XLIII. Lover not a fighter

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"We have to find out who the traitor is." It felt like a year passed since Talon said those words to Rey on that day at the meadow. "The pack is slowly falling apart as everyone blames everyone and I can't let it happen." He confessed.

"Do you have a plan?" Rey asked him.

He did. He wanted to plant false information and wait for someone to take a bait, but who would have thought he wouldn't even get an opportunity to do so. As she stared at the destruction in front of her, only one thing was clear: the time had run out.

Rey was a healer, not a fighter.

The first time she ended up in the middle of a battlefield, it was because of the sheer power of adrenalin running in her veins. But it refused to come to her just yet and her legs trembled as she stood in the middle of yet another one.

Alivia did warn them that the humans were coming soon, but no one could be prepared for how soon it really would be.

Talon took the initiative and started giving orders right after she finished her story. He howled for the guards to come back to the village as he deemed it to be a place where they would stand a better chance at winning.

The insecurity of when made it impossible to risk getting his people inside the secret hide-out, so he ordered for all the children, old people, and everyone else not willing to fight to hide inside one of the houses.

It was a risky move, especially if the enemy would manage to set the house on fire, but it still was better than letting them roam free. He couldn't put a guard in front of each house, there wouldn't be anyone left to fight.

Of course, his plan wouldn't just magically come alive. A lot of these people needed help to get inside the house, and Rey volunteered to be one of those who helped them. Brynn almost suffered a heart attack and tried to stop her, but Rey was too stubborn to let her.

Maybe she was only half a werewolf now, but she was still quick enough to outrun Brynn: "Go to Elaine. She doesn't know anything. She is going to need someone by her side. I will come as soon as I can."

Brynn yelled something after her, something that sounded awfully lot like a curse word, but Rey was too far gone by that point to listen.

They were already way too lucky. Alivia's warning gave them a head-start, but that luck would run out sooner or later and it did.

Rey wasn't surprised that the humans came before they managed to get everyone to safety, but she sure as hell was terrified.

Why? You may ask.

For she found herself standing in the middle of the battlefield with the old lady selling necklaces covered behind her back, and neither of them had any weapons.

Rey didn't know what to do. A handful of wolves created a protective circle around them as they too understood the severity of the situation, but they couldn't protect them forever. The house wasn't too far away, but no matter which way she looked, wolves and humans were fighting for their lives.

The humans came ready. Rey had to give them that. Their weapons sharpened, some tips made to be extra painful when stabbed with.

She stared at these hate-filled faces. She never even met any of these people. Never had a conversation with them, never did anything to offend them. Never done anything to hurt them. And she was sure the majority of Talons pack had it the same.

Yet here they were, their only goal to annihilate every one of Rey's kind simply because they were a bit different from each other.

She could understand the fear of seeing a man turn into a bloodthirsty monster, as humans liked to view werewolves. But they didn't ask to be born as werewolves. And if they did nothing to hurt anyone, was this much hatred really justified?

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