Authors note

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Please read chapter XLV. before you read this!

I can't believe I am really writing this right now. I posted the first chapter of this story back in August and deleted it on the next day because I convinced myself there was no way anyone would find it interesting to read. And yet here we are. At the very end.

Somehow I am missing the right words I wanted to write, so I will keep it simple: THANK YOU.

I didn't have many reads when I first started and naturally, I doubted whether I should continue to share it or not. But I said to myself that if there was going to be at least one read on the chapter, I was going to finish the story because I owe it to that person. And there was.

Then the one read turned into five of them and while I have no way of knowing, who these people were, note that I will forever think kindly of you.

I gained a lot of new readers after the algorithm placed me on the 12th place in werewolf and I am so very grateful to you too. I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read/vote or comment on my story and I hope I didn't disappoint you very much.

I am not a perfect writer and I know this story still lacks a lot of things. I will take a little break from it and try to add more descriptions and fix the grammar, but before then I want to ask you for something. If there are any plot holes inside the story that weren't explained please let me know.

Do consider writing a comment even if there was anything you liked or disliked or if you just want to support me. It is the only way for me to know.

Okay then, I will stop being all mushy now. I decided to end this grant speech of mine with a couple of fun facts or whatnots that you could find interesting:

1. I couldn't for the love of anything decide on Talon's name. That's why I addressed him only as the alpha in like the first ten chapters.

2. When I was researching the self-defence scene, I stumbled across this video on youtube and there were mostly comments that said: "hope the fanfiction writers aren't here now". I know this isn't exactly a fanfiction, but it still felt like a personal attack.

3. And last but not least, I gave birth trying to write chapter XLII. Well, not literally. But I did spend the longest time trying to write it and I still don't understand why.

Now that you read up to this point, I hope I didn't bore you to death, but I do am going to say one more thank you for reading my story.

Till next time, APODITO.

P.S: I know not a lot of readers are fans of time skips, but I hope you can understand why it was necessary.

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