago you were crying about being less than and now you look like a goddess and you're being flirty. How does that work?"

Chan just hummed and her grin was even bigger, a dimple peeking from above the corner of her mouth. "Mm, I don't know, you tell me, miss beauty of the universe." She leaned in and pecked Junhui's lips.

Junhui felt the slightly chapped state of Chan's lips and licked them. The other pulled away, blushing and covering her face with her hands. "What are you doing?! I'm flustered" Chan mumbled and pouted as Junhui let out a cackle. Making an attempt to pull Chan's hands out of her own face as Chan kept them on her face as if they were super glued.

"C'mon baby I'm giving you a kiss" Junhui sat up and put her right hand on Chan's nape, ignoring how some strands of hair are loose under her hand. "Shall we initiate it again, m'lady?" Chan nodded as Junhui leaned in.

It was like they were in sync as Chan's lips interacted with her own. Junhui might be a little eager, she might admit that. She accidentally pushed Chan backwards as they continued kissing.

They both pulled away when they were out of breath. Panting, Chan laughed a little as she gazed up at Junhui. Oh right, Junhui was currently sitting on top of the other. She couldn't help but laugh a little at the thought of their position.

"You got a little excited there, Junnie." Chan licked her lips as she blinked and Junhui could count it as a sort of sultry look. "You knocked me over, so I'll call you as a spoiled princess." She reached up to boop Junhui's nose gently as she ended up sitting.

Junhui was on her lap and the height difference sure did show as Junhui was a head taller than Chan while sitting. She looked down so the younger could have a more comfortable position to be in and to not have neck problems.

Chan, all of a sudden cupped Junhui's cheeks; her thumb rubbing over the moles planted on Junhui's face like stars in an empty galaxy. Junhui liked the feeling of the younger's finger pads gently rubbing her cheeks and moles, it felt almost relaxing.

"You are like a galaxy" Chan finally spoke as she rubbed noses with Junhui, her hands dove into the back of Junhui's head, her hair laying on top of Chan's hands like hand warmers.

"And you are like my sun, my stars and my dearest love." Now it was Junhui's turn to cup her face as she pulled Chan's face closer to share another tender kiss. Less chaste, less sensual, more tender.

"We are like space girls, right?" Chan questioned with her lips that threatened to reveal her etheral smile that would make everything right in the universe.

"Yes of course, my lady, if you want to" Junhui stole a chaste kiss from her and wrapped her arms around Chan's neck.

this might be briefly inspired by how junhui said when he's worried, he always sees chan when he looks up

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