Chapter 5: Anya Corazon, Sex Friends

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Anya blames Peter for the disappointment that was the Stark Expo. Can helping her with her latest experiment help Peter get into her good graces for once? Maybe she'll even start to like him.

Peter groaned at his desk. Life just couldn't cut him a break. There weren't enough hours in the day anymore. On top of all his usual problems, Miles got himself spider powers. His body ached from having the V-252 removed a second time. The Stark Expo, which was supposed to be the highlight of his school year, turned into a complete disaster thanks to another supervillain. He would usually use the time in his lab to catch up on school work, but that was all used up too. The Stark Expo was a disappointment to everyone including a certain competitive Latina who works off her stress on Peter's dick. The schedule used to be that Anya would visit Peter's lab once a week. Sometime around Thursday or Friday, she'd come by and they'd have their quickie. But since Flash Thompson won first place at the Stark Expo with a paper-mache volcano, Peter would have his balls vigorously drained by an irritated classmate. Not that he minded all that much. Eating out Anya and fucking her every other day was fun until he remembers that his homework is the only thing in the room that didn't finish.

Peter sighed. He looked over his shoulder to see Anya buttoning her jeans. Today was no exception. She had come into his lab while he tried to finish a paper. Protesting would have been the dumbest thing to do. It's not like he was going to though. It only took a few minutes of his mouth on her pussy before she was ready to be plowed from behind. He probably should pull up his pants from his ankles. He sighed again instead.

"Now that we got that out of the way," Anya said, "I need you to do something for me."

"What's up?," he asked as she pulled out her phone.

"I'm texting you my address. I need you to come by my place at two-thirty on Saturday."

"Saturday?" Peter usually patrols the city as Spider-Man on Saturdays. "I don't think I can. I mean, whenever I have the time I have to-"

"Excuse me?" she asked. "Do I have to remind you that it's your fault I-I mean we, didn't place at the Stark Expo?"

Peter pulled his pants up. "How was that my fault? Ghost is the one who attacked the expo."

"Yeah, but we would have had something more to work with if you didn't lose the V-252 for so long. Max said you tried to stabilize it yourself? What were you trying to pull? How can any of use trust you after doing something like that?"

"I'm sorry," Peter said. "But the V-252 was dangerous. I had to tell Max. We couldn't use it the way we wanted to. You have to trust me. I'll do whatever it takes to make thing right with us."

"You want to make things right between us?" Anya asked. "Be at my place. Saturday. Two-thirty. You're going to help me with my experiment. Then we'll talk about us. Besides, it'll be fun. I promise."


Peter pressed the buzzer at the front door. It opened with a click a few seconds later. He was late. Of course, he was late. Peter is always late. That's what happens when you're Spider-Man on your free time. After stopping a purse-snatcher and giving Miles another tutorial on webshooters, here he was knocking on the door of the apartment that was sent on his phone. The door opened to reveal a very annoyed Anya.

"You're late," she said, with a scowl on her face. "I expected as much. Come in. My folks just left, so we have the place to ourselves for now."

"Thanks," Peter said. Peter took a quick glance over the place on his way to Anya's room. Seemed nice enough. Pictures on the wall, knicknacks on shelves. The usual. Anya opened the door to her room and held the door opened for Peter. Peter walked in and arched a brow. He hadn't been in too many girls' rooms to compare that much, but Anya's room was interesting. It was bigger than he expected with the bed against the wall and a few stuffed animals on her dresser. Everything was neat and tidy with the exception of a desk on the opposite corner of the room. On it was papers, books, and test tubes. On the center was a desktop computer connected to several external hard drives. Adjacent to that were two doors, the closet, and the bathroom.

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