They Spoil You (Part 1)

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A/N: I'm sorry it took me so long to update
this. I was getting a new phone and couldn't remember my password for a bit 😩
Request from PeacefulLavender She has fantastic sanders sides x reader stories! I highly recommend them if you don't already read them!
In this chapter, the sides spoil you for your birthday, but you aren't used to it due to growing up tight financially.
Last thing, I'm splitting this chapter up into two parts because of how long it is. Just 4 of the character where almost 2,000 words. So Janus, Remus, Remy, and Emile will be in the next chapter which should hopefully be done soon!

You wake up in the morning to the smell of bacon. You smile as you yawn and sit up. You climb and make your way downstairs and you see Roman in the kitchen. You sit down at the table and he turns to you, smiling.
"Good morning cutie. Happy birthday" he says to you. "Breakfast will be ready shortly, then we're going to go to the mall.
You nod as you get up and get your self a coffee. A few minutes later he places a plate of eggs and bacon in front of you, the food being formed into a smiley face on the plate. You giggle as you kiss him on the cheek.
"Thank you my prince" you say to him. When you finish your breakfast, you get ready for the day and go back downstairs. Once down there you see Roman waiting for you by the front door. Once you reach him his wraps his arm around you waist and places a kiss on your temple. You smile up at him as you two walk out to his car.
He drives the two of you to the mall and you go to a bunch of different stores. At every single store you were in, you saw Roman paying close attention to you. He would hang behind once you left each store and caught up to you, handing you a bag. You quickly caught on to the fact that he was trying to see what you were interested in and wanted. He knew you wouldn't say anything, so he got things based on your expression when you looked at them. After you realized this, you stopped him outside of the next store.
"You don't need to do this." You told him, a soft smile on your face.
"Do what?" He asked, despite knowing exactly what you were talking about.
"Buy so much for me. You don't need to spend so much on me" you explained. He just laughed at this before pulling you into him and kissing you. When he pulled away he rested his forehead against your own.
"I want to and you can't stop me!" He said before pulling away from you and dragging you into the next store.

You wake up in the morning with a certain emo nightmares arms wrapped tightly around your waist. You sigh with a soft smile as you cuddle in closer to him. He shifts around a bit before placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Happy Birthday sunshine" he mumbles sleepily. You laugh a bit and let out a blissful sigh, happily laying in your boyfriends arms until your both ready to get up for the day.
One you are up, Virgil tells you to get dressed. You oblige and when your done he leads you to the car. He puts on music and whenever you try to ask him where you are going he just turns up the music. After about 20 minutes of driving you pull into a very fancy looking mom and pop restaurant. Without any words he parks the car and turns it off. He gets out and you follow suit. He grabs your hand as you walk in. You get seated and you are given menus. You open your menu and your eyes widen within seconds. Everything in the menu is a minimum of $15. You look at Virgil with surprise and he smirks and flips through his own menu.
"Get whatever you want babe." He says without looking away from his menu. You sigh as you decide on (favorite breakfast food). You order and look at Virgil.
"Why is this place so expensive, and why are we here?" You say, both humor and seriousness evident in your voice.
"The food is really good, and because it's your birthday." He replied , as if it was obvious.
You two enjoyed your meal, and you had to admit, it was the best (fave breakfast food) you've ever had. Virgil payed the bill and you two left. Throughout the day he kept buying you stuff. Whether it was lunch and dinner, coffee, a physical items. You two left a store and Virgil noticed you tearing up. Once by his car, he pulled you into a hug, your head resting against his chest. He played with your hair as you let the tears slip. They were more guilty tears than anything. And you explained this to Virgil. You explained to him how you felt bad that he was spending so much on you. He had already known of your situation growing up. As you were ranting to him, he noticed you starting to spiral, so he cut you off with a kiss. He cupped your cheeks in his hands as he made you look at him.
"I know you didn't grow up with much, and I want to change that now. You deserve the world, and if I could that's what I'd give you. I'll settle for material items for now, plus I kind of want to keep you to myself, sense your MY world" he said to you, never breaking eye contact. You smiled widely as this as you leaned into his touch. You kissed him again as you continued to cry, but now, happy tears.

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