chapter two

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Aurora walked around her house, making sure that all the windows and doors were locked. Despite the fact that Harry had already closed the windows before leaving for work, Aurora went back to make sure that everything was closed. Grabbing her purse, and double checking the contents inside- wallet, mini perfume, chapstick, keys (both home and car), mini lotion bottle, and phone. Aurora turned the house alarm on, as she walked out the front door, locking the door behind her. Harry had insisted on having an alarm system and camera around the house, for the safety, despite them living in a safe neighborhood.

Starting in her car, Aurora backed out of the driveway and started driving towards the direction of the mall. The neighborhood that she now lived in was located on a hill, making driving to nearby places for items they need quite a drive, however Aurora didn't mind it. She turned on her music and sang along as she drove her car down to the mall. She figured that she would get everything she needed from there, the curtains, Harry's socks, and a few other items. The nearly thirty minute drive allowed Aurora to process everything that happened in the past three weeks. Now was the first time she was by herself, without Harry accompanying her. She had gotten married, shared her vows, claimed her love with the man she calls the love of her life. She went on a honeymoon to Italy, where it was her first time out of the country and exploring a place different. Her husband bought her a house for the two of them to live in and cherish their new life together. There was an overwhelming feeling, but it was a good overwhelming feeling.

Aurora was a good person, everyone that had met the girl would tell you the same thing- there wasn't a bad bone in her body. She was kind, considerate, and thoughtful. Despite all that, she had never had a proper boyfriend, until she met Harry. For a while, Aurora figured that she would never meet someone like her parents. She would never experience a love so strong and no matter how busy the schedules, they would always come together. Aurora appreciated her parents, her father, a college professor, and her mother, a head strong lawyer.

Driving in the parking lot of the mall, the shopping center was packed with crowds of people, gathering with friends and family. After driving around for another fifteen minutes, Aurora found a decent parking spot. She got out of her car, locking it behind her, Aurora made her way towards the entrance of the mall.

The inside of the mall was packed, just as the parking lot suggested it to be. Aurora weaved her way towards the store she needed to go to, Macy's. Aurora had to get up to the third floor of the store, to look for the curtain for her shared bedroom, then Harry's black socks. She knew husband very well, he only wore black socks, no other color, not even white. Aurora presumed it was because black was a solid color that went well with everything, and Harry tended to stay professional in most situations.

As the woman stood, looking at the options for the curtains, her phone started ringing from inside her purse. Aurora opened the purse and pulled her phone out, seeing Harry's name displayed on the screen.

"Hey," Aurora answered the phone, pressing the device to her ear.

"How is curtain shopping?" Harry asked, a small chuckle following.

"Peachy, I think I like one, I'll send you a picture. There's two, actually, but I think the light green color fits well, but at the same time, I really like the light blue." Aurora explained, her eyes going back and forth between the two curtains.

"Send me a picture, honey." Aurora quickly pulled the phone away from her ear and took a picture of the two curtains, sending the message to Harry.

"Did you get the picture? I just sent them." Aurora kept the phone pressed between her ear and shoulder as she held both curtain packages in her hand. The light green color was really nice, however the light blue would stand out in her room.

"Saw the pictures, love, I think the light blue would be better, don't you think?" Harry spoke, on the other end.

"That's what I was thinking, and I don't want to overthink it and spend an hour sitting here deciding which one is better," Aurora rambled. She heard Harry's laugh through the other end.

"Darling, get whichever one you want, and if you don't like how it looks, I'll go, return it, and get the other one, alright," Harry spoke. Aurora smiled, placing the light green back on the rack, before her eye caught on a dark emerald green curtain. It reminded her of Harry's eyes, which she loved more than anything in the world.

"Harry, forget the other two colors, I think I found the perfect one." Aurora laughed, grabbing the curtain set. "It's an emerald green color. It'll look really nice."

"Honey, I am no expert in home decor, but I know whatever color you pick, it will look perfect in our bedroom. Just anything to keep the pesky neighbors out of seeing our love making." Aurora could feel Harry smirking through the phone as she shook her head, the blood rushing to her cheeks.

"Harry," Aurora scolded through the phone. "I am getting the emerald green color." Aurora said her goodbyes, before leaving the curtain aisle, before she got too stuck on another color. She walked over to where the men's clothing were, grabbing a bundle of black socks, then headed over to the check out aisle. She smiled at the cashier working, and paid using a debit card she carried rather than cash. Harry always told her how carrying around a card wasn't as dependable as carrying cash. If she ever lost cash, she would never have proof of it being her, but a card was accountable.

On the other end, Harry was eating his lunch, when someone knocked on his door, Niall's head popping in. Harry looked up at the brunette, who was holding a salad as he walked inside the door, Liam following behind.

"Mind if we eat here," Liam asked, referring to Harry's office. Harry nodded his head, putting his phone door, his lock screen displaying a picture of him and Aurora, a selfie taken in Italy of the two.

"How is married life going?" Niall, taking a seat on the couch.

"Pretty well, she's an angel." Harry answered, taking another bite from his food.

"I'm surprised you even landed a girl like Aurora." Liam raised his eyebrows at Harry. "You know, figured you'd stay single and fuck different woman, but nope." Both Liam and Niall met Aurora after a year of her dating Harry. "Just wait till she meets Z or-" Harry cut him off quickly,

"She'll never meet them," 

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