Interlude. A Conversation

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September 21, 2018, Friday, 10:24 P.M.

Fizz. Pop.

—So what'd you find? said the first.

—The Gascarths had it rough, said the second. Pretty traumatic stuff. Reason they moved here was 'coz a buncha wackos started shooting at them right outside their home. Shot the cab driver straight to the head.

—You talking about the new kid? asked the third.

—Real tall, hair in all directions? said a fourth.

—Yeah, that's the one, replied the second.

—The Math teacher's kid! the third realized.

—Mmhmm, hummed the second, in confirmation.

—Man, that's must've sucked, said the fourth. Kinda feel sorry for him.

—Anything else useful about the new kid? asked the first.

—That's it, said the second. Everything else is pretty meh. Plays the guitar, played in a band, joined last year's talent show in his school back in Florida, had a girlfriend—and she's kinda hot, I'll tell you that. Besides that, nothing else we could use against him.

—You find anything about the girl? asked the first.

—His ex? the second asked.

—Yeah, his ex, 'coz we like snooping around for people's hot exes for no reason. No, stupid, said the first. The weird, quiet one who hangs out with them. Long black hair. Wears black all the time. One of the boys by the looks of it.

—Oooh, you'll like this one, said the third, gleefully. My cousin in Immaculate Heart says she's a freak. They say she's a witch, some satanist. Say she can call on evil spirits and scare the hell outta those popular girls.

—Interesting, said the first. Any more details?

—I'll ask my cousin more about her, said the third. She doesn't seem to like her one bit, though. Says that girl always freaked her out. Can't blame her. But I'll get around. You know how girls are. Ask them about gossip, and they'll tell you everything.

—Good, said the first. Send what you find anytime in the group chat.

—Aye, aye, replied the third, with a salute.

—You sure about this? asked the fourth.

—Huh? said the first.

—You sure about this? the fourth repeated.

—You know, said the first, you can back out if you're too chicken—

—It's not about me being chicken, responded the fourth. What I'm saying is, why go after the rest of them when we've already got Bautista?

—After all these years, said the first, I thought you should've known me by now, J. No one messes with me. This'll teach them and everyone else a lesson. Look, Bautista's friends were with him, and they had a part in it. Now that they think we've given them peace, it's time to make our attack. They won't see it coming for them.

—Mm, hummed the fourth, in understanding. Yeah. I see where you're going with this.

—So, said the second, what's the plan?

A pause. A cruel smile.

—I'm glad you asked, said the first, the leader.

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