if fate - gyuhao

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this is a lesbian gyuhao royals! au

Minghao was excited to say the least, her husband is invited to a party. Not just any party. The party whose host is Mingyu's husband. That means that she'll get to see Mingyu again.

She would never dare to admit that she missed the taller, clumsy one. For that she would be slain or killed. Sadly.

"Minghao, darling, will you be a dear and attend the party? I'll let you be free" Minghao turned her head to glance at her husbad. She tried to muster up her best smile as she nodded.

"Thank you darling" He hummed as Minghao rolled her eyes immediately once he turned away, leaving her to their bedroom alone. The corset she was wearing seemed to be cinched a bit too tight. She could barely even grasp air for her lungs.

She knew her husband, Junhui, for a long time, not like he was rude. Only for the time he agreed to the arrangement of their marriage by their parents. Minghao and Junhui used to be childhood friends, she's just glad that he hadn't forced anything on her yet.

Her fingers quickly threaded through the intricate ribbons she'd certainly be yelled at for ruining; her ring finger finding the knot as she grabbed a dagger and sliced through the thin ribbon. Finally, Minghao took a long inhale as she shimmied out of the corset.

She found a maid's gown to wear in substitute for her puffed skirts and corsets. Minghao was jealous of the maids, they'd have comfortable outfits which didn't squeeze their body in every which way. She run her hands through her hair until her fingers met with the headpiece attached to her hair.

Minghao had almost forgotten about that, she had forgotten how heavy it was on her head until she removed it. Placing it on the nightstand as she grabbed for the dagger once again. It was the night before the party, maybe she'd have once last chance to run away to meet Mingyu.


Her first meeting with Mingyu went a little like, extravagant party thrown by Junhui in honor of Minghao's parents being able to arrive in Seoul. Then bumping into the taller while Minghao had just taken off the huge supporting beams that held her skirt.

"Woah." A slightly deeper voice spoke as Minghao let out a sigh before jolting.

"Oh sir I am so—" Minghao took one look at the voice's owner as her eyes were as wide as globes. "I am so so sorry! Gosh, I mustn't be impolite to guests." She bowed as the women standing in front of her, must she say, a goddess, smiled.

Minghao's breath stalled as she just examined the sun kissed lady. Her locks of hair was to her bosom, a light brown shade, reflecting off of the window that shown mere light of the moon. The lady had kind eyes with a beauty mark right underneath the ball of her nose. She was ethereal, Minghao noted mentally.

"You mustn't apologize! It was a mere mistake, don't be hard on yourself Lady Wen" The women's teeth were once more revealed, curving up into a smile-like shape as her canines shimmered in the dim lighting of the bathroom. Minghao couldn't help but stare, she knew it was rude to.

"What must be your name, goddess?" Minghao stood in the layout of her support beamed skirt, making an attempt to step out as she ignored how the other was walking closer towards her. "Let me help—"

Was the last words before Minghao knew she was tipped over and she was for sure out of the circumference of her support beamed skirt. But now she was on the soft body of the goddess. Minghao froze up, her hand was on the wooden boards of the floor as she just looked up at the other.

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