Chapter 3

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---------- Chapter 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Revenge is a dish best served cold. But I don’t have the patience to wait for it to get cold. Nope, I’m going to get my revenge immediately!


Is it completely high-school-drama-queen of me to want to embarrass Haden as much as he embarrassed me? Though, truth be told, I really can’t think of anything to really, really embarrass him. Haden’s one of those guys who has no hang ups about laughing at himself! Damn him to the fire-y pits of hell!

I still can’t believe he stuck the word ‘Caution’ on my ass! Is he mental?! It was the bloody first day of school! Now I am forever damned and shall be called ‘caution ass’ for the rest of my high schooling days! Seriously, don’t guys get how important it is to maintain a reputation?! Haden is just so oblivious!!

You know what? That’s it, Haden is soooooo getting it from me! And since I can’t think of anything truly horrible, I’ll just...I’ll do something to get even!



               “Guys, less talking, more helping!” I snap irritably.

               “As much as I would love to punk Haden, don’t you think you may be over reacting? Just a wee bit?” Matt asks logically. You see, Matt’s always been the calm, logical one. I, on the other hand, am nothing if not brash!       

               “Overreacting? Excuse me! I had to endure an entire day being known as Caution Ass! Do you know what a name like that could do to a girls reputation? Apart from people thinking...well I have loose bowels, people might think I have an STD or worse...they may think I’m a slut!” I shriek at the top of my voice. Heh, yeah, so maybe I’m a teeny, tiny drama queen?

Matt and Alex share a look. Yeah, it’s one of those looks they always give each other. It basically means, ‘Jessy is PMS-ing, cut her some slack,’ sheesh! Guys! Can’t live with them, not allowed to live without them!

               “Love, Haden was playing around. He didn’t mean to embarrass you so much. Just shrug it off!” Alex advises from his corner, looking bored.

               “If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem!” I mutter under my breath.

Haden’s in town, picking up some groceries and things we need for the mansion. Why he doesn’t just send one of the servants out is beyond me though! He’s probably trolling the town for hot chicks or something.

If he isn’t out, he’s probably downstairs in his study, entertaining some guests. No matter which town we go to, it’s the same thing. Important, snooty looking people in expensive suits carrying even more expensive gifts will come round to the house and demand an audience with Haden.

Hello? I’ve watched the Godfather! Haden just has to be the Mafia Lord! I mean, how else could a 19 year old have all this money?!

Less worrying about how he has the money, and more focusing on revenge! Damn that little voice in my head! Why must she always be so right?

Without the help of my not-so faithful accomplices/house mates, this may take a little longer than I expected. I pull my long black hair into a quick ponytail and yank on Haden’s massive king-sized mattress.

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