7 (Final)

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(Y/N)'s POV
It's graduation day today, I'm actually pretty nervous to leave since I've been here for so many years already.

"(Y/N)! Over here!" Amber called, she and Kaeya were sat in the chairs towards the side of the auditorium with a single empty chair in the middle, I sat down on that chair and waited for the program to start.

"Before this year's valedictorians have their speech, now graduated Ningguang has something to say for this year's Seniors" the principal spoke into the mic.

We all watched the oh-so-elegant Ningguang walk towards the podium on the stage "Thank you Principal Jean, though I have already graduated I would just like to say to the now graduating seniors to study hard for your entrance exams but we all have to remember to relax once in a while to not overwork ourselves" though she spoke such a simple speech it all managed to amaze us at how wise she made it sound.

After Barbara, Fischl, and surprisingly Xinyan's speeches as valedictorians we all threw our hats up in celebration of graduating and basically hung out at the fair outside the campus.

"How about let's have that sleepover we couldn't have tonight?" Amber asked excitedly, me and Kaeya were free so we all made it a plan to meet at my house to have our sleepover

"Wouldn't Diluc worry that you won't come home? Why not tell him first?" I ask Kaeya "He already expects me to go to some sort of party to celebrate, actually he doesn't know about us yet" I was surprised since weren't Diluc and Kaeya supposed to be brothers?

"Why won't you tell him?"

"He won't care in the slightest so I see no point in telling him. Say, do your relatives know about us?"

I suddenly realized that I haven't told my relatives about me having a boyfriend "N-Not yet but maybe tonight?" Kaeya chuckled at my nervousness

"Hey! What's so funny? I'm nervous here!" I pouted "You're cute when you're all shaken up like that"

Kaeya's basically the master at getting me flustered and this was proof of it, I was basically red,

"Hey, how about we call your parents right now to tell them about us?" I thought for a moment "Well I guess it's better than keeping it a secret forever" I pulled out my phone and dialed my mom's number

"Hey mom..."
"What's wrong? Is everything alright?"
"Yeah it's just I have something to tell you"
"What is it?"

I prepared myself and Kaeya cheered me on silently

"I have a boyfriend..."

It was silence for a moment

"That's amazing! Let me meet him when we get back!"
"But do you think dad will approve though?"
"We'll just have to wait and see, but who is it? Who's that special someone?"
"You don't know him most likely but his name is Kaeya Alberich"
"Alberich...wait, that's the last name of my co-worker!"

She quickly asks that co-worker if they had a kid

"My bad, they just have the same last name, can you let me speak to him?"
"Of course"

I handed the phone to Kaeya, he looked really nervous at first but finally spoke into the phone

"Hello ma'am?"
"You're Kaeya?"
"Listen, I already approve of both of you, just take good care of (Y/N) okay?"
"Of course! I'll take care of her until the day I die!"

I almost burst out laughing because of his little comment

"Wow! Now I have to go back to work, can you pass the phone back to (Y/N)?"

Kaeya gave me back my phone with relief basically painted on his face

"Alright, bye honey I have to go back to work, love you!"
"Bye, love you mom"

I hung up

"What was with that side comment you made?" I laughed "It's the truth though, I'll really take care of you until I die"

I got a large blush on my face but I cover it with my hand "S-Shut up...don't say that in public..." Kaeya laughed at my nervousness again "C'mon let's go, we should ready for our little sleepover".

While me and Kaeya were readying the snacks and drinks my phone started ringing

"Amber? What happened?"
"I got caught up in my family's own celebration of my graduation, I can't leave!"
"So it'll just be me and Kaeya?"
"Yes, but! At least you'll get to spend time with your boyfriend~"
"Shut it..."
"Anyways! Have a lovely time lovebirds!"

She hung up

"What's wrong?"

"Amber won't be attending"

"Then I guess I'll be able to spend time with my lovely girlfriend" he smiled

"Your smile is cute, there I said it!" I yelled "Well I'm glad you think that, because I think yours is too"

"I was trying to compliment you, it's not fair to compliment me back..."

Everything started to spin and getting blurry "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" I started stumbling and caught the nearest object to keep me from falling.

"Hey, you've got a fever"

Kaeya picked me up and brought me to my bedroom, he quickly but carefully laid me on my bed

"Should I call Amber about this?"

I shook my head "I don't want her to worry about me at her party" Kaeya smiled "You're really too nice, (Y/N)"

"Everyone always say that about me, is it that bad?"

He pushed away some of the hair on my face and kissed my cheek "No it's not, but there's some people that don't deserve to be treated kindly, now get some rest I'll just be making food downstairs" Kaeya stood up and left the room.

After a few minutes of staring at the ceiling I started feeling sleepy and eventually fell asleep. After a few hours I woke up but didn't want to open my eyes, I heard someone open the door

"Oh she's asleep" Kaeya sat down beside my bed and started playing with my hair "I know you can't hear this, (Y/N), but when I said I'd take care of you until I die, I meant it. I just really...love you..." he said followed by the sounds of soft snoring, he fell asleep

I opened my eyes and inspected his sleeping face, he looks really peaceful "I know, I really love you too" I said as I fell back asleep.


I don't know if this is a good ending ;-; but if you think it is thank you so much----- I'm honestly terrible at ending stories and it's dumb, anyways thanks for sticking till the end of this random fanfic I made and now I gotta sleep too, good night! <3

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