Chapter 19 part 1

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*Later that night*

Diggy POV

I was devastated. Heartbroken. And beyond pissed!! I didn't know what to do that punk's face kept popping in my mind. The way he looked at Kayla pissed me off I had to do something. I got to my hotel room and ordered food. After I finished eating I called Bahja and y'all already know why. I want that cake!!

Phone Convo:

???: Hello?

Diggy: Princeton?

Princeton: Aye what up my nigga!

Diggy: Nothing I thought I called Bahja's phone.

Princeton: You did. She in the shower. May I ask why you called her phone?

Diggy: Uhh ummm, You know to see if y'all are coming to my party tomorrow.

Princeton: Yea you already know me and the boys will be there. Hell it's gonna be popping!

Diggy: Yea well I will see y'all tomorrow.

Princeton: Aight bye.

*they hang up*

Diggy POV cont.

Well Bahja is off the list. If I want some ass I'm gonna have to get from someone who knows what's up. I'm gonna call Jessica.

*okay so Diggy calls the wrong number*

???: Why are you calling me?!?

Diggy: I'm horny come to my hotel!!

???: Diggy do you know who this is? You might be making a mistake.

Diggy: Yup and...

???: I will be right over. I thought you would never ask.

??? POV

I couldn't wait to get to Diggy's hotel. I know I'm betraying Kayla but I have had the biggest crush on Diggy since I met him. And Kayla might not be able to please him but I can!!


*Diggy hears a knock and goes to open the door*

Diggy: Tf are you doing here Cheyenne?

Cheyenne: You called. I'm here to please you! *presses her lips against Diggy. He kisses back and that night you all know what happens next*


*The next morning*

Kayla POV

It's nine o'clock in the morning. I called Cheyenne but she didn't answer. We were supposed to get ready together but whatever. She probably had a long night with Justin. If you know what I mean.

*her phone rings*

Kayla: Hello?

Justin: Have you seen Cheyenne she left late last night.

Kayla: No and she isn't answering her phone.

Justin: I hope she is okay!

Kayla: I'm sure she is fine.

*they talk for a while and Justin says that him and Cheyenne's relationship is on the rocks. They hang up*

*At Diggy's hotel*

Diggy: Cheyenne you gotta go!

Cheyenne: Why so fast. Last night was amazing wasn't it.

Diggy: Last night was a mistake. I'm still in love with Kayla.

Cheyenne: Why?!? She I with Langston. Baby she doesn't want you!!

Diggy: Wait and you're with Justin still. Oh hell! What did I do!!!

Cheyenne: Hahaha*moves towards Diggy* you're cute and funny. I'm glad I got you away from Kayla!

Diggy: What?

Cheyenne: You see I have wanted you from the beginning. The only way I could tear y'all apart was to build trust and yank it away. Kayla doesn't deserve you! But I do!

Diggy: You jealous bitch!

Cheyenne: Watch your mouth!

Diggy: *Pushes her away from him* Get out!

Cheyenne: Fine I'll leave but this isn't the last you will hear about this. Dint worry I wont tell Kayla... Until tonight. See you at your party!*she leaves*

Diggy: Oh Shit!!!


This chapter is weird lol!

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