techno's orphanage

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This would've been out months ago now. I apologise. I got admitted to a mental hospital, then I got out and I was ready to work, something came up and I got discouraged from writing for a while. (Plus my ADHD brain decided to mess with me) Then I went on a downwards spiral (hooray depression) and completely forgot about this.

I'm alright, don't worry. :)

Even though I'm still in the depression hole I'm able to do basic leisure now so I can get back to writing! Writer's block is still a dick and my music/art are bigger priorities but I really hope to do more.

If anyone remembers the original fic, you're cool. If you don't, don't worry, it was terrible.

I dunno how real orphanages work this is just me tryna make do with what little i know sry lolol

also wilbur is very ooc here Hahahah sorry

- a8


Techno let out a sigh, trudging into the room that the scream came from.

"What happened this time." It was less of a question than a statement.

"I didn't do anything! This muffin is a liar!" One of the boys in the room, Bad, defended himself, arms raised.

"He hit me, and called me names! He just did it again!" The other boy in the room, Skeppy, cried.

"Muffin is not a bad name! And I did not hit you!"

"Did too!"

The two boys bickered as Techno watched quietly.

Finally, Skeppy turned to the man standing at the door. "Are you not going to do anything? You're just going to stand there?"

Techno nodded, eliciting a disappointed grunt from Skeppy.

This was Techno's orphanage. Yes, he owned an orphanage. He was the last person that should be running an orphanage, but making kids' lives hell for a profession was more fun than he could have ever expected, so he did it anyway.

He had help, people who supervised him to make sure he didn't go overboard and kill a poor orphan or something, of course. But for the most part, it was his orphanage.

Which means if no helpers were around, he could-

"Tech- What's going on in here?" Techno had to stifle a groan at the new person who just showed up.

Wilbur. An employee. A goody-two-shoes, to put it simply. He didn't find messing with orphans funny nor entertaining. Wilbur was boring.

"Bad is bullying me, and Techno's not doing anything about it!" Skeppy cried, Bad glared at him.

"I did not do anything! He's lying!" Bad's voice was filled with desperation as he gestured frantically to prove his innocence.

"This is the third time this week, what do you expect me to do?" Techno reasoned when Wilbur glanced in his direction.

"Well- anyway. There's a new arrival, I came to fetch you." Wilbur gave up on the situation at hand—the boys were near impossible to deal with—and moved towards the doorway again.

Techno sighed. When Wilbur was out of hearing range, he turned to the squabbling boys.

"Skeppy, slap him." He said before leaving the room, hearing a loud "WHAT?" from Bad as he made his way towards Wilbur.

"So, how old?"

"Four, be gentle with him. He just lost his dad and he's upset."

"So it's a small nerd, huh."

Wilbur was not amused. But he didn't say anything, and they made their way down the halls to their destination.

There stood a small brown haired boy nervously hugging a bee plush. He looked like he had just stopped crying.

The boy was shaking as he turned to the men at the door.

"This is Tubbo." Wilbur said to Techno, before turning to the kid, changing to a gentler tone, "Tubbo, this is Techno. He owns this place."

"H-hi." Tubbo mumbled, struggling to make eye contact with Techno.

Techno raised an arm in greeting.  "Hey, kid."

"Techno's going to show you where you'll be staying." Wilbur smiled down at the timid boy, keeping the even, gentle tone.

Tubbo nodded, shuffling his feet. Techno gestured for him to follow; and he obeyed.

They made it to his room in almost no time, though Techno did have to slow sometimes as Tubbo's little legs could only take him so fast.

He showed Tubbo the room briefly, before turning away to go attend to other things.

"Will, anything else for me to do?" He said when he entered the staff lounge. His tone was nonchalant, he just wanted to get the hard stuff over with so he could go back to terrorising little ones.

Wilbur sighed. "How did they let you be in charge?" Techno simply shrugged, a quick smirk gracing his features.

"It's almost lunch time for the kids, I should go." Wilbur said, standing up and heading towards the door. Before he went, he turned back to Techno. "You should too."

It was dinner time, and Techno stood in the corner of the dayroom. He watched as kids chatted. His gaze drifted to Tubbo, who had seemed to have found a friend.

Tommy, the energetic blond haired boy with a surprisingly wide swear word vocabulary. Techno was surprised.

Tommy and Tubbo crossed his path once again that night, Tommy pausing his steps.

"Holy fuck, Tubbo, it's the Blade." He said, looking up at the tall man.

Techno raised an eyebrow.

"...fuck?" Tubbo asked quietly. Tommy replied in echo.

"The Blade! Techno Blade!"

Were the kids giving him nicknames now? He didn't think he warranted such a prestigious title as "Blade", but how could he know?

Tubbo stared up at him too, curiously. The bee plush was still snug in his arms. It looked battered and well-loved.

"That's me." He said gruffly, deciding to humour the children. "'The Blade' has sh-stuff to do, so he'd very much appreciate if you two hurried back to your rooms."

Tommy nodded, a glint in his eye. "Come on Tubbo! You heard the man!" He called as he ran off. Tubbo followed.

Techno smiled. Being around kids was quite enjoyable sometimes. They were energy filled and wholesome.

He continued down the hallway to get the rest of his work done for the day.

Hope you liked it lol took me too long

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