sparks again

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everyone was sitting in the great hall for their last breakfast of the year, until the next following year. it was everyone's 4th year. Everyone included Ginny Weasley. Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and Hermione Granger. The prettiest girl in the world. They were all sitting in the great hall at the Gryffindor table discussing their summer plans and meetups before having to go pack and go to the Hogwarts express.

"me and grandma are going to go see this new plant museum and she's going to help me attend to my garden!" Neville exlamed. You could hear the excitement in his voice as it raised a bit." "that sounds exciting Neville."  Luna said Calmly. "I'm not quite sure what I'm doing this summer. Dad has planned something for us to do but it's a secret." Luna said, collective but you could hear the excitement rise in her voice.

"what about you ginny?" asked luna "oh probably sit around at the burrow. Maybe play some quidditch with the boys. Dad bought us this muggle T.V and some muggle movies so I'll most likely be watching those." Ginny sounded excited about the muggle television. Ron cleared his throat before talking. "speaking of the burrow, Harry is staying with us the whole summer! isn't that exciting!?"  "oh yes, absolutely fantastic," Ginny responded sarcastically. 

" what about you Hermione, what are you doing this summer?" luna asked. Hermione Granger the most intelligent girl in the world. prettiest one too if you asked Ginny. Ginny's always thought that. She can't look at Hermione without her hand getting all sweaty and her heart racing and a lump in her throat. She's a mess when it comes to Hermione Granger.

"well, I'm guessing Ron forgot since he didn't say it but the Weasleys were kind enough to let me spend the summer with them at the burrow. My parents agreed, they thought it would be a good opportunity for me to hang out with my best friends and get closer to the Weasleys." as she said that last part she looked into Ginny's eyes.

That sentence kept repeating in Ginny's head. "staying at the burrow." Ginny's thoughts took over her head, as she started zoning out. "will she be staying in MY room with Me.?" Just the thought of her staying in the same room as her sent sparks through her body. Her hands became all sweaty and clammy. Her heart started racing and she swore everyone else could hear it. Her face started getting hot and she was turning red and she knew everyone saw. She got pale and she felt that lump coming up in her throat. She felt a hand on her shoulder and when she turned she was facing Hermione gain eye to eye and she was speechless.

"Ginny are you okay? you look like somethings wrong." Hermione asked slightly worried. She wanted to tell her that she was fine and that it was nothing but she knew with that lump in her throat she wouldn't be able to say anything without sounding dumb. Still, she tried to say something. She swallowed really hard trying to get that lump down. "ye-yeah, i-i'm f-fine." she said with a little bit of shake in her voice. "are you sure?" Hermione asked as she started rubbing her arm on her shoulder for comfort. "y-ye-yeah, i- I think I'm going to go up to the r-room. ginny said slightly smiling as she got up Hermione's hand slowly started going down her arm. It sent sparked through Ginny's body. like a show of fireworks went off inside her. As she was walking away she could hear Ron say "what the bloody hell is wrong with her?" "not sure." Hermione said with a bit of worry in her voice.

Ginny was in the dorm and as soon as she entered she went straight to the bathroom, "God I'm a mess." her cheeks still flustered and her skin still pale. Her words and her touch kept replaying in Ginny's mind. She couldn't help but get butterflies at the thought of it. She heard someone walk into the dorm and she went to go pack. It was Hermione. Ginny looked down at the ground trying not to make eye contact because it would make it worse.

They finished packing in silence. Once they were on the train they went their separate ways. Ginny sat with Neville and Luna, while Hermione sat with Harry and Ron. Ginny was on her way to her compartment when she felt a hand on her wrist. she turned and looked up, it's her. "I hope you're feeling better. I'm so excited for this summer it'll be so much fun!" Hermione said looking Ginny in her eyes as she starts rubbing her thumb on her hand. Ginny felt like she was about to explode.  Her heart began racing and her face started burning up. she managed to get out "y-yeah it'll be fun." " Okay well, I'll see you later," Hermione said as she slowly let's go. Ginny was not prepared for this summer.

AN: I hope yall enjoy this!!

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