Eighteen - Club

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The day had finally come, Raven had made the group chat around 3 months ago and they were all finally meeting.

Raven arrived at the club first. The group had organized to get there at 7:30 but Raven was so excited she got there 10 minutes early and decided to wait outside the club for everyone else.

After about 10 minutes Raven saw a cab pull up and a very tall hot brunette step out, "Zendaya." She whispered under her breath. "Fuck she's hot."

Zendaya step out of the cab and started walking towards the entrance when she noticed a raven-haired girl with a leg brace walking towards her. Raven.

"Hey!" Raven said ecstatically pulling Zendaya into an excited hug. When they pulled away Raven took a step back and looked the tall girl up and down.

"Dam you hot girl," Raven stated. Zendaya chucked "I could say the same about you love."

Zendaya looked down at the leg brace a moment and then back up at Raven. "I bet there's a badass story behind that."

"I wish," Raven said not making eye contact. Just as Zendaya was about to say more a black jeep pulled up and Murphy, Tom, Thomas, Lincoln and Newt pulled up.

"No fair, y'all got to meet for the first time and I didn't get to see the reactions," Raven complained walking towards them and pulling Newt into a hug.

"Hey, gay bud." She said. "Anyone else here?" He asked whilst pulling away. Raven shook her head, going to meet Lincoln whilst Zendaya came from greeting Murphy to Newt.

"Geez, you are ripped O is gonna die." Raven joke checking Lincoln out. "I mean I hope she doesn't." Lincoln joked.

Zendaya walked over to Tom. "Ha short." she joked with a smirk pulling him into a hug. "Wow you look like a giraffe from down here." he smirked back. "touche."

"Neat brace," Thomas started pulling out of the hug he was just in with Raven. "Do you decorate it depending on what you're doing?"

Raven laughed "I can't tell if your joking or not." At that Murphy who had been listening to the conversation leaned in "He's probably not, not a lot going on up there." he joked whacking Thomas' head.

"Should we head inside and find a booth whilst we wait for the others?" Lincoln suggested. Everyone agreed and started to move inside.


Clarke pulled up to the club a little past 7:30, she was kinda nervous about the night ahead because she had no idea what to expect.

The blonde parked her car and begun to walk towards the building lost in her apprehensive (lol she learnt that word from Lexa) thoughts.

Suddenly she was on the ground, she had walked into someone. Clarke picked herself up off the ground.

"I'm so sorry." the person she bumped into said. Clarke looked up and her eyes met the most beautiful green eyes she'd ever seen. Lexa

"Clarke!" Lexa said, "Oh my god I'm so sorry." She rambled on. Clarke laughed she didn't take Lexa as the type of person to be so worried about bumping into someone.

"What?" Lexa asked noticing Clarke laughing. "No, nothing I just didn't take you as the apologising type."

Lexa sighed slightly. She usually isn't but for some reason, she couldn't have Clarke, not like her. But before she could explain she heard a voice from behind and arms wrapped around her.

"Y'all are so clumsy it's sad." Octavia joked and Lexa returned the hug. "Clarke!" Octavia moved over pulling Clarke into a hasty hug.

"Oh hey!" Lexa said slightly awkwardly seeing Luna and Emori behind Octavia. They both moved over to her and had a group hug.

"I guess everyone else is already in there then," Luna stated. Lexa just shrugged assumingly.

The group moved into the club Octavia spotting the rest of the group first and running over into Lincolns arms.

"Hey," he said laughing gladly accepting the smaller girls hug. "Your ripped!" Octavia exclaimed obviously checking him out. "Thanks." He chuckled in response.

After everyone had said their hellos and gotten excited about meeting for the first time. They all moved to the centre of the pub with their drinks to begin dancing.


The night had been going good for a few hours. Everyone was starting to split off into groups. Raven, Luna, Lincoln and Octavia were still at their table talking loudly as it was obvious they were drunk.

No one had see Murphy and Emori for a whole but everyone guess they knew where they were. Thomas was off somewhere flirting with all the girls and Newt was following aimlessly behind after leaving Zendaya and Lexa to judge everyone at the club.

"So what's with you and Tom?" Lexa asked, it was pretty obvious that Tom had a thing for Z but would never admit it. Zendaya playfully pushed Lexa "Nothing that I'm aware of she said sarcastically." Lexa laughed.

"Hey so you know when we were all introducing each other?" Zendaya said in a calculated tone. "Yeah?" Lexa nodded unsure. Zendaya shifted uncomfortably. "I said I was straight, well i dont know about that anymore."

Lexa smiled, she knew how hard it was for people to come to terms with their sexuality or simply who they're attracted to and she was glad Zendaya was talking to her about it. "Really!? That's great!" She said reassuringly.

Zendaya nodded and smiled. "Yeah but i dont know what I am yet or if I ever will so let's keep it between us." Lexa nodded of course, she knew how person that sort of stuff was and she'd never out a friend.

The two talked a while longer before Lexa went off to find Clarke. After a little bit or searching Lexa found the blond girl reasonably drunk dancing alone in the middle of the club. "Hey Clarke!" She called out.

Clarke turned to her and smiled a wide dopy smile. "Come dance with me." Clarke reached her hand out for Lexa to take and she took it gladly.

The two girls started dancing, at first it was casual but soon Lexa let their bodies move together if felt amazing to dance with Clarke even if she was a bit drunk.

Suddenly Clarke pulled her into a tight hug which she gladly reciprocated. "What's that for?" Lexa laughed. "Well everyone else got to hug before but we didn't get a chance. Thought I'd do it now." The blonde girl said with a smirking. Lexa laughed and pulled her into another hug.

The pair went back to dancing. Slowly their bodies started to move as one and Lexa could feel almost every part of her body on Clarke's. Lexa could feel Clarke's breath on her neck and she started to panic, she wasn't ready for this.

Lexa detached her self from Clarke and hurried out of the club leaving Clarke externally confused.

A/N: Yo so I'm back from the dead and I swear I'll upload way more often now

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