Chapter 2 - First day

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Yaaaay, chapter 2 ! Please, please, pleaaaaase, don't hesitate to tell me if I make english mistakes or if my sentences sound a bit... stiff, I guess.

Translating this story from french to english is wayyy harder than I thought it'd be, and I hope it's not that bad.

I'd love to read your comments, too !

With love,



Astrid had never been good at waking up on time. Everyday, she'd hit snooze on her alarm clock and go back to dozing off. That is why she always had three or four alarms, because otherwise she'd always be late.

And she definitely didn't want to be late today, of all days. So for once, as soon as she heard the alarm, she jumped on her feet, ready for a new day.

Well, that was until she tripped on her backpack and fell on the floor like the idiot she was.

– Ouch...

A bruise was already starting to appear on her left knee, and she stared at it in disbelief. Well, she was used to being bruised. She shook her head from left to right, trying to completely wake up, and yawned. Well well well.

It was ten o'clock in the morning and she was already fucking tired. She was supposed to meet with the student's coordinator at eleven thirty in the morning, so she still had plenty of time to get ready. The high school was only five minutes away from her house, but she had the worst sense of orientation in her whole family, and she knew – she just knew – she'd be capable of getting lost and taking two hours to get there.

That is why she decided to get dressed quickly, and she left her apartment at ten thirty.

Well, she indeed arrived at school only five minutes later, surprisingly.

At least she won't be late, this time.

The girl yawned again. Oh my god, she should – and could – have slept more. She looked aroung. A lot of students were already there, since the high school had been open for a week. The classes started tomorrow, but things were differents in the States : students actually wanted to go back to class, not like in France.

What a weird country.

She wandered around, and saw a bunch of students, each with a tennis rackets in their hand. She instantly regretted not taking her own today, thinking that it wouldn't be useful to take it with her. Maybe she could go check out the infrastructure, later ? She knew that the tennis team of Nightingale High School was well-known. They went to the National Championship last year, even though they did not manage to go to the finals – or even the semifinals for that matter – and Astrid's first goal was to get a spot as a regular.

That was the first condition her parents gave her, and she needed to fulfill it or she'd be back in Paris at the end of the first semester.

On a whim, she decided to follow the tennis players that she saw earlier, in order to visit the grounds a little bit. She could not stop an appreciative whistle from exiting her lips upon arriving near the sports facilities. There was a gigantic gymnasium, and no less than ten tennis courts.

Astrid wasn't that surprised to see that : after all, the fees to enter this private school were fucking high, so they'd better have a nice sport department !

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