1.4 • the unforgiven two

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(another Metallica reference )

one week. that single week felt like months. it was only seven days, but this seven days passed by slowly. I did nothing but lay in bed, most of the time without liam. I resorted to doing most of my school work online because I didn't have the strength to go outside. I didn't even have enough energy to keep up with myself. the only thing I've done without force is brush my teeth.

I've called multiple times, only to reach the voicemail. maybe I'm overreacting, but this isn't something little to me. I've never gone this long without contacting my parents and I've never been kicked out before.

it was 1:30 in the morning and liam was lightly snoring beside me. I couldn't sleep so I figured I'd catch up on my school work. I was mid sentence in my notes when Liam's phone vibrate. I ignored it and went back to work. my eyes were getting heavy, but another few vibrations snapped me out of it.

"liam." I shook his shoulder and said his name repeatedly. "liam, your phone keeps going off!" he only groaned and rolled over onto his stomach. I sighed and decided to go to sleep.

I was just starting to drift off to sleep when his damn phone vibrated again. I threw the blankets off of me and grabbed his phone and the charger and took it to the kitchen.

I stormed back to bed and fell right asleep.


"where's my phone?" liam asked.

"in the kitchen."

he eyed me suspiciously, "why?"

"the damn thing wouldn't stop going off, so I took it there so I could sleep."

he stayed silent. "did you, um, did you see who was calling or texting me?"

"I didn't look." I don't understand why he's making a huge deal out of this. I could only think that he's hiding something. we aren't even together so I can't be upset.

liam nodded and went to the kitchen. I sighed and locked myself in the bathroom to shower.

wow, sorry this sucks.

I bet you all thought she was going to go through his phone, huh?

I'm working on another fic, but I won't publish it until this one is finished.

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