c h a p t e r. 4

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"You can't treat royalty like people with normal perverted desires."
-Tom Stoppard

chapter 4

"Fuck!" Jazz shouts, the usual control he had over his own body going straight down the goddamn drain as he trips, reels to the right, and faceplants into a pole-- which, embarrassingly, was probably one of the only poles on their entire running route-- before popping right back up. He has a single moment of clarity before his head spins and something happens-- and then he's on his ass, hands planted against the sidewalk.

Blinking a couple times, and used to being an idiot like this, it takes a second or two for him to realize that Cas is in front of him, hands on his hips as he chuckles down at the musician.

"Wow," The celestial squeaks, an amused smile on his lips as teal and viridian spin against his song, which was warm and content at the moment. "You're the only person who's wiped out faster than me while running and you don't even have an excuse. You're just clumsy."

"I got distracted." Jazz defends himself, eyes catching onto Cas' gray ones, then quickly moves onto tying his shoes and totally not still thinking about how nice the celestial's ass looks in the shorts-- which aren't booty shorts but are definitely shorter than the average basketball shorts-- he's currently wearing.

In the musician's defense, Cas is extremely attractive and he's not being disrespectful about it, just simply admiring his roommate's form.

"Jasper?" The celestial saying his name makes Jazz look up, attention completely on him as the other man's head tilted slightly, an absent tic. "Be careful."

"I'm trying," He honestly was.

But how could he not get distracted by someone like Cas? Who's beautiful and green and safe and so very interesting. And who likes books!

And he's gay, so Jazz might actually have a chance.

Or, well, he would if the celestial wasn't so far out of his league that the idea of their being a 'them' was laughable.

"No, you're not." Cas scoffs and shakes his head, a squeak soon following to interrupt. "You can play so many instruments that it's impossible not for you to have control of your body. If you were trying, you wouldn't trip. Also, if you were being careful, you definitely would've gotten distracted by...what were you distracted by?"

Then the distracting, handsome godly being just had to come closer, a deceptively toned body and lean frame etching into his space and-- oh my god, he is so close! And, since Jazz is just the giant that he is, their height difference (even though Cas was just slightly crouching) wasn't that bad at the moment.

Which made the musician just a little bit amused but by the basil and chartreuse of annoyance, the sentiment was not the same.

Then he remembers that-- oh fuck-- Cas asked him exactly why he is distracted and he still hadn't answered.

"Well, urm," Jazz almost hates the blush on his cheeks but like, it's the celestial making go all red so he also doesn't mind. "Your, uh... your ass?" He eventually squeaks out, minty eyes going a little wide realizing what he just said.

Sunflowers mix into that viridian, sprouting soft ferns and a lovely dance against the celestial's emotions-- as if he knows something the musician didn't but was too amused to dare let him know about.

But then, god have mercy, Cas smirks and-- holy shit.

Jazz didn't know he could get more attractive but damn was he proven wrong.

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