DAY SEVEN: Dancing / Flowers

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And here we go, the last of the seven days of the Whouffle Week 2020!
It's been so much fun writing for the daily prompts, and even greater to see all the new content produced for our little Whouffle/Whouffaldi corner.
So, for this one the prompts are:
When you read this, go to this link and imagine the Doctor in the TARDIS with his guitar, playing this song exactly as it is played here:


The TARDIS was humming pleasantly, its warm yellowish and blue lights giving off a sense of warmth and calm. The time machine was suspended in the vortex; after their latest adventure together Clara had declared she was going to take a long bath to get rid of the green goo covering her clothes. The Doctor had left her to it, wandering about in the console room in the meantime.

The Doctor smiled to himself, thinking back to their day. He had been worried about Clara at one point when the natives of the planet they'd visited had thought she was some sort of exotic food, but she got them out of trouble in the last minute. That was becoming a regular occurrence, it was his job to get them out of their scrapes but lately, Clara was behaving more and more like him, having brilliant ideas just as easily and as regularly as he did.

He was often stunned by her strength, anger and bravery. He'd seen her at her worst, the memories of the first day together still stung in his heart, how she simply didn't recognize him even though he was right in front of him. Please, just see me he'd implored her.

Now she did, even more than himself sometimes. It was her who brought him back from the depths of his own anger and hatred, who always wanted him to be the best version of himself. She'd been and still was his greatest mystery to solve, but right now when they were both safe and sound in the TARDIS, the Doctor felt more attuned to Clara than anyone and anything else.

His legs took him from the console to the bottom of the stairs, where his guitar and amplifier were resting. His fingers itched to play and take his mind off things, this had been a close call, there were too many recently. Perhaps he ought to take Clara to a peaceful, uninhabited planet next. Rassilon knew they didn't need any inhabitants to get themselves into trouble, but he thought they deserved a day of not running for their lives, just to relax.

He took the guitar in his hands, putting the strap around his shoulder and taking the amplifier with one hand. He normally walked around the console with the guitar strapped on him as he played, but not today. He wanted to sit down, his eyes watching the everchanging lights of the TARDIS as he played. His eyes focused on the door of the corridor where he'd seen Clara disappear in search of the bathroom - if the TARDIS hadn't moved it like last time -.

Slowly, as if someone else was taking control of his mind, his fingers started to play a song. He knew the notes and lyrics by heart now. As he played his mind took him to the first time he'd heard the song.

It was the last time he thought he would see Clara. That fateful afternoon they'd met in a café, the afternoon he'd lied and told her he'd found Gallifrey so that she would stay with Danny, unbeknownst to him that he was dead and Clara was alone. They'd been so stupidly blind, both of them lying to give each other a chance of happiness, not realizing that they were bound to each other. Their stories linked, their timestreams intertwined, their destinies joined.

The Doctor remembered the feeling of Clara in his arms. She'd asked for a hug and he'd given it to her, still uncomfortable at such a display of affection and yet, his body had betrayed him. Tears had welled up in his eyes, tears he'd refused to let spill. And then, the song came to his ears.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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