Juger quelqu'un

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"The least amount of judging we can do, the better off we are" (Michael J. Fox)

"Juger autrui c'est se juger" (William Shakespeare)

"I feel like when people judge me they're not judging me, because they don't know who I am" (Gisele Bundchen)

"Ceux qui nous aiment ne doivent pas nous juger" (Michelle Guérin)

"Don't judge someone just because they sin differently than you" (Tumblr)

"Nous ne sommes pas sur Terre pour juger mais pour apprécier" (Benoît Rance)

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them" (Tumblr)

"Ne jamais juger les gens sur leurs fréquentations" (Paul Verlaine)

"Judging a person doesn't define who they are. It defines who you are"

"Qui juge lentement juge sûrement" (Sophocle)

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