Chapter 1

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My name is Becca. I'm 12, almost 13! I live in New Jersey. I go to World Cup All Stars. Last season I was on Y5 and J5. We went to The Summit just two weeks ago, and both of my teams won 1st, my coaches were so proud. Tryouts are just tomorrow. I'm really nervous.
I'm surprised my family's letting me do cheer this year. It's so expensive.
Tumbling/ stretching class- 600 a year
Private tumbling- 1440
Private stunting- 360
Comp fees- 300
Traveling/ hotels/etc- 5000
The uniforms- 450 per team
Yea, World Cup isn't cheap. But my parents know I love it. My mom is a doctor and sells plants in the spring, summer, and fall. My dad doesn't have a job right now, he's applied for so many jobs, even that are out of state, all of them still being close. My dad knows I never want to move. My family and I love New Jersey! My dad was a doctor but they fired him because he couldn't do the shifts they had available.

Anyways, my mom tells me not to worry about it, I do anyways. But I shouldn't right now, he'll find a job right? I need to worry about tryouts tomorrow!

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