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A young, curious boy dashes ahead of his parents through the wilderness. His wild brown hair, which never seemed to stay in place, tosses into his light green eyes as he gapes in joyous wonder of the masses of leaves sweeping around in front of him. He squeals in his ignorant happiness, diving in head first. A smile slaps onto his face as leaves fly all around him.

The brilliant yellow leaves mixing with red lazily glide through the air onto the quickly browning grass encompassing him. He smiles with delight when the other village children join him in the piles of foliage. They scamper around with their parents watching on gleefully. It seemed like only minutes had pasted, but yet it had turned into hours. Many of his young friends had already gone home to sleep.

He sits down to catch his breath and lets the cooling air whisper past his ears. He could faintly here the murmurings of his parents behind him. He catches sight of a girl, beautiful in the sight of his youth. At that moment he wished to be friends with her, to know what color she likes, or what games she loves to play. He wished to find out what makes her laugh, what things that make her smile without shame. The wily boy stands abruptly and begins to follow the girl.

She, with her long auburn hair, dances across the ground and over branches. He finally catches up to her at the small pond in the center of the forest. The tall standing maples tower over the two standing by the not yet frozen over pond. Step by step, he inches his way over to her until he finally finds himself right beside her. She doesn’t flinch in the slightest, as if he is not there. “What’s your name?” he asks her.

She jumps a little, backing away. He notices her jewel like golden eyes and cute little yellow dress. She gawks at him, pointing with her tiny fingers. “You can see me?” she squeaks like a mouse.

He nods, “Of course I can why wouldn’t I?”

She shakes her head, clearly startled. “Um, I’m Fall, or Autumn, but Fall’s fine,” she says sweetly.

He smiles and she begins to smile as well. “Like the season?”

She nods. “What’s your name?”


They both here his parents calling for him, “You should go,”

He begins to turn, but then he speaks, “Will I see you again?”

She blinks, “I believe so,”


I know I don't usually do romances or anything like that, but I wan't to try something new. This isn't going to be a romance that will make you cry your eyes out, it will have some excitement, so enjoy! And Happy Holidays! I plan to update to a schedule, maybe every week or so, but we will see how it goes


~Falling For Fall~ (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now