Train To Hogwarts

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Luna walked up behind Neville, "Hello, Harry," She said once she saw the messy jet black hair.

"Hello, Luna- how was your summer?"

"Very well," Luna responded, she held a large stack of magazines, clutching it to her chest tightly.

"I see the Quibbler is doing well." Harry awkwardly pointed to the magazines as they found an empty compartment.

"Yes, quite well ever since the..." Luna stopped, changing the subject, "So, er, are we doing DA meetings again?"

"No, because Umbridge is gone, we can learn Defence Against the Dark Arts properly this year."

"Aw, I liked the meetings!" Neville said from under the seat, trying to catch Trevor.

"Me too," Luna agreed, "It's like having friends." Harry looked bad after that comment, Luna getting up to avoid any questions. "I'll go and pass these out." She walked pass each compartment, asking everyone if they wanted a Quibbler, she then saw Ginny and Dean, standing very close from the tight walkway. She swallowed the lump in her throat, walking up to the two, Dean moving to the side, "Quibbler?" She asked, slowly raising a Quibbler to Ginny.

"Please," Ginny responded, biting her lip, she took the Quibbler, turning it sideways awkwardly to put it right side up, Luna having to stand in the door of the compartment behind her so there was enough space. "What are wracksperts?" Ginny asked.

"The are fascinating creatures that fly around your head, making your brain fuzzy," Luna said quite quickly so she could get away, "Quibbler?" She asked as she walked away. Ginny bit her lip as Luna walked away, Dean moving back in front of her to talk. After the copies she held were passed out, she walked back to the compartment, Dean and Ginny weren't there, probably snogging in a compartment... She cleared the thought out of her head, sitting in the compartment Hermione, Ron, and Neville sat in.

"Hello, Luna." Hermione said after many moments of nobody realizing her entry.

"Where's Harry?" Luna asked, she stood, turning around and pulling a Quibbler (of many) out of the pocket of her bag.

"He went to.. spy on the Slytherins..." Hermione responded, trying to forget what had happened with Pansy.

"You know, Zabini walked up to me yesterday?" Ron asked, "He was being all nice, it was weird, seemed like he was flirting."

"I knew it was all a cruel joke! Why would the two be going after us?" Hermione asked, then clenched her jaw, slouching slightly in her seat.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Pansy." Hermione said, looking at the floor.

Luna was suspicious, deciding to wait for Harry. The group had changed into their school clothes, Luna having her robes off, only her grey sleeveless vest, white button up shirt, knee high different coloured socks, black tights, black skirt, blue tie, and black shoes. When the train stopped, Luna got off, standing and waiting until everyone had gone. She stuck back on board, then the blinds closed on the Slytherin compartment, she saw Draco leave out of the other end. She put on her Spectrespects, walking into the compartment. She looked around, then down, wrackspurts swarmed in a tight group. She grabbed her wand out from behind her ear, keeping her robes pulled over her forearm, "Finite!" She said, she heard cloth fly off of Harry -who had a bloody nose- but she couldn't see anything come off of him.

"Luna! How'd you know..." Harry stopped, "Your Spectrespects... you said something about them and wrackspurts?" Luna nodded, the two getting off the train quickly before it left. The two had to walk to the gates, the carriages having already left. On the way there, Harry looked at Luna, holding his hand away from his nose.

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