10:00 am
Gianna put cheer mixes on. Andrea and I went to the office and told parents tryouts will be done in an hour or less. We took the tiny and mini level ones to floor one. They warmed up and stretched for 10 minutes. Gianna, Andrea and I got our seats. They started with jumps. All of the girls had to do their best 3 jumps to a standing tumbling skill. They all did pretty well. I was surprised when some even did jumps to back walkovers. Of course it was hard because on the evaluation sheet we had to give an rating and criticism. But, it's okay, because no one but the coaches will ever see this paper. The minis started doing standing tumbling, some doing backward rolls, some back walkovers. Then we did running tumble, and dance. We finally put them in stunt groups and did a couple stunts. We went over the dance and welcomed parents to come in and watch the dance their daughters learned. They were so cute! It was only 10:45, so we all went over the evaluations to make sure everyone was on the same page.11:00 am
Now it was tiny and mini level 2. They did jumps, standing tumbling, running, stunts, then dance. Some of the coaches got mad when some of the kids showed up with only a back walkover, I don't blame them, it was a tryout for level 2. But, they all did great! The tryout got done just in time.12:00 pm
Again I went out and got the girls and boys. It was tiny and minis level 3 and up. Tinis is potty trained to 6 and minis is 5 to 8. This age group and level always amazed me I mean 5 year olds that have their tuck? 8 year olds having their standing full? I bet a lot of them will make y5 with those level 5 skills. All throughout this tryout I was amazed. Jumps hyper extended. Standing fulls. Running double fulls. Switch ups with 6 year olds. Sharp and tight dancing. Wow I was amazed. Not to mention the tryout went super fast.1:00 pm
I was getting hungry. All the coaches were getting hungry. I grabbed the youth level 1 and 2. We did the same old same old. Jumps, standing tumbling, running tumbling, stunts, and dance. A lot of great kids were they're. We got done at 1:30. Which was really quick. One of the coaches ran to McDonald's and got a whole lot of food. The coach got back at 1:47 so we had a little bit to eat. But, we all knew we would still eat during the next tryout.2:00 pm
While we were eating youth level 3 and 4 went. They were great. All of them actually. I know how they feel. Most of them can't be on a youth team next year and every one wants to be on twinkles. But most likely none of them will be. They just don't have the level 5 skills. I feel bad. At least I was on twinkles for 2 years.Junior 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 went. Gianna, Andrea, and I are junior level 5 but once you are 13 you can be on worlds teams, so everyone 13 and up for level 5 only tryout with senior level 5.
It was now 4 pm. Gianna, Andrea, and I went to floor 3. Which was on the other side of the building, so we wouldn't bother any one trying out. Right now senior level 1 and 2 were trying out. At 5 pm senior level 3 and 4 will tryout. We were trying out at 6. We have 2 hours to tumble. We started playing cheer mixes. We tumbled for an hour. Throwing our hardest passes. We decided after an hour to stop because we didn't want to get tired. We waited for an hour ,it was finally 6pm. We walked back over to mat 1.
The Big Switch
AcakMy name is Becca, I'm 12 years old, and I live in New Jersey. I go to World Cup All Stars. I'm on their Y5 and J5 team. We just went to summit and both teams got first. Tryouts are tomorrow and I'm so excited! I finally am old enough to be on a worl...