Kirari Momobami

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"Join the Student Council, (F/N)."

I quickly snapped my neck over to Kirari, jumping at her glowing eyes. I slowly turned my head away from her and looked down at my feet, twiddling with my fingers.

"C-can I think about it first?" I asked. She looked at me with a smile.

"Of course~"

(F/N)'s POV:

Ever since Kirari asked me to join the Student Council, I haven't been able to think about anything but that.

Why does she want me to join the Council? I'm not even that big on gambling. I mean, yes, I do gamble here and there, but not all the time.

Everytime I try to think about anything, all I can think about is Kirari's invitation to join the Council, which honestly made me pretty nervous.

I sighed as I made my way to the cafeteria. As I was walking in the hallway, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kirari's secretary: Sayaka.

"(F/N), the President has requested to speak with you. Come with me, please." I didn't hesitate to nod and follow her back to the Council office. I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach as we got closer and closer to it.

Once we did make it, she opened the door for me, sending me a tiny smile. I smiled back and walked into the office, jumping at the sound of the door closing behind me. I turned around and didn't see Sayaka there.

"Welcome (F/N). It's so nice of you to come and see me again. Take a seat, please." Kirari said as she gestured to the two couches in the office. I hesitatly nodded and slowly walked over to one of the couches and took a seat.

Kirari then came over and sat across from me, crossing her left leg over her right one, smirking at me.

"Have you decided about whether you're willing to join us?" She asked.

I took a deep breath. "K-Kirari, I don't think I'll b-be joint the Student Council.." I trailed off as I looked away from her. I could feel her staring at me.

I lifted my head up as she suddenly stood up. She slowly made her way over to me and sat down beside me. She sat extremely close to me.

I flinched as she raised her hand to my face, turning my face towards her. Her eyes were glowing again.

"Kirari? W-what are you d-doi-"
I was interrupted by Kirari putting her hands on my shoulders and pushing me down, her crawling on top of me.

"There's really nothing to be afraid of, (F/N)~Besides, members privileges are amazing, you know..~" She purred in my ear, making me jump. She moved her hand up to my cheek again, slowly leaning closer to my face.

"I find you very interesting, (F/N)~If you were to join the Student Council, it would be much easier for me to keep an eye on you~"

I blushed slightly. She chuckled and kissed my forehead, making me jump.

She straight into my eyes, her eyes still glowing a beautiful turquoise.

She leaned in close to my ear.

"Join the Student Council, (F/N). It'll be an experience for us both~"

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