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Nessa POV. I woke up to see josh Richards beside me OMG I SLEPT WITH JOSH RICHARDS OMG WAIT I checked my phone to see a text from mads

M. Nessa hello

N hey mads

M. Where are you nessa

N. Umm at my moms

M. No ur not she told me you was at mine tell me the truth ness

N. Fine I'm at josh😑


N. Yes ikr I think I like him

M I knew it every since you met him😊

N. Gtg he waking up

M. Ok byee

N. Bye

Nessa POV. I shut off my phone and still had questions in my head do I like josh Richards I saw josh waking up before I can pretend I saw josh looked at me I got up and went downstairs

Josh POV. I woke up to see ness I was going to say goodmoring but she just got up and went downstairs I got up and ran downstairs

Josh. You ok

Nessa: Josh ur my bullied the next thing  we sleep together you kiss me josh you suppose to be calling me names josh act like this never happens so we can go back to our normal ways please I don't want to get played again

J. Bu-

Nessa. No buts josh I put on my shoes and left I kinda feel bad for leaving josh like that but he my bullied and the school player I'm not getting my heartbroken because of him I suppose to hate josh but why do I love him.

Josh POV. Nessa left but why she said she want the things to be normal again I have feelings for her I'm not the school player anymore I love nessa did I just said I loved nessa I need to find her I quickly put on my shoes grab my keys ran inside crank my car up and drove off the find nessa after a few min I saw her I zoomed I stop and ran up to her

Nessa. Josh I told you I wanna keep things nor-

Josh. Ness I don't I don't want to keep things normal I'm not the school player anymore I have feelings for you ness I need you in my arms again ness please give me a chance

Nessa: I drop a tear a lil ofc josh I will loved to give you a chance I hugged him I quess  I am in love with josh Richards wow josh Richards I still can't believe I found my soulmate wait is that chase....

Unknown. Chase is nessa ex he cheated on her with charli

Ness: Josh I see my ex

Josh: The one who cheated on you

Nessa: Mhmhmh

Hey guys what will happen next comment of what idea should I do bye guys I love you- kaylee💖

I hate that I'm falling for you -jessa💖🥺Where stories live. Discover now