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Legal Guardians


"May the following names please proceed to make their way to the east wing offices; T Cash, Giada Nubia, Adonis Sideris, Langa Kimiko, Sarah Vanna and Teyana Luksa. Thank you."

Giada looks behind her at Teyana and they slowly stand from their seats, grabbing their bags and making their way into the hallways.


Taking Their Fingerprints...

"Please present all five of your fingers to be printed." Detective bell says, presenting the scanner for the prints.

T: Stares at the small machine warily and has an urge to stall. "What's this for again?"

"In order to compare prints for this ongoing investigation, we're gonna have to put you in the system."

T: "I really don't know about this. What prints are you comparing?"

"Yours." Bell says annoyed.

T: "Yeah but with whose?" He asks, acting as though he doesn't understand when really, he's thinking of a way out of this situation.

"Mr. Cash, stalling will only make the process longer and more difficult for you. It's either you cooperate or continue to be difficult, there's consequences to both actions, but I'm pretty sure you know which would be better." Rickson snaps, growing tired of the kid's tactics.

"Now, please present all ten of you fingers, one at a time." Detective Bell repeats and T gives in.

Giada: Presents both her hands and begins scanning her fingers, not wanting to drag the process and risk trouble.

Sarah: Groans dramatically and attempts to put her fingers when her long nails stop her, she glances up at the detective.

"Put your finger on an angle." Bell says and she tries again, struggling with the placement but she slowly begins to scan.

Langa: "No." He says simply and the detectives look at him.

"Why not?"

Langa: "Because I don't have to."

"Except if you don't, you'll be put under suspicion in this investigation Mr. Kimiko."

Langa: Scoffs and folds his arms across his chest stubbornly. "I'm clearly already under suspicion." Bell and Rickson stare at the kid and have no choice but to be stern.

Adonis: "Whatever." He brings his fingers and scans his prints into the police system.

Teyana: "Did Giada do it?"


Teyana: "Then I'll do it with her."


"Please come with us to the station, we have a few questions we wanna ask." Detective Bell says, walking out into the waiting room when all the prints come back matched.

"I'm not doing that." Langa stands, planning to leave but an officer stops him and he scoffs.

"Yeah, I'm not going either." Sarah pipes in, standing as well.

"You don't have a choice." Rickson says and T shakes his head.

"You guys have told us nothing. Do you really expect us to just cooperate without any information?" Teyana says and T backs her up while Giada simply sits there.

"You can either leave willingly, or we'll have to take you either way for refusing questioning." Bell says and Giada shakes her head and shares a look with Adonis, the other quiet one in the group.

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