Inside the room

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Back and forth...

back and forth...

Back and forth...

Back and forth...

And he stopped...

"Was that footsteps..?"

He had been in this stupid mental hospital for a few months to a year... he's lost track of time. The footsteps came closer to his door and stopped, the greenette was in corner of the white padded room, caving in on himself, hoping whoever was out there wasn't going to come in here... and just his f*cking luck... he heard the door open. He looked up slowly to see a man with long black hair and a small bear mouse cat thing. Behind them three younger people around the same age of the greenette came in. A purpled haired boy, he looked very tired, though his bags weren't as big as the greenette's. On the purple hair's left, there stood a blond, his hair spiked up, he looked angry and ready to yelled and blow up any second. On the right stood the only girl, she had a huge black ponytail and looked too formal, holding her hands behind her back and standing as straight as she could. A uneasy feeling fell among them all. The greenette, Izuku Midoryia, looked back down, bring his knees to his chest and started to hum quietly to try and calm himself down. The older man cleared his throat, thinking Izuku hasn't realized him yet. Izuku looked up, he felt a wave of anxiety rushing over him as he noticed the intense glares everyone was giving.
"Hi kid." The black haired spoke, making Izuku flinch drastically.
"H-hi..." He whispered out quietly. He was shaking but was doing an amazing job hiding it.
"We're here to talk about you... 'situation' before you came here." Great... just f*cking great! Now he had to talk to people he didn't even know?!?! Fuck that! NO WAY! He turned his head away, pulling his knees to his chest putting his cheek on his knees. "Are you willing to talk to us?" He asked again, the greenette stayed silent, his hand started to twitch angrily, as he bit the said of his cheek. The black haired opened his mouth to keep speaking till a nurse came in, pulsing when she saw all of the people there.
"I'm sorry sir, but our you authorized to be in here?" She asked, she had a small cart with medication, in needles, pills, and liquids. Her hands were shaking making the cart made a metal cringing sound.
"Yes we are, we are here to ask him questions about the L.O.V. What are you doing with those?" The tired older man spoke. The woman held up one of the needles walking closer to the boy who was back up the best he could, making a kind of hissing noise.
"It's his medicine, well some of them." She told them, the greenette fought against her the best he could in a straight jacket.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled, throwing himself around, trying to get away from her.
"Stays still so we can both get this over with!" She yelled, trying to pin him down. They both struggled as the heroes and heroes in training watched. The mouse bear cat thing, cleared his throat, making the nurse look over. "I-I'm sorry sir... he doesn't like taking his medicine..." she told him quietly, till she continued wrestling with Izuku to give him his medicine.
"Excuse me, but can he just take his medicine later?" The ponytailed girl asked her, the nurse sighed in defeat of her patient, walking back over to the cart and putting down the needle.
"Of course ma'am, but please stay safe... he's not mentally stable..." she told them before running out of the room, almost as if she was scared.
"Anyways..." the tired purple head spoke. "What's your name?" The greenette didn't speak, just pointed to the door that had a small plate, it read 'Room 137 Izuku Midoryia' he nodded taking note that he didn't want to talk. "What's your quirk?" He asked, he need to get the greenette to answer a question, so he could get him under his control, the greenette shock his head. "What?" The purple head asked, and the greenette pointed to the door once more, on the outside, next to the door, was a file, holding his information. The purple head handed it to the black haired man known as Aziawa.
"So your quirkless?" He questioned, looking at the greenette who nodded. "Are you willing to talk?" Aziawa asked, Izuku's hand started to tick violently, he shook his head, showing he wasn't willing to talk. His neck started to snap to the side, his hand also ticking, snapping to the other side making a small popping sound. Aziawa stepped back signaling the students to stay behind him. A different nurse ran in to the room.
"GET OUT NOW!!!!" She yelled, as the ticking got more and more violent. The group ran out, they followed the nurse to a window that looked into the room. They heard... laughing..? It started off as just a fit of a little quiet giggles, soon it turned in to loud psychotic laughs. Tears ran down his face as he struggled in the straight jacket, continuing to laugh and cry. She grabbed a needle from a table taking a deep breath before running back to the room, as the small group watched her carefully. She and him wrestled and she ended up with a few scratches and maybe a few bruises, but she got him his medicine and now he was unconscious. She got up and walked to the room the heroes were in. "I'm sorry... you'll have to wait till he wakes up..." she told them, and they nodded understandably. Well they waited they looked at the medium sized file. Going through it, they found out he refused to eat, and was to skinny for his own good, when he had got there he had a weird black type of(of is my 1000 word😂) ink coming from his eyes, he also didn't move out of the corner for days, he seems to be scared of needles, and will start to 'snap', nearly tearing a nurse's arm off when she tried to give him a shot, resulting in them putting him in a straight jacket.

1056 words!

Hey everyone! So I want everyone to know that Mental hospitals are not like this at all, never been afraid to get help if needed, I was really inspired by a few different books so I thought I'd write one! I hope you guys like it!

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