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Luna sat in McGonagall's class, staring out the window, she sighed, pulling at her robes uncomfortably. She watched clouds drift by, fascinated by the different shapes. She hadn't realized class was over until the professor tapped her shoulder.

"Hm?" Luna asked, turning her head to face Professor McGonagall.

The professor sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose, "Smith, our previous Quidditch commentator has joined Hufflepuff's team, so we need a new commentator. Would you.." McGonagall sighed again, "like to be a commentator this year until we can find a replacement?"

"Of course! I'd love to, it would be fun," Luna responded dreamily, McGonagall nodded, the two walking to the next quidditch match between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. The two went up to the stand with all the other professors, Luna and McGonagall going to the front. Luna had a quick practice, though she didn't really pay attention, more fascinated by the clouds. The game started, Luna happily commentating whatever she wanted, McGonagall having to take the points as Luna talked about the clouds.

Luna left the stands, some students treating her better, enjoying her commentary, but they just walked away afterwards, or completely ignored her. She didn't mind though, as she bumped into Ginny. "Oh, hello, are you going to see Harry, Ginny?"

"Er, yeah, want to... er,  come?" Ginny asked.

"Sure," Luna responded, following Ginny to the Hospital wing. The two walked in, Harry on one of the beds unconscious. "Why is it that he's always in here?" Ginny shrugged, the two sitting there, waiting for Ron to come.

"Hi," Ron said, Luna and Ginny turning, "You found yourself a cheerleader, or whatever Harry calls them."

"Wh-What?" Ginny asked.

"Cheerleaders are people who cheer on the team," Ron explained, "They usually wear uniforms."

"Well, I have my lion hat, but... I don't have a uniform," Luna said.

"Hm. Well, you two can go to your classes now, I'll stay," Ron sat down, looking out the window.

Ginny and Luna left to go to Defence Against the Dark Arts, the two sitting next to each other. Snape told them to practice more spells, but this time, they were more harmful, Luna not wanting to, sat there. Snape slowly walked up to her, a grim look on his face.

"Lovegood, why aren't you doing your spells?" Snape growled in his monotones voice.

"Oh, they seemed like bad spells," Luna explained, "I didn't want to do them, so I made this instead." She said, she took a bracelet off her desk, putting it around Snape's wrist, who looked at her. "You seemed to be down," Luna recalled Snape's attitude being slightly different than last year, "it'll change colours depending on your emotions." Snape looked at her again, not making a noise as he slid away, looking down at the charms on the bracelet.

"What was that about?" Ginny asked as she practiced shielding spells instead of the ones Snape assigned to her.

"Oh, nothing." Luna smiled, looking at Snape, who seemed to be preoccupied checking up on the other students.

When class ended, Luna and Ginny left, going to Gryffindor dorms, the two sitting on Ginny's bed. They talked for a while until Hermione came back, Luna awkwardly leaving. She went back to her dorms, Penelope, Maria, and Marietta there. Luna stepped back, the three looking at her, then continuing to talk. She expected them to punch her, but it didn't come as she walked past them to sit on her bed.

"Your commentary was dreadful." Maria intervened in the silence, not looking at her.

After a few days, people started making fun of her again, saying how she was terrible at the commentary. She shook it off, trying to forget it all as she walked around the school. She went past Dumbledore's office, she had walked a few paces away when she heard a voice.

"Oh, hello, Professor." Luna said, turning around to face Dumbledore.

"Hello, Luna." Dumbledore responded, "Come to my office." Luna followed him, the staircase spinning and revealing the headmaster's office. The headmaster stopped, standing in front of Luna. "I would like you to bring this to Harry."

"Alright," Luna responded, looking at the professor, "but that mustn't be the only reason you've asked me specifically."

"Your mother," Dumbledore said, Luna feeling a coldness washing over her, "she was an extraordinary witch, being in Ravenclaw like you, and having grades like yours." Luna nodded, bitting the inside of her mouth, waiting for Dumbledore to ask about her. "You must be strong for Pandora... I can tell, she wants you to grieve, if we don't grieve, we loose ourselves."

"R-Right," Luna said, she took the parchment then left, quickly searching for Harry, she felt a tear fall down her cheek, she wiped it away quickly, sighing. When she found them, she tried to forget what happened, but it still stuck in her head, "I was told to give you this," She said, giving the parchment to Harry.

"What is it?" Ron asked, fumbling the green onion in his hands Luna had given him to search for the parchment.

"Gurdyroot, you can keep it if you'd like." Luna said, she looked at Ron, who shrugged.

"Er, nice commentary."

"You're making fun of me, aren't you? Everyone's been telling me it was horrible." Luna said vaguely, holding her bag.

"No, seriously, you're way better than Smith."

"Thanks..." Luna responded, walking away.


A days later, Luna stood in the courtyard when she saw the Mark in the air, her eyes grew, her mouth opening slightly. She ran off to find Ginny, searching around the school until she saw her battling a Death Eater.

"Stupify!" Luna yelled, her wand pointed at the Death Eater, who was flung away from Ginny, who ran towards Luna, hugging her.

"We have to be careful." Ginny said, "Impedi-"

A spell knocked Luna backward, she felt a sharp pain on her side, falling on the cold floor. She heard spells being case, then felt a hand rest on her neck, she opened her eyes, her sight blurry as she saw Ginny with a worried expression.

"L-Luna, you're bleeding," Ginny's voice cracked, Luna held her side tightly, taking stifled breaths. She raised her wand, Ginny jumped out of the way, Luna shooting a spell at a Death Eater running towards them. "C-Come on." She scooped up Luna in her arms, Luna's head resting on Ginny's shoulder. Neville came running up to them, helping to fight off Death Eaters that came their way. When they all had left, the students started rushing somewhere.

"Wh-What's happened?" Luna asked, still weak in Ginny's arms.

"Dumbledore's been... killed." A student said as they ran to the courtyard. Luna got out of Ginny's arms, who quickly went to help her stand before she fell over, the two walking to the front, Dumbledore laying there. Luna felt tears springing to her eyes, she couldn't help but sob into Ginny's shoulder, who hugged her tightly.

Soon, everybody raised their wands, a small light glimmering from each wand of the thousands of students and Professors. All that was left of the school were children, lost in their emotions.

Okay, I really sped through Half-Blood Prince, and the reason is because it is quite short, and not having it in Harry's point of view, but in Ginny's or Luna's, it makes it quite difficult to get all the details and things while trying not to get Copyrighted. So, if you wanted to know all the things that happened in this universe, I'm telling you know.

Alright, so Hermione and Pansy spent more time together, considering Ron was being an idiot and dating Lavender, Ron not really hanging out with Harry or Hermione anymore because of this, instead hanging out with Blaise against his better judgment. And, when Harry put a spell on Draco, making him bleed out in the bathroom, Harry felt really bad and tried to heal him. Harry also helped Draco to Snape's office so Draco could get better treatment. And in the tower, Harry tried convincing Draco to not harm Dumbledore, Draco throwing the invisible cloak onto Harry to hide him with the Death Eaters came, Harry going to the floor below, then playing out like in the books/movies, however you want to say.

So, out of this, we got some shipping and different story lines so the ships would go better together. Yayyy! -SimplónParalysis

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