Chapter 31

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Yasmine: Well let's get moving!!!!

Diggy: Yea I'll drive.

Kayla: No I wanna drive

Langston: Hell no!

Kayla: Y'all never let me drive it isn't fair.

Diggy: Kayla baby I don't know if you have noticed but you have road rage and you drive really really fast.

Kayla: No I don't I passed driving school didn't I.

Diggy: Well ofcourse you did. All pretty girls pass driving school.

Kayla: Whatever *pouts* I call shotgun.

*they drive to Olive Garden eat and then the girls go to the salon*

Kayla: *sitting in the chair* Hell to the NAW. I am not gonna die my hair blue. Do you want me to look like a fucking cock-a-too!

Yasmine: All black bird with a blue head. (no offense Star and Ray :P)

Tiffany: *laughs shyly*

Yasmine: Tiffany?

Tiffany: Hmm?

Kayla: Gurl you ain't gotta be shy we cool.

Tiffany: I'm sorry I'm just not used to having...friends.

Yasmine: Whatchu mean?

Tiffany: *looks at the floor* I was bullied people thought I was weird and ugly.

Kayla: *confused*

Tiffany: Girl I was not always like this I had headgear with braces glasses and frizzy hair.

Yasmine: Well I'll be damned.

Kayla: Well I'm not a bully and neither is Yasmine. She is just blunt. And a little crazy.

Tiffany: *laughs* Well I think red would go good on you.

Kayla: Red?

Tiffany: Yup!

Yasmine: I like it and since I'm paying for it I get to choose the style. *snaps fingers* Julio! (the gay stylist) Give her red and make it hot!!

Julio: Got it chica.

*he does the wash dye dry all that. Tiffany just got her hair straightened and Yasmine got hers curled. And then Kayla got her nails did. Then 2 hours later they finished*

Julio: *he is gay so say it like a gay guy* Okay chica you look on fiya! You're gonna make somebody really horny tonight! *turns Kayla to face the mirror*

Tiffany: Wow Kayla!

Yasmine: If I had a dick I would have a boner.

*lol everyone stops and looks at her like tf?*

Yasmine: What? *kanye shrug*

Kayla: *covers eyes* I'm scared I don't wanna look!

Tiffany: Trust me I made a good decision.

Yasmine: Bitch we ain't got time for this! *takes her hands off her eyes* You look BEAUTIFUL!

Kayla: *gasps* Well if I do say so myself... Dayumm!

Yasmine: I know right! Now Julio how much for all three!

Julio: Normally $350 but for you and your gorgeous friends hmmm $150 but that only if you tell people where you get your hair did.

Yasmine: *pays him* Ofcourse Julio. *kisses both cheeks* Bye now!

Julio: Oh and tell your brother he can hit me up any time.

I'm Digging You (A Diggy Simmons Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now