1 | anxious introvert

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= Very Nice! - SEVENTEEN =


There are two things I'd say for an informal self-introduction.

One, I am an introvert. Like, a hundred percent introvert with horrible social skills.

Two, I hate attention, so much so that I'd do anything to hide, avoid, or escape from people's eyes.

I closed my eyes and reached up to feel the hood over my head. I have been wearing them most of the time for the sense of security.

"Choi Yujin." A male voice resonated across the classroom and I raised my head. There at the front is Mr. Park, calling names one by one to return us our Science paper from the preliminary examination. "She's got the highest score again," Mr. Park announced to the whole class and many looked enviously at me.

I walked to the front uneasily and collected my paper. As much as I was happy with my results, I hated the attention. I gave quick nods to classmates who congratulated me before squirming back to my seat, which was at the last row corner next to the back door, and the attention on me died soon after.


I heard a guy curse and glanced up to see that it came from Myungho. His eyes were glued to the test paper in his hand, looking stressed out as he returned to his desk directly in front of me. He should be concerned about his poor grades, we're halfway through our final year after all.

That means high school graduation is in about six months.

"I smell defeat," Seokmin smirked at Myungho, leaning against his desk with one arm to support his head. He is Myungho's left neighbour, which means he sits diagonally from me too. "So how much did you get?" He asked.

Reluctantly, Myungho revealed to him the score on his paper.

"51? HAHAHA! At least you passed!" Dokyeom burst out so loud that the whole class knew his grade now. Myungho crashed back into his seat, rubbing a hand down his face in embarrassment.

"Lee Seokmin! Come and get your paper!" Mr. Park yelled at him.

"Thanks," Seokmin chirped and gladly received his paper until his eyes landed on it. That's when his smile dropped.

I watched Myungho snatch his test paper out of his hands when Seokmin returned. "Dude," he cracked in disbelief, staring at his score. "You got a 50? Are you kidding me? HAH!"

I hid my face behind my paper, biting my lower lip to stop myself from laughing. My school life was never interesting but I enjoyed coming to class because of clowns like them.

"No no no no this can't be right..." Seokmin shook his head in denial. He took back his paper and flipped through over and over to count his marks. "HOLD ON I'm gonna recount!"

"Seo Myungho! Lee Seokmin! One more time and I will penalise you! Sit down!" Mr. Park threatened across the classroom.

They finally sealed their lips and settled down. It doesn't make sense to have them sit side by side when they are the infamous noisy duo. I think the teachers gave up on them when they sent them to the back of the classroom.

The next question would be, what am I doing sitting at the back too?

I guess I can consider my seat a privilege as the top student in the class. I requested to Mr. Park to sit by the back door in the classroom so I wouldn't need to mingle with anyone else. And being at the corner of the last row, I get to see the whole class where they don't see me.

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