Chapter Fourteen: The Joke Shop

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I am awoken by knocking on the entrance of the room.

Me: "Oi. Yeah? Come on up." Mrs Weasley walks up the ladder and into the room.

MW: Did it get cold last night?

Me: Why do you ask?

MW: You have on one of Fred's jumpers.

Me: Oh. Yeah. I forgot to pack my own.

MW: Oh, alright then, dear. Breakfast is ready and after you eat, we're going to the joke shop.

Me: That sounds great, thank you.

MW: "You're welcome. I made toast and bangers." I smile while she goes down the ladder. I roll out of bed and throw on a pair of grey dress pants with a black t-shirt and some black converse. I throw my hair up in a messy but put together bun and walk all the way down to the kitchen. Mrs Weasley greets me with a plate. I sit opposite of the twins who are already at the table.

GW: Morning y/n.

Me: Morning George.

FW: Morning. 

Me: "Fred." I nod my head towards him. Ron is next to George, scarfing down food. He pauses and looks at me.

RW: Why are you talking to Fred weird? You said good morning to George but to Fred, you just said his name.

Mw: "Nothing's going on Ronnie boy. I just wanted to switch up the greetings." George winks at me. "George!" He throws his hands up.

GW: What, woman?

Me: "Oi. You Weasleys are a handful." Ron snickers as he shoves his face with more food. Ginny comes down the stairs with Harry not far behind her. "Well, if it isn't famous Harry Potter."

HP: Hey.

Me: Haven't seen me in months and all you say is 'hey'?

HP: "My bad. Let me try again." He clears his throat. "y/n, it is quite wonderful to be in your presence again after all this time." He takes my hand and kisses it.

Me: "Charmed Mr Potter." I laugh and he walks back over to Ginny.

MW: Ginny, we're all going to the joke shop after breakfast. Do you want to go?

GiW: I would but Harry told me he would teach me to play the guitar without magic.

MW: Alright. We'll be back around noon probably.

GiW: "Okay mum." I lean over to George's ear.

Me: "So...we're going to leave two teenagers who are dating...alone? Unsupervised? For hours?" He nods.

GW: That's exactly what we're doing.

Me: "How smart." He nods again. I roll my eyes and watch as Ginny whispers and giggles into Harry's ear. He turns red. Ginny turns to me and winks. What is with these Weasleys and winking?  I mouth, 'what did you say to him?' She tries to stifle her laughter as Harry is obviously trying to stay calm. I roll my eyes again finishing my breakfast.

FW: Mum, we've all finished. Can we go?

MW: One moment Forge---Oh shoot. I meant Fred. Sorry.

FW: Mum, why do you even try at this point?

MW: Go get ready Fred. Get out of my kitchen.

FW: We're all ready. We've been ready since before breakfast. Honestly, are you ready?

MW: Just about.

GW: So that's a no Fred.

FW: I know.

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