our secret

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I was getting into the compartment with Neville and Luna but I couldn't stop thinking about Hermione and how she grabbed my wrist and her hand slowly going down my arm during breakfast

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I was getting into the compartment with Neville and Luna but I couldn't stop thinking about Hermione and how she grabbed my wrist and her hand slowly going down my arm during breakfast. The lump in my throat began to form and my hands got all sweaty and clammy. My face was burning hot and my stomach felt like it was turning. The compartment door was opened and there was an empty seat waiting for me.  As I walked in Neville glanced at me with a confused yet worried expression. "ginny are you alright? you look like me when professor snape calls on me during potions class." Neville asked confused. "yea you look as if something terrible has happened." Luna added also sounding confused. I tried to speak but nothing came out.

Neville rose from his seat and guided me to sit. He closed the compartment door before he sat. "ginny tell us what happened." luna said a bit worried. I managed to swallow down the lump that had formed in my throat. "n-nothing guys, I'm alright." I sounded a bit shaken up.  " you don't look alright." Neville replied. "yes I'll have to agree with Neville on this one. We're you're friends you can tell us anything, Ginny." Luna said as Neville put his hand on my shoulder for comfort, but as he did that the touch of Hermione came flowing back. 

I looked up at him and then to his hand on my shoulder. I held his hand there for a moment before looking over at luna. I took a deep breath as I said "I actually do have something to tell you guys." Luna looked at me with curiosity filling her eyes. I looked over to Neville who went from looking at his feet to me. " what is it, Ginny?" Neville asked Confused yet relieved I was telling them. "you promise not to tell a single soul?" I asked making sure they won't tell anyone. "of course we won't tell anyone. it'll be our little secret. Neville responded. "yea, we won't tell anyone Ginny, you can trust us." luna said. 

My heartfelt like it was about to fly out of my chest and I got really nervous, but I took a deep breath and swallowed the rest of the lump down. "i- I think I like someone." I told them. Neville and Luna looked at each other than back at me "who?' they asked at the same time. "it's not just any crush. I've had this crush for a while but i pushed my feelings aside because I thought they weren't real but i realized now they're very real. This person makes me a mess. Every time they touch or look at me it's like it's hard to breathe. I get all sweaty and I start blushing like crazy and I get this lump in my throat and my stomach feels like it doing flips." I said as I could feel my face start heating up. "well then, don't shy, tell us who it is." Neville responded. Luna kicked him and then gave him that look.

I took another deep breath and finally spit it out "Hermione." my heart racing just at her name. I looked up and Neville and Luna were looking at each other and then back at me. Both their faces lighting up with shock and happiness. "you like Hermione Granger, the person you described was her?" Luna asked just to make sure. "yes, I know it's crazy and absurd but I can't help it." I said as I looked towards the ground. "well if it makes you happy and she makes you happy we're happy for you." Neville said sounding happy and supportive as they're the first people I've ever told. "I'm so happy for you Ginny! are we the first people you've told?" luna asked sounding enthusiastic.  "yes, you guys are the first people I've told," I said happily. it felt so good to finally tell someone and they were so supportive! "you know what Ginny if you're interested in her try getting closer to her, drop some hints. isn't she staying with your family this summer?" Luna asked. "yes, she is, I don't know if I'm prepared for that I'm a mess around her." I said sounding a bit nervous. "it's the perfect opportunity, Ginny! Just try to get closer to her! you got this." Neville said encouragingly. "remember this is our secret so don't tell anyone." I said looking at both of them. " we won't we promise." luna responded. 

The rest of the train ride was mainly Hermione and other things. As we saw the 9 and 3/4 coming closer we started preparing to get off. As we were getting off and got our bags I hugged my friends goodbye but before they left Neville asked I'd write to him and luna about everything that was happening while I was at the burrow. I gave them a big hug and looked for my family when I saw 2 tall ginger boys and I immediately knew it was Fred and George. As I was walking over there I could see her, the 5'5 brown, curly hair girl, with beautiful eyes that twinkle as if the stars lurked within her eyes. Mom ran over to me and gave me a huge hug and was telling me how much she had missed me, but all I could focus on was her.

AN: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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