Chapter 12: Issues

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Kayla POV

I heard a knock on the door and braised myself because I knew it was Cheyanne. I mean it could be Diggy he has called me about 50 times but I am not answering. I mean he did cheat on me. I opened the door but it wasn't Cheyanne.

??? POV

I couldn't help what I was doing. I just really bad about what happened. So I went to Kayla's house to apologize.

End of POV

Kayla: Jessica what are you doing here?

Jessica: *stumbling over her words* Look can I at least get a hello.

Kayla: How do you know where I live?

Jessica: I have my ways.

Kayla: Whatever what do you even want?

Jessica: I wanted to apologize about what happened.

Kayla: Okay so you have my boyfriend cheat with you and then you apologize.

Jessica: That's it. *stutters* He didn't cheat. He loves you and I couldn't except that so I pushed my self onto him. *GCO*

Cheyanne: Kayla I made it here as fast as I could *notices Jessica* What is going on ere? Am I interrupting something?

Jessica: No I'm just leaving. Look I'm really sorry and my wouldn't change even if I was sober because I'm really drunk but he loves you and I know I can't change that. *Jessica leaves*

Cheyanne: What happened?

Kayla: I made the biggest mistake! I thought Diggy cheated on me but he didn't he was trying to stop her when I walked in! *starts to cry* What the fuck did I just do? I just broke up with my boyfriend! *cries harder* He didn't even lie to me!

Cheyanne: Shhh! It's okay how about I stay over and tomorrow we will meet Diggy for coffee or something. I'll text him!

Kayla: Okay I just need sone sleep. It'll all be better tomorrow right?

Cheyanne: That's right honey! It'll all be better tomorrow. Now go upstairs and get sone sleep. I'll text Diggy.

*they go to sleep and sleep until like noon Cheyanne and Kayla are supposed to meet Diggy at 3:00*

Cheyanne POV

I wake up and Kayla is no where to be found! So I call her.

Phone Convo

C: Where did you go?

K: Happy hour!

C: You're underage!

K: Remember when we got fake ID's in 10th grade?

C: Yea why?

K: Lol I kept mine;))

C: Kayla come home NOW!!

end of phone convo

Still Cheyanne POV

That heffa didn't answer me!! I got dressed in this: and went to go find her before someone else did!

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