Early Christmas Special!

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(Y/N)'s POV
I packed my bags since classes were over for the day, as I was about to head out Amber called my attention

"(Y/N)! Are you gonna attend the Christmas party?" she asked excitedly

"What Christmas party?"

"You didn't know? The senior Ningguang is holding a party!"

Now, I haven't been in a Christmas party with friends in a long time since I usually spend it with family but I guess I'll give it a shot

"Sure, when is it?"

"Next Saturday!"

Amber seems really excited over this which gives me all the more reason to attend

"Alright I'll come with you to the party" I smiled

"Yay! I can help you pick an outfit if you'd like?"

I shook my head since I had enough Christmas themed outfits from relatives.

(At home)
I put down my bag and collapsed onto my bed

'I wonder if Kaeya's going to attend the party, even if he will I won't get a chance to talk to him since he'll be swarmed by people'

I sighed and fell asleep

(Time Skip to day before party)

I finally arrived at home after a long day of classes

Tomorrow is the Christmas party of Ningguang and I'm actually pretty nervous

"I should pick a dress already" I stood up and looked inside my closet

I alternated between a black and red striped dress or the signature green and red dress with some frills at the end

After spending 2 minutes trying to decide I sighed and texted Amber to help me pick

'I think the red and black one is super pretty on you! =(^.^)='

I took her advice and ironed the dress so it can be ready tomorrow

"I hope I don't embarrass myself" I nervously hung the dress on my doorknob and went to sleep

(Next Day)
My alarm rang and I immediately got up to make breakfast and take a bath, today is the Christmas party and I am extremely nervous

"Don't look like a fool later, (Y/N)" I looked at my reflection in the mirror and began to style my hair and do my makeup

(10 mins later)
'(Y/N)!!!! (;゚Д)' Amber texted

'I'm gonna be a little late! I have to run some errands real quick! I have to go around the supermarket in flats and a dress T^T'

My stomach sunk, what will people think when they see a random (h/c) girl wearing a dress walks in the house?!

As I was debating whether or not I should go ahead or wait for Amber my phone buzzed

'Yo, (Y/N)!' Kaeya messaged

"Hm? What could he want?"

'Are you attending Ningguang's little party?'

'I honestly don't know since Amber will be running late and I'm nervous to go ahead'

'Why so nervous? I can help you meet people if you'd like?'

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