chapter three

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Harry arrived home- glad to be home after the day he had. Being gone for nearly three weeks fucked his whole schedule in his workplace, the orders either not going through or being halfway. He was exhausted from it all. Beside Niall and Liam- how stupid could one person get. It never made sense to him, he didn't always have to be there for them to their jobs properly. On top of that on the way home, his mother called. He loved his mother, he truly respected her, but it just wasn't the proper timing. She was eager to know about his new adjustment to the married life and whether or not she'd be getting a grandchild soon. Harry told her that he and Aurora weren't planning on children right away, and wanted time to focus on themselves and their relationship before adding something made with their love.

Arriving home, Harry took a deep breath, the tie already loose. He wanted nothing more than to see her. To see his Aurora. He was too tired for sex, he just wanted to hold her in his arms. Opening the front doors, Harry instantly could smell a vanilla scented candle that was roaming the entire house. He took a moment to collect himself, as he peered into the living room for his wife. She wasn't there. He planted his briefcase on the staircase, and glanced into the kitchen, she wasn't there either. There was a soft humming accompanied by soft singing that led Harry into the room, in the back of the house. Aurora's painting studio. Leaning against the door frame, Harry smiled, his wife's back against him as she focused on the painting in front of her.

She looked like a goddess, her curly hair in a messy bun. She was wearing her old shirts, her legs bare. Maybe, he wasn't that tired for sex. There was a glow in the room, the record player in the corner playing a soft melody. Harry watched as she pulled one leg on to the stool, her knee against her chest, as she hummed along to the song. Harry lightly knocked against the door, alerting Aurora to his presence. She stopped painting and turned around in her stool, her leg coming back down on the floor. Harry stood up straight and walked over to the girl.

"I'm home," He whispered, pressing his lips to her.

"I see that," Aurora whispered back, as she pulled away. "You look tired," She noted, taking in his features. "I could run you a bath,"

Harry nodded his head, pressed his forehead to hers, "Only if you join me," Aurora nodded her head. She stored her paintbrushes away after cleaning them, promising herself she would finish the painting tomorrow.

Making their way upstairs, Harry took a quick minute to store his briefcase in his home office. Aurora walked into the bathroom, turning on the bath, running her hand under the water, so that the water was warm. The bathtub was filled with water, as she opened a cabinet, looking for a bath-bomb to use, ultimately deciding on the lavender bubble one, dropping into the water.

Harry entered the room, his pants and shirt completely gone, leaving him only in his boxers. He walked over to Aurora, grabbing the ends of her shirt and peeling it off, leaving her in a bra and shorts. Disregarding the rest of their clothes, the pair sunk into the bath, sitting on opposite ends.

"Saw the new curtains, looked lovely." Harry stated, his eyes opening and looking at Aurora who was already admiring him.

"Emerald is always a good choice to go with, " Aurora smiled. "I was thinking we could make some pasta and call it a day," She continued, making Harry nod his head as he scooted forwards, wanting to touch Aurora. Sitting between his legs, Harry cupped her face, bringing her face to his, pressing their lips together. There was always a sweetness to Aurora's lips, it was a mixture of vanilla and honey. Her chapstick flavor, but it always made Harry go over the edge. Every kiss was just like the first one.

She looked nervous. Of course, she was nervous, this was the third date between the two of them. The long haired boy from her English Literature class. Aurora smiled as she lowered the menu to take a glance at him. He looked beautiful. His eyes pulled away from the menu as he noticed Aurora looking at him, only making Harry smirk in return.

"I think the chicken alfredo looks pretty nice, don't you think?" Harry spoke, placing the menu behind back on the table. Aurora completely looked at him, her eyebrows raised. "Could order one and share, and perhaps if we share a noodle and meet in the middle, then I suppose it's true love," Harry smiled, his hands turning the rings on his fingers, as he stared deeply into Aurora's brown eyes.

"True love?" Aurora questioned. Harry nodded his head,

"Something my mum used to say, it means we share a life together, and we meet in the middle. One half of another," Harry continued, reaching over and grabbing Aurora's hand. Aurora felt her heart might just jump out of her chest, from pounding so hard. How did she get so lucky? The waitress approached the couple, sitting in the booth together, her eyes jumping on Harry.

"What would you like to order sir?" Her smile grew as she, too, sunk in Harry's appearance.

"Chicken Alfredo and just two waters," Harry spoke, his eyes never leaving Aurora. Perhaps it was true love, but it was too early to call it one. He was the first man to speak so poetic to, he was playing his cards right. Everything she wanted, all wrapped up with a pretty bow right in the middle.

The waitress wrote down the order and walked away, realizing the long haired man wasn't going to give her an ounce of his attention. He hadn't bothered to say please, either. Aurora waited impatiently for the pasta to arrive, afraid of the true love pasta of coming true. She knew Harry Styles was the youngest, most successful bachelor in their college and yet he chose her. The two made small conversations together, talking about their lives with each other.

The warm chicken alfredo pasta was placed in between the two, Aurora looking up and thanking the waitress, who only brushed her off. Grabbing the fork, both Harry and Aurora, started eating. There was that weird feeling in Aurora's stomach as she wondered if they were to share a noodle together.

Midway through eating, Aurora grabbed the fork, spinning it around on the plate, looking outside the window, seeing the fairy lights lighting up the streets, groups of people walking, laughing, talking with each other. It was all poetic. Aurora felt the noodle stop in her mouth, turning her eyes towards Harry who was already looking at her, his fork on the plate. They were sharing a noodle. Smirking, Harry starts eating the noodle, Aurora following in suit. The two met in the middle, stopping for a second. This was happening. Their first kiss together. Aurora looked into Harry's eyes, they finished in the middle. Harry waited a minute, allowing both to swallow their foods, before pressing his lips to hers. They tasted like chicken alfredo, but they didn't mind. It felt magical. Their lips molding to one another,

The two finished their dinner, Harry offering to pay and Aurora offering to pay for ice cream. Harry agreed, knowing she wasn't going to let him pay for everything. Aurora felt like she was cloud nine, running out the restaurant hand- in- hand with Harry. The two enjoyed each other's company, walking together towards the ice cream store two blocks down. This was a busy street, especially on a Friday night. Harry threw his arm around Aurora, the two laughing at some stupid joke together. Walking up towards the ice cream store, Harry stopped Aurora from entering the store, grabbing her arm and turning her around. He cupped her face, bringing her lips to his, as they met for another passionate kiss.

Aurora felt like a princess, as she stood in line with Harry, looking over at the flavors of ice cream. Harry took a chocolate ice cream in a cup, while she took a mint chocolate chip ice cream in a cone. Sitting down in the corner of the store, on the same side of the booth, eating ice cream. It was their true love moment. 

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