Prima Donna

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Who scorn his word beware to those
The angel sees, the angel knows

Mr. Burk had yet to appear, even after now three weeks of his unexplained absence. Though the office did not fall in on itself like you would expect it would without its leader, as most of the work was delegated to the other employees anyways.

His office stood empty and closed, as it usually did, but the aura that it gave off was different. In the first week of his absence, the vacant room was nothing but a foreboding reminder to Hermione that when he came back to claim it, she would be at war.

But he never did come back.

Each day that passed where the room stayed collecting dust, Hermione found it easier to breathe. She knew, precisely a week and 3 days after his disappearance, that he wasn't coming back.

She didn't ask questions, because she didn't want to know. If it was Him... Then she would be responsible for it, too, right? If He was protecting her and Mr. Burk was her boss, then the common factor was her.

It was better to not know, to not ask questions. Just as she did when Ron hurt his leg. It was better to not mull over the sick satisfaction she felt, the gross pleasure, that she liked that he'd done it for her. Allegedly.

Mary had become a staple in the office during Mr. Burk's absenteeism. As much as Hermione enjoyed Mary as a friend, she enjoyed her as a superior just as so.

She was tough. While Burk was not much on deadlines, Mary valued them. Things were no longer turned in the day of, but the day before at a minimum.

But she was also sweet. She said hello to everyone each morning, even Dennis as he passed around mail. She made it a point to not only ask about work, but also home life as well.

On September the 2nd Mary entered the office looking tired, worried, and worn. Her usual primped blonde hair was now pulled into what only Hermione could pass off as a half-decent hairdo. Her mascara faded into the bags under eyes and her whole body seemed to sag forward as she made her way to the vacant conference room where she often set up shop.

"Good morning, Mrs. Parsons!" Dennis greeted cheerfully as she passed, but the woman did nothing but blink as if she hadn't heard him and kept on her way.

"What do you reckon happened to her?" Hermione heard someone whisper.

"Who knows."

But Hermione did know. Tomorrow was the first full moon since this entire disaster started.

Cautiously, Hermione approached the door of the meeting room and knocked gently.

"What is it?"

She opened the door carefully and peaked her head through. Mary's face relaxed significantly and crooked a finger to beckon her inside.

"Hermione, hi."

"Hello, Mrs. Parsons, I brought you some tea." Hermione set the mug down in front of her and the woman gave a relieved sigh, letting the steam billow over her face before taking a small sip and groaning.

"I can taste the caffeine. Thank you, really."

"May I?" Hermione gestured to the chair at the table opposite of Mary.

"I insist, please."

They sat in silence for a moment, Mary sipping her tea greedily and Hermione watching her do so.

"If I may be frank," Mary broke the silence after a moment. "This is a bloody fucking nightmare."

Hermione gave an empathic smile, "John okay?"

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