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Rabbit: who put peanut butter with my strawberry jelly this is an outrage
Eagle: .... it's called a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Rottweiler: I'm going to make this crayon disappear! * shoves it down throat*
Penguin: This is Halloween this is Halloween EVERYBODY SCREAM! EVERYBODY SCREAM....
Tree: it's December.
Penguin: .... In ThE tOwN oF hAlLoWeEn!
Eagle: why does Google translate mess up everything? Like I translated dance monkey into 3 languages and it keeps on saying my moms a prostitute
Tree: it's just telling facts.
Rhino: * gives bear a box that has a ring in it* happy birthday
Bear: oh yay a box!
Rhino: no there's-
T-Rex: who put a snake in my boot?
Penguin: what?
T-Rex: there's a snake in my boot!
Swan: now you sound like a woody ripoff.
C.l., dragon, rhino, and bear: * watching a movie*
Astro: why don't you guys go to the freaking movie theater!
C.l.: we can't afford it
C.l.: I can be taller than you! * stands on stool on tip toes and is still a bit shorter than dragon*
Dragon: * pats her on the head*
Swan: this is outrageous I want to speak to the manager!
Flamingo: ma'am I am merge manager!
Swan: ... dId YoU jUsT aSsUmE mY gEnDeR
Flamingo: so your a sir?
Swan; heck nah
Dragon: I only appreciate one little thing in life * hugs c.l. from behind*
Tree: what would the teacher do if we all raised our hands?
Turtle: have a panic attack or skip this lesson thinking we all know it.
C.l.; you know the only reason this topic is getting slowed down is because I'm the only one raising my freaking hand
Penguin: it says here your moms gay
Gremlin: * cry*
C.l.: yeah his mom died...
Penguin: oh
C.l.: today....
Penguin: oh....
C.l.: in a car crash...
Penguin: oh...
C.l.; with the rest of his family...
Penguin: .... oh....
C.l.:  on his birthday....
Penguin: .... * softly* oh
C.l.: on the anniversary of his grandma's death.
Penguin: ....... oh........
Raven: gremlin
Gremlin: yeah?
Raven: let's say random things.
Gremlin: ok. Ummm... green
Raven: father
Gremlin: sky
Raven: mother
Gremlin: watermelon
Raven: child
Gremlin: forests
Raven: I'm pregnant.
Gremlin: .... wait
White tiger: let's face it, if I was on the masked dancer I would definitely......
Eagle: * interrupts* loose
C.l.: guys I wrote a book!
Dragon: can I have a copy?
Eagle; don't give me a copy I'd put it in the fire.
Ice cream: I'd like a copy....
Kitty: * cough* nerd * cough*
Gremlin: I'm a slythereen
Baby alien: gryffendor!
Frog: gryffendor
Astro: gryffendor
Kitty: gryffendor
Eagle: gryffendor
C.l.; gryffendor
Dragon; gryffendor
Gremlin: .... raven we need to leave they're .... gryffendors
Whatchamacallit: why did Nicole think I was uncle it?
Penguin: to be honest you look like a patriotic Sasquatch.
Popcorn: ok I swear if I hear you chewing with your mouth open you won't have a mouth no more!
Banana: I don't want any Mexicans in my ice cream
Turtle: for the last time no
Fox: but your a walking giant turtle. You sure your not an abandoned teenage mutant ninja turtle.
Peacock: sometimes I feel forced to say something.
Jellyfish: but your not. In fact, most people enjoy the  sound of no one talking
Peacock: like who.
Jellyfish: sure as heck not me
C.l.: hey guys lo- * trips*
Dragon: * helps her up*
Penguin: * yells* freaking date already
Rottweiler; hey how about I-
Kitty: no
Rottweiler: but I-
Kitty: no
Frog: just because kitty and almost everyone else is somewhat taller than me doesn't mean you have to call me short!
Tree: who's the shortest person here?
Dragon: we have to gather the short beans and find out.
Frog: * taller than c.l., Astro, turtle, penguin, bear and mouse*
Turtle: * taller than penguin, mouse, bear c.l. and astro*
Astro: * taller than c.l. penguin bear and mouse*
Penguin: * taller than c.l. bear and mouse*
Bear: * taller than c.l. and mouse*
Mouse: * taller than c.l.*
C.l.: * shortest.*
Dragon: well she's my short bean~
Serpent: no sea horse I'm not telling you where I'm sensitive!
Sea horse: 🥺

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