Slughorn's Party

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Luna woke up to a loud crackle, she sat up, everyone was gone, the whole dorm was in flames. She felt like her whole body was on fire, she pressed her hands in her face, jumping away from flames that burst too close, she ended up falling off the bed, then she felt held in place by something invisible. She felt her head being hit against something, then it stopped, she was on her back, the flames coming very close. All she could hear was crackling, she felt herself still being held in place, then the flames disappeared suddenly everything going black.

Luna woke in the Hospital wing, looked to her left, Ginny sat there, her vision was blurry, but she could easily notice the red head. She saw a figure behind her, she blinked, sitting up, against Ginny's insisting to stay down. Her vision cleared up, Cho stood behind Ginny, both of them having the same worried expression.

"Hello," Luna said in the silence, Ginny holding back a smile.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, quite well," Luna responded, "What am I doing here?"

"Er, well, Maria, Marietta, and Penelope lit a candle or whatever, went over to your bed, then you went berserk-"

"It was a seizure." Cho interrupted, Ginny not seeming bothered.

"Right," Ginny said, "Then we had to... Er, not necessarily knocking you unconscious, but... stabilizing you into sleep."

"Erm." Luna responded, she went to move her wrist, then felt a sharp pain on her hand, it was bandaged, over the 'I must not tell lies' written on her hand.

"You were burnt a bit by the fire." Ginny responded.

"Madam Pomfrey thinks it was from epilepsy, from past trauma." Cho intervened, "What trauma did you go through?"

"Er, my childhood house... burst into flames."

"I don't think a burned home would be enough to give you trauma, unless you nearly died or someone you knew died or almost did." Cho responded, "Who died? Or was close to?"

Luna felt uncomfortable, she tended up, her shoulders raising, she realized she only had her sports bra on and her shorts and socks. She pulled the covers up, Ginny blushing, Luna going red. Luna saw her hoodie on the bedside table, quickly putting it on and jumping off the bed.

"Wha- you need to stay here." Ginny shook her head, standing up as well.

"N-No need." Luna responded, she scratched her nose, a thin bandage on it.

"Miss Lovegood, you should stay." A voice came from an office to the side, Madam Pomfrey stood there, a calming but stern look.

"No..." Luna responded, she walked past Cho and Ginny, who followed her to the Ravenclaw dorms. Maria, Marietta, and Penelope saw Luna, a weird mix between worry and a thought in their heads. "What?"

"We really didn't mean to trigger your seizure, Loony-"

"Luna." Ginny corrected, slight venom in her voice.

"Luna," Maria corrected herself, "We honestly just wanted to turn on a light..."

"It's... alright..." Luna responded softly, not really paying attention as she pulled her covers over her, laying down. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, the flashback of her mother experimenting.

A few weeks passed, Luna had no more seizures she knew of, and Ginny had made the Gryffindor's Quidditch team, becoming a chaser. Luna skipped around the school, hearing someone cry, it didn't sound like Moaning Myrtle though, she walked inside, Hermione sobbing on the floor. Luna felt her go into a protective state, walking over to Hermione, neither saying a word as Luna patted Hermione's back, Hermione hugging Luna, who didn't seem bothered by this. A few minutes passed, Harry entering, he had a few of Hermione's belongings.

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