Chapter 8: Searching

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In the midst of work within the Emperor's Coven, a couple of frauds roam the halls, looking for an entrance to the basement. A way that would lead them to Luz.

The relentless colors of white and gold, alongside with all the tapestries and windows depicting the Emperor started to make Amity feel sick and disgusted. Each image that she passed by that revolved around the Emperor made the flame in her gut intensify. She wanted nothing more than to have him fall, along with the empire. 

I wanted to go here my whole life? Amity thought to herself, disgusted at herself more than anything. After everything the Coven has done, to both Luz and everyone else, Amity would rather die than to join it.

They had a few close calls with other members of the Coven. Each encounter had them being questioned with what they were doing. Ed was the person who spoke up every time and he managed to convince every single guard that came by for questioning. The group was seriously grateful with him, as they wouldn't be able to sound as convincing as he was. 

During one of the encounters with the guards. Ed managed to ask the guard which direction the basement was, by stating the complex is always confusing with the same hallways. He wasn't lying with that statement, but he knew it was a very risky thing to ask, and he prayed that the guard shrugged it off. Thankfully, the guard did, and pointed in the direction the basement was in, but that wasn't without a suspicious look from the guard as they passed by.

"Ed. That was too close. Next time if you have to ask a question like that, make it not so suspicious." Emira whispered to Edric, who was looking back to make sure they weren't being tailed. 

"Don't worry, we got by, and we know where to go. According to the guard, it's at this coming up left." He stated, while motioning at everyone to make sure they were paying attention. As they crept closer to the hallway, Edric stopped, causing everyone to stop as well. 

"What is it?" Amity asked, giving Edric a confused look. Edric leaned in for a second, and then looked back at the group.

"I heard guards over there. Give me a second." Edric motioned at them to stay put, and he swiftly looked over at the corner. Beyond the corner, he saw the stairway to the basement, but in front of it were about three guards talking amongst themselves. He sighed and looked back at the group. 

"There's three guards right there. If they see us all heading to the basement, they'll know something's up." Edric said, while pointing at the corner. Willow sighed and looked up. 

"Is this where we break character?" Willow stated, while flexing her fingers around. "Let's try something first before we consider that." Gus said, while looking at Edric and Emira. "Alright, I think it's time to use our deceiving skills." As he said that, he summoned an illusion spell that resulted in a guard appearing in front. Taking the hint, Edric and Emira summoned their own.

"We're gonna run these guys down the hall and try to convince the real guards they're needed by the Emperor, got it?" Gus questioned, while seeing the nod in Edric and Emira. "We're ready."

The illusions started making a run for it around the corner, and made a rush to the guards in the doorway. 

"We need your assistance right now! The Emperor sent us to grab you guys!" One of the illusions said. "Yeah, the Emperor wishes to speak with you guys for some help!" Another illusion stated. In instinct, two guards walked forwards to join the illusions, but one was hesitant. He looked at the illusions with a suspicious look and stayed where he was.

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