15. difference between love and loved

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POV Nini

I wasn't feeling good so I didn't go to school. yeah i ditched don't blame me. I had a long day yesterday... I thought... Ethan was different but he is like every fucking guy.

POV Ricky
"Bro, are you even listening?", Big Red asked waving his hand in front of my face to get my attention

"have you seen Nini today?", i ask him completely ignoring his question. He scoffed.

"since when do you care about the girl EJ is trying to get? We talked in chemistry about it", he asked me and suddenly he grabs my full attention

"What? What were you two talking about?"

"Oh... we were talking about what would happen if we would mix the blue liquid with the brow-", I cut him off

"No, dude... Nini", i hit his back head. Red is sometimes so stupid

"Oh right... well he said he liked her and he wants her and stuff like that, he asked me if I know anything about here", he said popping french fries into his mouth.

"Do you?"

He laughed, "No, I don't know her... he wanted to talk to her but she is not here...", he said trailing off and looking around the cafeteria,"... so I guess he went to her house", he said looking back to me

I took my bag and my skateboard and ran out. I could not let EJ win... I mean she can't be with him.... BECAUSE SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND... no other reasons. "Dude", from Big Red is all I hear before heading out.

POV Nini

I was listening to Taylor Swift, 'never get back to together' and 'Bad Blood' to get over... that guy. It hurts to say his Name, alright? It is so weird I used to talk to him all day and now its like I lost not just my boyfriend... I also lost my bestfriend... we shouldn't have dated in the first place, it was dumb. But I still miss him.

I was watching 'gossip girl', I loved that show and I loved Blair Walldorf... she is a queen. Ngl. Chuck and Blair are like couple goals... he was a jackass at the beginning, but because of his feelings towards Blair he became better... for her. AND I WANT THAT. I want that a guy would literally do anything for me and I want just love that lasts... is that too much ask?

Knock. Knock.

I went to the door and I was surprised when I saw... Ricky. He was standing weirdly, holding his skateboard on the one side and his helmet on the other. I mean he looked cute- I MEAN UGLY with his curly (probably) soft curls, his brown eyes and his little smile... i mean who would fall for that right? not me.

"What are you doing here?", i ask him

He pushed against me to get inside.

"Yeah come on in", i said sarcastically

"Where is he?", he asked me. What?

"What are you talking about?", i was hella confused


"What? Why would EJ be here?", i asked even more confused

"He said he wanted- wait so he is not here?", he asked

"Nope" and he looked relieved. Why though?

POV Ethan

Nini broke up with me. I think I was never that devastated in my life before. That can't be happening we are Ethan and Nini. Nithan or Ethini. We were together all these years and now she just throws everything away.

No fucking way. Not happening.

Nini loves me and I love her. Im gonna fight for her.

POV Ricky

What if I fall? - Rini auWhere stories live. Discover now