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Turned to Ashes

Weeks later since the first day of school...

The hooded figure, flips the top open and flicks the lighter on. They look at the small flame created by the small lighter then around at the empty room, before tossing the still on lighter into the trashcan below.

Everything in the trash starts to blacken from the orange light spreading across everywhere and the figure just stares, their face illuminated by the flickering flame of the rising fire. They hear fast approaching footsteps then deside to bolt, knocking the trashcan over in the process and as they run out of the library.

"Hey, who goes there!?!" The man who made the hooded figure flee yells out to the empty library but it's no use, the person is already long gone and..."Is that...Woah!" The old librarian is knocked back by a reaction the heat had and is thrown all the way across the room, coughing on the ground as he watches the flames catch onto the nearest shelves and books, becoming larger and wider.

With some struggle and the strain of a few bruised and broken ribs, he stands and stumbles, stopping at the emergency exit and pulling the fire alarm, collapsing to the ground from the blow...And it all starts.

The fire alarm wails all throughout the whole school, red emergency lights flashing from the tops of the highest towers of the buildings that make up the school of Thrive Academy High, covering the whole school in an ominous red toned hue.

The school and student faculty rush to the sleeping student dorms in the late hour of nigh, in order to get everyone up and to the great hall in times like these, not aware, of the hooded figure who makes it back to innocent safety just in time. The time was somewhere within the range of the earliest hours before dawn and everyone was to be in bed since the previous night's curfew.

"Girls! Everyone wake up! This is not a drill!" A teacher's shrill voice calls through a magaphone to the thick, wooden doors in the senior female dorm hallways, making sure everyone hears as she bangs on the doors with the help of a few other teachers.

In time of crisis, from a deep slumber, Giada jolts awake from her place on her study desk where she had fallen asleep the night before while studying and looks over her shoulder at her roomate while wiping the sleepiness from her eyes.

"This is not a drill, everyone please proceed to the great hall until further notice!" She hears, and Giada shoots out of her chair; suddenly wide awake as she slides her feet into her thick, soft slippers.

"Lindi, wake up." She shakes the her roommate and the girl stirs, her eyes opening into small slits as she wonders why she's being pulled out of her slumber at such an unreasonable time of day. "Emergency. Evacuate and get to the great hall."

Lindi groans from being woken up at an odd hour but quickly stands, remembering the school drills that happen once in every month, she slips into easy no lace tennis shoes and grabs her school coat, running out of the room and to the hall. Giada grabs her phone and her school masterkey then runs out of the room, making sure to leave the door wide open and the lights on to let the teachers know they've gone.

"Everyone out! This is not a drill." Giada yells down the halls. She's been told what to do when she had done practice drills as a member of the student faculty so she'd be prepared for the actual thing, which is now. Giada uses her school master key, only for use of emergencies and opens doors, waking up her fellow students so they can evacuate from the building.

"Make your way to the great hall and wait for further instructions. This is not a drill!"

"Miss Nubia! You're needed in the west wing if you can be spared! Freshman students can't find their way to the hall in the dark with all the flashing lights." A teacher tells Giada and she quickly breaks into a sprint, leaving the girl's senior and junior dorm building to head to the west wing, past all the commotion going on at the male's senior and junior dorm building, barely working up a sweat from her fit build.

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