♡ december 19 ♡

937 32 12

"Goodmorniing!" Jisoo exclaimed cheerfully and waved at the screen, she placed her cold coffee on the table before seating on the chair and faced her laptop

"Goodmorning love, how's work?" The boy on the other side of the screen asked her.

"Stressful." She replied nonchantly. "I'm having a writer's block, I don't know what to write to continue my story anymore. Brenda's asking for my soft copy after the holiday, and I'm not even finished writing the other half of the book." She added and took a sip of her coffee.

Jisoo's been living as a writer for three years and last year she had her break when her thriller book entitled Lost Souls became a best seller book for thriller fic, it was so popular that it was even adapted as a movie which became a box office hit after. Jisoo's happy with the peak of her career, her dreams are finally coming true but the pressure of her past achievements are already burdening her, she's so frustrated to exceed her readers expectations that it hinders her to write. She's afraid, afraid that it might be a flop, if her next book won't be loved like her previous one.

"Just relax and don't think of it too much. You can't think well if you are overthinking. Overthinking equals no ideas." He retorted and cheered her up but Jisoo just frowned in response.

"How will I not think too much about it, if I don't know what will be the next chapter?, if I can only do what you told me I won't be so stressed out." She said, sounding irritated. She was getting angry for his useless piece of advice, well for her, she thinks it was useless.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to help and those are the things that I do when I'm frustrated when writing our new song, and it's effective for me." He replied, sounding a little bit down because she sassed him out.

"Sorry love, I'm just stressed and everything is getting in my nerves. Thankyou for your advice I'll try it  some time, how about you how's the tour?" She asked him and took a sip on her cold coffee once more.

"Nothing much, same old same old." He replied shortly.

"Hmm! What same old same old Jungkook? Did you take another picture with a sexy utuber?" She joked and glared at the screen.

Jisoo and Jungkook have been in a long distance relationship for three years, Jisoo met Jungkook thru online, specifically at utube, she was his avid fan when he was just a utuber back then, his account was filled with cover songs which Jisoo watched and listened, soon after she fell inlove not only in his voice but for his looks and personality as well.

(A/n: jungkook is a lead singer of an indie band in this story)

The first time that they talked, Jisoo made the first move, since she already followed her inxtagram account she dmed him well, to be exact it was Jennie her bestfriend who dm-ed him saying 'hi! I just want to say that I'm your avid fan, I love the songs you made and covered. Hope you'll become a big account and get discovered soon. Keep safe and love you' Jisoo got mad after Jennie sent him that message but she ended up squealing like a teenage girl after she saw his reply. They started talking and videocalling at inxta's and soon got intouched at acebook, after two month's of getting to know each other, they finally hit it off. Despite not seeing each other; not even once, both of them are faithful and loyal with each other, although they bicker from time to time.

"Come on! I told you mesha is the one who sticked herself at me like a leech in that pic!" Jungkook muttered defending himself and lowkey worrying if Jisoo would end up getting mad at him again because she remembered mesha's story at instax two month's ago.

(Jisoo got a little jelly because she saw a story picture of mesha *a sexy vlogger in utube/jungkook's fan* and jungkook at instax)

"Yeah yeah, you didn't like how her boobs were pressed into your left shoulder that's why your smiling from ear to ear in that pic showing your cute little bunny teeth." Jisoo firedback, her left eyebrow now raised, voice sounding a little angry but the truth is she wasn't mad. She was just teasing him, for now.

"Ofcourse I need to smile that was a picture!" He justified.

"And how about your closeness? Do you need to be that close? She's squeezing her boobs at you! She definitely wants you and your dick!" She answered, now getting a little bit annoyed, she remembered the way mesha stuck herself at him in her picture, if only she was in there she probably barricaded him the whole night after their band's concert.

"She was the one who kept clinging on to me and my dick is only yours!" He replied, just like Jisoo he was also getting angry and frustrated because his gf was getting mad for something that happened in the past simply because she remembered it.

"Did you say you have a girlfriend?" She asked him, and leaned on her swivel chair.

"Ofcourse I already told you a thousand times! I did! I even showed her screenshots of our video calls and after that she believed that I was taken." Jungkook muttered, brows furrowed and face looking annoyed.

Jisoo and Jungkook kept their relationship lowkey because they don't want people invading their privacy. Specially The Frey's (jungkook's band) is building it's name, after their song untouchable became a hit this past few months.

"Good." Jisoo replied smiling, her anger slowly dissipitated. "And to clear it all, I'm not mad at you I get mad at her whenever I remember what she did to you even though I know that she didn't know that there was an us before she took a pic with you." She clarified.

"Yeah, yeah just show me your boobs you jealous bitch, as an apology for getting mad at me." He retorted with a smug look on his face.

"Fuck you Jeon not today." She said and grinned at him back.

"Come on we haven't done it for a while and you kept wearing that dainty thin dress of yours which emphasized your nipples by the way, and now your not going to give me a see not even for one second."

"No, and it's not my fault if you get hard just by my nipples. And you know me, I don't wear a bra when I'm home."

"Pleasssseeeee. Come on pleeeease just one second, I miss seeing you naked." He begged with his baby voice while pouting.

"No." She said sternly which made him glared at her.

"Fine. No dick for you too bitch." He mumbled back, still not satisfied for being defeated.

"Come on, we are going to meet in person after three days, so let's see each other naked when that day comes." She retorted with a teasing smirk on her heart shaped lips.

"No. I won't show you mine." He replied smirking at her too.

After three years of communicating with him, Jisoo learned that he was an egotistic son of a bitch, he will always find a way to get what he wants

"Fine. Let's see if you can manage to still put your dick inside your pants after three days."


So chap 1 is done lololol i feel like it so cringey sorry for my trash writing! Heheuwiwiwieue hope you liked it.

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