14. "just friends"

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POV Nini

"Just drop it", i said to him

"What is so bad that you can't tell me?", how could he even look cuter now that his hair was wet because of the rain

"I can't", i said turning around

"Just tell me, it can't be that bad", he ran up to me to face me

"No!", i yelled

"Just tell me god damn it can't be that bad your just probably thinking too much and if you tell me you will feel better so just tell me... Nins fucking tell me, you should just-", i was so sick of it he wants the truth... ok

"I HAD A SEX DREAM ABOUT YOU", I yelled in his face and he looked shocked. Did I say that out loud?

He started to laugh. This asshole. But it was a adorable laugh

I pushed against him so I could go.

"Thats why you are ignoring me?", he asked still laughing

"Why do you make this such a big deal? I had like plenty dreams about you", he said

"you did?", i asked embarrassed

"So you ignored me a whole week just because you were embarrassed?", he asked and I just nodded

"Was it good though?", he asked smirking at me and stepping closer and I rolled my eyes at him

"you are unbelievable", i said

"Was it your first sexual dream?", he asked me

"Im not gonna talk to you about that... we should leave we are getting soaking wet", i said

"Do you think it means anything?", he asked me and I didn't know what he wanted to hear from me

"No... i don't know", i said honestly

"Well I guess there is only one way to find out", he said and before I could even comprehend what he said he pulled me into a kiss more like a make out.

His lips collided with mine and it felt like...i don't know magic? He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss even more. When we both pulled away to catch our breath...

"We should go now its late", i said

"you sure you wanna stop right now?", he asked me looking into my eyes and then onto my lips. Before he leaned in again I pushed him away.

"I'll see you tomorrow", i said and turned around

"Wow, Salazar-Roberts leaving Bowen in the rain", he said jokingly


After a few classes I got to lunch and Ricky was watching me the whole time.
When I approached the table where my friends where Carlos asked, "Why are you smiling?"

I shook my head, "Im not", i said sitting down

"you are? Because of Ethan?", Kourt asked me and that hit me. Ethan. I totally forgot about him. I feel so bad.

„yeah", i said trying not to go deeper into the topic.

I knew I had to talk to Ethan and tell him what happened I can't lie to him.

What if I fall? - Rini auWhere stories live. Discover now