DAY ONE: Jealousy / "How does that feel?"

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Day 1 of the #WhouffleWeek2020, WOOHOOO!!! Here I go with the first prompt for the week:
Jealousy / "How does that feel?"
Set sometime around season 9, post- The Girl Who Died (just for a reference to a line in the deleted scenes).
I dedicate this to my friends at the Clara's Diner, with whom we've had amazing conversations and meta discussions, and we share the Whouffle love. Without you this wouldn't have been possible!

"Okay, that's enough," the Doctor said decidedly, his boots stomping over the floor, the force of his step echoing through the TARDIS console room.

He heard the TARDIS door being closed with a bit more force than usual, almost with a thud, and he frowned. He walked to the console and pressed the buttons, almost without realizing that he was applying too much force, the TARDIS hummed in complaint. He gently stroked her apologetically.

When he'd pulled down the brake lever and the TARDIS started to whoosh he turned around and faced Clara, who had walked the ramp towards the console room and was standing there, looking at him.

"You'll tell me what's going on right now" the Doctor ordered, his voice authoritarian.

"Whatever do you mean?" Clara feigned innocence, and she would've fooled anyone. But not the Doctor, not anymore. He'd had his troubles in reading her expressions before, but writing them down, categorizing them and translating them had worked wonders, and now he felt confident when looking at her face. Now he could tell she was angry. The furrowed brow, lips pressed into a thin line, and arms crossed in front of her chest told him as much.

"Don't play games with me, Clara" he warned her "you've been in a mood ever since we came back from Annora, but you always tell me what I've done to make you angry. You're not telling me this time, so I'll ask you again. What is it?

She didn't answer and walked past him, storming off from the console room and into the insides of the TARDIS. The Doctor sighed and ran a hand through his hair, sticking it up in all directions, until he could hear her mutter. Just go back to that stupid Kochin girl...

His eyes opened wide as he steadied himself against the console of the time machine, looking at Clara with a raised eyebrow as she walked away. He was sure she thought he hadn't heard, but the voice had travelled to his ears and now it was impossible to un-hear them.

"Clara, wait," he said before she could disappear into the corridor. She stopped and turned around to face him, still a few paces away. He tried to look at her eyes, find a clue that told him he was wrong but found none.

"Are you... jealous?"

"Jealous? Me" Clara scoffed "please..."

"You are, aren't you?" the Doctor narrowed his eyes and looked at her, really looked.

Crossed arms, pulsing temple vein, defensive stance. He smirked and crossed his arms too, mirroring her stance but with amusement in his eyes and a teasing smile "well, well, well, that's something I never thought I'd see, Miss Oswald"

"Shut up. You shut up!" she shouted angrily and tried to turn around again.

"Okay wait, wait. Tell me why you're angry with me, come on. You always tell me things. What did I do?" he stopped teasing and waited. He still was looking at her with a lopsided smile, but he didn't like it when Clara was mad at him "what do you have against Helen?"

"Oh, so you're on a first-name basis with her, are we now?" she said scornfully, and he winced at her tone "she's completely taken with you, don't you see that? Are you really so blind?"

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