Chapter 2

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Stiles' POV

Last night is still all a blur. One minute I'm about to be gutted by Trevor's goons, and then the next.. I wasn't.

Was it God's doing? Do I have a secret fallen angel? Whatever it was, it must have great taste to want to save someone like me.

"Mom.. Dad.. is it really you?" I say in my sleep, picturing a slight image of both of my parents standing in front of me.

*Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.*

The loud sound of the alarm clock woke me up.

By the time shown on the clock, I can tell that I've been snoozing it continuously.

I groan and roll over when I slap my hand on the snooze button.

I enter the hallways of NYU and there I meet with Mike, who is "trying" to flirt with some girls standing up against lockers.

"Yeah, okay, see you girls la... later." I hear him say weakly as the girls walk away.

"Well, that sucked. They didn't even stay to listen to my pitch."

"You mean, as in your cry for desperation?" I interpret sarcastically.

"Whatever, Stiles. Soon, they'll come crawling back, wishing they had gotten around my arms the first time. You'll see. YOU'LL ALL SEE!" He adds, yelling, making it clear to everyone in the hallway.

Some of the students giggled, while others just gave dirty looks, but Mike didn't care. That's why he's my best friend.

But it didn't use to be like this, at least not this way, not here, not back at home.

"...You were right." I say hesitantly.

"Hell yeah, I'm right... wait, what am I right about again?" He asks curiously.

"About sleeping with Trevor's girlfriend. Him and some of the ice hockey team kind of found me walking to my place last night and it wasn't good." I say, reminiscing when I watched them get snatched away.

"Oh, shit, man. Are you okay? I'm surprised you didn't come back with a hockey puck, or the stick wedged up your ass." He says jokingly.

"See.. that's the thing.. they were going to stab me last night, but they didn't. Or at least they couldn't if they tried.." I tell him, trying to look back at last night.

He pauses and doesn't say anything as if I'm high. "Wait, what do you mean, "Couldn't if they tried"? I'm pretty sure if Trevor was mad at something as big as someone else sleeping with his girlfriend, I guarantee you that he wouldn't have no remorse for doing something wrong."

I sigh in annoyance, trying to find a way to get him to understand.

"No, Mike.. it was something different. They just... vanished. They were there one minute, and gone the next. I don't really know how that happened, but I know what I saw." I inform him.

He stops walking and pauses midway in front of me and looks to both left and right in his direction. He grabs my arm and he pulls me to the side by the water fountain next to the boys' bathroom.

Lust Under the Blood Moon | Stiles Stilinski |Where stories live. Discover now