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(Y/N)'s POV
I walked through the hallways of my school with Amber, my best friend for almost 2 years, "Hey (Y/N), you seem distracted" she said in a concerned tone "Is anything wrong?" I snap back into reality and looked at the brown haired girl apologetically "Oh sorry, I was just thinking about random things". We continued walking through the school checking classrooms if there's any students staying behind.

I'm part of the Adventurer's Guild together with Amber, a club where students or school faculty can request for help in small things like students staying behind class to do whatever, lost items, etc.

We're an important club but not as important as the Knights, they're the ones that deal with the larger problems like delinquents, students discovered with weapons, etc. A certain person there is my goal. Kaeya. We've been classmates since the 6th grade but we have never interacted at all! It's beginning to get frustrating so I've decided that I'll become his friend before the end of high school!

As we entered the last classroom to check for students and items we see someone that I wasn't expecting to see beyond school hours

"Kaeya? What are you doing here after school?" Amber asked "Oh no, I've been caught by the Adventurer's Guild!" he fake yelled and threw his hands up in the air "Hey, the Guild isn't to be taken as a joke!" Amber pouted "I'm just kidding, I just accidentally left my history notebook here I came back to get it" he chuckled "Well at least your excuse sounds more convincing than others, I won't write you but only this once"

"But (Y/N), weren't we supposed to write up every student that we find here after school hours?"

"Amber, forgetting your notebook and being in the classroom itself sounds more convincing than that one student who said that they left their backpack in the locker room and came to get it despite going the complete opposite way of the locker room"

"Well fine, but just this once okay!" she scolded Kaeya

"Thanks for the mercy! I owe you one, (Y/N)!" he laughed and left the room

"Um you okay?" Amber said waving her hand across my face

"Finally! Some improvement!" I smiled 

Amber stood there not really understanding why I'm happy but she congratulates me either way.

(The next day)

"Hey (Y/N)!" Kaeya yelled "Yes?"

"Since you showed me some mercy and didn't write me up yesterday, it's only fair that I give you something in return" he said with his usual smile

"Thanks but what can we do?"

"Hm, how about I buy you lunch later in the cafeteria?"

I smiled 'Hopefully this is actual progress in furthering our friendship' I thought
"Sure! I'll see you later"

We said our goodbyes and walked the opposite ways towards our classes.


For anyone confused on the whole "same class since 5th grade but walked the opposite ways towards our classes" things, I meant that you were in the same homeroom kind of class. Like you ofc have like a different science classes but in your last subject (homeroom in this book and in my irl school) you two have been in the same like batch.

Sorry if that didn't really clear up anything ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥)

Kaeya x Reader (High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now