Chapter Five

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Henry checked his watch, again. Still no sign of either Steph or Kim, and the ball had started more than half an hour ago. The repetitive watch checking wasn't proving to bring them to the ballroom. It was 8:30 now and started at eight. He wasn't angry, not in the least. The ball was for another few hours.
    During the time between when Steph was supposed to arrive and when she still hadn't, Henry had been asked to dance by about sixty girls. About two every minute. They swarmed around him, giggling like schoolgirls, and trying to do things to get his attention. He didn't care about any of them. Some were perfectly fine looking women, but that's the thing, they were just fine to him.
    "Sexy, big breasted, chick on your right." Matthew murmured, just for Henry to hear.
    Henry glanced over. Yep, there she was. She was pretty; he tried to look at her hard. Maybe if he looked at her hard enough he may find her gorgeous. Maybe he would see her as stunningly as he saw Kim. But, no. "You can have her, man. I don't care."
    Matthew gave him a look of pure shock. "I know I left for a year, but damn. When have you ever turned down such willing women?"
    Henry smirked, "Ever since I met my mate."
    "YOUR MATE?" He exclaimed.
    Henry clamped a hand over- his mouth. "Shut it, no one can know."
    He nodded.
    Henry pulled his hand back.
    "Are you joking, like? Are you kidding?" Matthew asked, disbelieving.
    Henry chuckled. "No, man, I met her. Most gorgeous female I ever had the privilege to lay eyes on."
    Matthew laughed, "Congrats, man. It's just really hard to believe. When I left, you were banging chicks left and right. Never fucking the same pussy twice. You were swimming in ass. It's strange to think you found someone that you're going to spend the rest of your life with."
    Henry nodded. "Thanks, man. It's hard to believe even for myself. However, I have embraced it. Personally, I wanted to have her and only her right when I saw her. My wolf was a crazy bastard the entire time."
    "I bet," Matthew laughed.
    Henry opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted.
    "Hello, boys." Steph cooed, strolling up to them. She had cleaned up nicely. Her long blonde hair was arranged in a mess of pins and clips; she was dressed in a tight red dress that had a plunging neckline. Matthew seemed to eat it up, but Henry only seemed to notice everything wrong with her. Everything that was different from Kim's appearance that he suddenly found was essential to make the perfect female. She was so thin you could see her protruding bones through the fabric of her dress. The main part of her that men liked was her large perfectly round breasts, but Henry didn't. Compared to the rest of her bony body, her breasts were like two individual organisms hanging off her chest like parasites.
    "Steph," Matthew gave her a tight-lipped smile, "Long time, no see. You weren't at my welcome home party." He said through clenched teeth.
    Steph fluttered her long lashes, feigning the sight of innocence. "That's because I don't like you, Matthew." She then turned her attention on Henry. He was unimpressed with her heavy makeup. Most men would have wanted to do things to Steph. Yet, the only thing Henry wanted to do was make her a sandwich and force it down her throat. Her hollowed cheeks were making his skin crawl. He felt like he should donate food for her. He felt the urge to ask if she would work for food like the people on the streets that held signs.
    Matthew scowled, a look of annoyance flashing across his face.
    "How's my date doing?" Steph asked, running a hand over the front of Henry's suit. "Sorry I kept you waiting so long." She smiled.
    "Wait?!" Matthew interjected. "Is Steph your mate?" He hissed quietly, leaning forward. "That's impossible."
    Steph pulled away from Henry as if she had been slapped, "You told Matthew about your mate?" She snarled.
    Henry frowned. "He's my friend, Steph. I can tell him whatever I want. And it just so happens I'm proud to be mates with her."
    He knew that must have stung. When Steph and Henry had been dating, Henry told Steph not to tell anyone about them. He was ashamed to be dating such a slut.
    Steph's face turned murderous. "You are my date tonight, Henry! That was the deal! You need to accept that or I'm not following through with the plan!" She threatened.
    "Still 'making deals' with people, Stephanie?" Matthew asked in a condescending voice. "Is he going to pay you after you finish him? How much is he going to pay you?"
    Steph turned away, making sure nobody could see the hurt so obviously apparent on her face. She composed herself and turned back around, "Yes, Matthew, I am still making deals with people. Are you still angry because I wouldn't make 'deals' with you?" She snapped back.
    Matthew scowled, "I never wanted to make any deals with you. You probably have herpes, if I were to guess."
    Steph scowled back, fixing him with her famous death glare. "Yeah, I got my herpes from your dad after I banged him a few times." She growled.
    Matthew tensed; all talk of his abusive father was answered with a whole body tension. "Don't. Talk. About. Him." He bit out.
    Steph grinned; she realized that she was now ahead of him. She found his weakness and was ready to jab him in his vulnerability. "You don't like me talking about your dear old dad? Who has daddy issues? Yeah, you do." She spoke in a baby voice, making fun of him.
    During that entire exchange, Henry stood back watching confused. Before Matthew had left, Steph and he were on fine terms. Frequently swapping flirting comments and occasional gropes meant to catch the other off guard. What had caused these two to become so hostile towards one another? Neither of them were really known for their anger. They were both usually joking and in a good mood. What was up?
    Matthew took a menacing step toward Steph, "Stop while you can, Princess. Because I will not hesitate to break you."
    Steph stepped forward, "Gimme your best shot, Daddy's boy." She snarled.
    "Hey!" Henry barked, pushing them apart. "Get your shit together! You're drawing attention towards yourselves. What is wrong with you people? This is a ball for my mother, not for settling fights. If you want to cause a commotion, then take that shit outside, because-"
    "Well, looks like I was missing all the action." A soft, female voice joked.
    All three pairs of eyes jerked around to stare at the owner of the velvety voice that was like sex to the ears.
    Kim stood behind them, looking like a dish for the gods. She wore a curve hugging deep purple gown that had a thigh high slit. When she walked, her long leg escaped the prison of a dress and made a brief appearance. It was sleeveless and also as plunging on the neckline as Steph's, yet he liked the neckline on her. Her large breasts showed a decent proportion. He also noticed that she had a small amount of makeup to highlight and emphasize her natural beauty. He loved it. She wore a few pieces of jewelry and silver strappy shoes. They were open toed and Henry could see her cute little girly painted toenails. Just as he thought, she was breathtaking and honestly the most beautiful woman at the entire assembly.
    "Kimberly." He breathed, sounding like he hiccupped her name.
    She looked into his eyes with her piercing green ones and gave him a knowing smile. "Henry," She practically purred, just his name coming from her mouth sent shivers down his spine and goosebumps broke out over his skin.
    Steph wrapped an arm around his shoulders right at that moment, glaring daggers at Kim. "Hey, you were the girl from the hallways?" She pretended not to remember Kim's name. "Katie, was it? Will you be cleaning up after the party ends?" She sneered. Most girls would have been broken and embarrassed, crying from the shame, but Kim didn't.
    Kim smiled a toothy grin, all her straight pearly whites showing. "First of all, I think you may be lost, sugarplum. This is a ball for sophisticated people, I'm sure you're looking for a strip club or something. Secondly, I'm here as a stand-in for Ms. Halliday. This is top secret, don't tell anyone, I'm not sure if you know this, but this "party" is in honor of her accomplishments. It's for her. Therefore, I'd really appreciate it if when you do get piss drunk that you could just leave instead of staying. Because I've had one single conversation with you and I wouldn't want to see what you start spouting out when you're wasted." With that, Kim turned and sashayed into the ball.
    Henry couldn't help but watch the seductive sway of her hips. Many girls tried to copy the sexy sway, but Kim had mastered it. Henry couldn't help but stare.
    "Man, you got yourself one heck of a mate, Henry. I like her. I honest to God like her." He laughed, shoving Henry's arm playfully.
    Steph stomped her foot angrily, "Why didn't anyone defend my honor?" She snarled. "She practically just called me an alcoholic slut!"
    "Because, nobody likes you. Plus, you lost your honor after the first hundred twenty guys you slept with." Matthew smirked, walking into the ballroom right after Kim, leaving Henry and Steph alone.
    Steph glared at Henry. "You know I'm doing this for you?" She snarled, taking his arm and letting him escort her into the ballroom.
    The ballroom was a large room. The center of the room was deserted, as though no one wanted to be embarrassed by dancing alone. Off to the side were the tables for eating. At the front of the room was the Alpha's table, where the alpha and the highest-ranking wolves sat. The ceiling was so very tall, creating an echo.
    People gathered about talking amid their ranking groups, never sparing other ranks a single glance. That was just how it was. Low ranks weren't allowed to look at high ranks and high ranks certainly didn't care for the low ranks. It wasn't that it was a written law; it was just a general decision.
    Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Kim. She looked like a goddess among the other females. Obviously, someone else thought so. A tall, lean man sauntered over to her. They exchanged small talk briefly before she took his outstretched hand.
    Henry felt his wolf try lurching out of his skin. Attack! His wolf cried. That lousy mutt put his hands on the wrong female! Rip her out of his arms! Lemme at him! I'll teach him a lesson! His wolf threatened.
    Henry couldn't lie. He felt the same way as the man drew Kim into his arms and led her to the dance floor. They began swaying like high schoolers at a dance. He felt the urge to rip her out of his arms and kiss that man with a sledgehammer, just like his wolf!
    "Steph," He growled, extending an arm. "We're going to dance, now."
    Steph peered up from her champagne, a surprised look lighting her face. "Right now? The dance floor isn't even full yet. It's really early. There's only one couple dancing right now, Peter and...Oh, I see why you want to dance." She scowled over at Kim.
    Henry glared at her. "Now," He demanded.
    Steph groaned, taking his hand. "Well, it isn't the nicest way someone has asked me to dance with them, but it isn't the worst. Oh, wait. It is." She grumbled.
    Henry ignored Steph, dragging her onto the dance floor. They took their dance stances, shoulders back, arms stiff, and faces devoid of emotion. They began moving across the floor like professional dancers, which Henry was. As the Alpha, he was more than royal and as his royal duty, he had to learn to dance. He hated it then, but didn't now.
    Kim looked over, her brows slanted in sadness at the sight of him dancing with Stephanie. He wanted to tell her that he didn't want to dance with Steph. Having Steph press up against him made his skin crawl, he wanted to push her away and grab his mate. He should not be touching any woman so closely and she should not be touching any man so closely.
    Kim shook it off and continued to dance with Peter. In fact, Henry noticed her pull Peter closer against her. He did the same with Steph, drawing a grasp from her lips.
    "I get that you want to make her jealous, but you don't have to crush me in the process, Mr. Muscles. Actually, I think she's making you more jealous than you're making her. That's pretty ironic, don't yea think?" Steph squeaked out, he was squeezing her so tightly that she would have broken if she had been human.
    He mumbled an apology under his breath and released her a little bit. He still wasn't okay with Kim being next to Peter. Once the ball ended, he was going to make sure Kim was safely tucked away in her room before breaking that stupid mutt! Oh, hell, he was going to snap that skinny twig of a man. It was Henry's right and his alone to be so near Kim and he hadn't even done so yet. Key word: yet.
    The song ended and Kim and her dance partner left the dance floor, followed by Henry and Steph. Henry was stiff and angry, while Steph was sore and limping off the dance floor. Henry led her over near Kim so that he could keep an eye on her.
    Kim had found the place where Henry's mother was supposed to sit and had taken a seat. A few people had given her looks, but no one said anything. Good thing too, she was starving and irritable, she wouldn't hesitate to drop a bitch who even slightly pissed her off.
    After less than a few minutes, Steph had sat down right across for her. A smug look permanently painted across her features. She flicked her hair behind her shoulder and fixed her hard gaze on Kim. "So, I've seen you eyeing my date all night." She said casually, but her expression was anything but casual.
    Kim raised a brow, "Who's your date again?" She asked, taking a sip of her champagne.
    Steph laughed a humorless sound that hurt Kim's ears to hear. "As if you don't know." She said, taking a glass of champagne off a waiter walking by.
    "Well, I don't so..."
    Steph frowned. "Henry of course. The one you've been ogling all night long, it's getting tiring, dear, you're obsessive crush on him is wearing me out." She whined, eyeing her long manicured fingernails.
    Kim choked, "You. Came. With. Henry." She grit out, tightening her grip on her glass. It shattered in her hand, sending shards of glass into her skin, but she didn't feel it. Her full attention was on the blonde bitch in front of her.
    Steph's baby blues widened as she stared at Kim's bleeding hand. She stared at it for a while before turning her attention back to Kim. "Um, what was the question again? Oh, right." She fluffed out her blonde locks. "I came with Henry to the ball. Where's your date?" She asked innocently.
    Kim took a deep breath. Calm yourself, Kim. Don't show the devil your feelings; he feeds off your anger. Just remain calm at all times; you can get through this night. She told herself, preparing to answer with a calm and rational answer. "I don't have a date, Stephanie, because I don't need someone else's attraction to feel desirable. So, where is your date right now?"
    Steph blushed. Henry had sent her over there to make Kim jealous, and then he left. She didn't know where to, but he left. She thought she was making Kim jealous, she seemed to rile her up a bit, but just as fast as the anger had come, it had somehow vanished. No wolf was able to calm himself or herself when they got angry, yet Kim calmed herself and managed to piss Steph off with her excellent comebacks and quick wit. Damn, she was starting to like this stupid bitch.
    "He left to take care of some business, no biggy. So, I thought I'd come over here and meet you. We haven't officially met yet," She reached out, "My name is Stephanie Milller, I've been fucking Henry since - idk - the beginning of time. I'm twenty four this August and I really don't like you." She said hotly.
    Kim nodded, as though taking it in. "Well, when you put it like that." She took Steph's hand, shaking it forcefully. "I'm Kimberly Jones, I've never fucked Henry, nor do I plan to. I turned twenty-three last month and I don't like you either. So, we agree to at least one thing."
    Steph frowned, her Henry fuck comment was supposed to make Kim angry, yet she went along with it. Grr...This would prove to be a lot harder than she expected. "Good to know," Steph grumbled, tossing back the remainder of her drink. She scooted out of her seat in search of Henry.
    He wasn't on the dance floor, only a few couples were. He wasn't anywhere near the refreshments table. He wasn't talking to anyone that she could see. She soon spotted Matthew talking up a group of giggling high ranks. They were wrapped him like boa constrictors, threatening to choke the life out of him for a smidgen of attention.
    Steph blew a piece of fallen hair out of her face and stomped over to Matthew. She had to fight through the horde of horny women just to reach Matthew. "Hey!" She called, breaking through the women. "I need to talk to you."
    Matthew looked away from the brunette stunner and peered up at Steph. "What?" He growled angrily, slowly pulling away from the brunette. She whined.
    "Come on, Matt, just ignore her. You're here with me." She whined, patting his arm.
    Steph narrowed her eyes at the dumb woman. "Excuse me, bitch, he's still gonna have a dick after my conversation with him. You can get him after." She snarled, turning back to Matthew.
    Matthew raised a brow, "What do you need?" He asked, waving his hand to shush the brunette who opened her mouth to comment.
    "Do you know where Henry is?" She demanded.
    "I think I saw him going off to the bathroom. He was holding his head as if he had a headache. What's up?" Matthew asked, pushing the girl away and starting to stand.
    She opened her mouth to protest, but quickly snapped it shut when she saw Steph's glare.
    Steph drained of color, "Shit, shit, shit, I have to find him. He's going to cause trouble!" She mumbled to herself, slapped a hand over her forehead.
    Matthew jumped up, grabbing Steph's arm and turning her towards him. "What is it, Steph? What happened?"
    She looked up into his eyes, "He's started on the path to insanity." She breathed. "He shouldn't be alone, he'll kill himself. I didn't think he would progress so quickly."
    Matthew shook her a little, "What are you talking about? Henry shouldn't have begun the path of insanity, he has Kim, doesn't he?"
    Steph shook her head slowly, "She rejected him yesterday. We made a deal that I could become his date, so we could make Kim jealous, but she isn't jealous." She looked so upset.
    Matthew pulled Steph out of the group of swarming girls to a more quiet place. "You're telling me Kim rejected Henry, causing him to begin the unhinging? Now he's off - god knows where - doing god knows what?" Matthew growled.
    Steph nodded gravely, looking like she had just run over a pregnant dog. "I shouldn't have left his side."
    Matthew shook his head, "It's not your fault, Steph, don't blame yourself."
    Steph put back on her shield and glared at him. "I just wanted to know if you knew where he was, I don't want your sympathy." She turned away, heading towards the bathroom.
    In front of the bathroom was a long growing line of irritated male wolves. All of them had to go to the bathroom and who ever was in there wasn't come out soon.
    Steph cut the line, going straight to the front.
    "Hey!" Several men snarled.
    Steph turned around, granting them a dazzling smile. "I'm sorry, but my friend is sick. I need to take care of him. If that is alright with you guys..." She said, batting her lashes at them. She was glad the front of her dress was so low tonight, now she could easily taking advantage of their male hormones. She bounced a little, causing her breasts to sway. All eyes shot to her chest and she swore there was drool.
    The men exchanged looks. "I guess, whatever."
    She nodded and turned back to the door, a glare residing on her face. Oh, brother. Give a man a little boob and he'll give you what ever you want. Steph thought to herself. She pushed open the heavy metal door and entered the men's bathroom.
    It was small and smelled strongly of urine. Steph gagged, pinching her nose with two fingers. There were two stalls and a rusty sink that would sooner fall apart than wash hands, Henry could be in either of the two stalls.
    Steph knocked on the stall, feeling slightly nervous. When wolves began the process of unhinging, they were a danger to themselves and others. Steph didn't necessarily want to put herself in danger, but she had been friends with him for so long that she would put herself in danger. They just needed to piss Kim off bad enough that she would want Henry back. Another selfless act that no one seemed to acknowledge.
    "Go away!" Henry snarled.
    Steph slowly cracked open the stall door, peeking inside at the mess of a man. Henry was curled into a ball, his hands fisted in his hair pulling angrily. Steph gasped. "Are you okay?" She asked.
    "Go away!" He growled, punching the stall wall with so much force that it shook violently. The metal dented beneath the force. "You can't be around me when I'm like this." He grunted out, trying to look away from her, he was ashamed of his behavior.
    "I'm not leaving you when you're like this, Henry." Steph snapped, pushing the stall door open further. "You made a deal with me and I NEVER break a deal."
    Henry peered up, causing a gasp to leave Steph's too thin lips. "Your eyes." She squeaked.
    He and his wolf were going insane at a quick pace, his wolf was so close to the surface that Henry's eye color had changed. It went from a caramel brown to an icy cold blue that most surely belonged to his wolf, not himself. "I will fail; my mate does not want me." He whined, tucking his head down. "I am a disgrace to my family name. I should not become the Alpha, I am a dishonor." He groaned.
    Steph scowled, grabbing Henry by the collar of his suit. She jerked him up to his feet, leveling their gazes. "Man up, Henry. You got a bitch out there-"
    "Don't talk about my mate like that!" He snarled, two voices emerging from his mouth. One his...and the other guttural.
    Steph used her free hand to slap his cheek. "You got a woman out there who is looking for a man! She wants a man that can protect her and hold her close at night, a man who isn't afraid of a challenge! A man, Henry!" Steph snarled, shaking him violently and causing his head to roll on his slumped shoulders. "You are NOT acting like a man! Toughen up, get out there, and get your fucking mate back, you pussy! If you can't fight for you mate, then you DON'T deserve her!" Steph yelled, tears streamed down her skinny face. She wasn't really speaking to Henry, she seemed to be speaking to someone else, but she was right.
    Henry stood up, straightening his back and standing at his full 6'7 height. "You're right."
    "Damn right I am." Steph muttered, wiping the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.
    Henry shook out his limbs, "I have to win her back. She at least deserves a mate who tries to win her back." Henry nodded.
    Steph smiled. How badly she wanted a mate who loved her enough to fight for her even as his mind slowly grew insanity like a nurtured seed. "Let's go win your mate back, Henry baby." She reached out.
    He took her arm and escorted her out of the bathroom. The men outside realized that he was the next Alpha and all bow respectfully, baring their neck submissively.
    Henry led Steph to the table where Kim still was.
    Kim had decided that she was starving and quickly searched for food. Every time a waiter strolled by, she'd snatch up a few little treats. They weren't half as good as Kim's would be, but they were fine. She sat in her seat at Margaret's chair and snacked on a little bit of everything. She hadn't noticed Henry or Steph approach; she was too busy stuffing her face.
    Steph sat down across from Kim, forcing Henry to the side. She accidentally kicked Kim under the table, drawing her attention.
    Kim glared up, food hanging half in and out of her open lips. She noticed Henry and quickly swallowed. "I didn't realize you guys had come back."
    "We didn't need your permission." Steph snapped, flicking a piece of blonde hair over her scrawny shoulder.
    Kim clenched a fist. "I never said you needed my permission, I just said..." Kim saw that Steph wasn't paying attention to her; she was just eyeing her fingernails. "Never mind," She muttered, turning her gaze to Henry. "So, Stephanie, huh?" She tried keeping the vehemence out of her light tone, but it was anything but friendly.
    Henry lifted his champagne to his full lips and took a small sip. "What about Steph?" He asked casually.
    Kim refrained from rolling her eyes. "I didn't realize you were going to invite...." Kim didn't want to say her name again; it tasted like vomit on her tongue. "Her to the ball with you." Kim said, with a tight smile, trying to hide the jealousy.
    Steph glared at Kim, "As I said, you heifer, he didn't need your permission. You may be sitting in Margaret's seat, but you are NO Margaret. Got it?"
    Kim looked down at her plate of food, suddenly feeling very fat in her tight dress and full stomach. Kim could bet Steph had never looked fat a day in her life. Kim was hurt, but she didn't cry. She glared up at Steph. "I 'm not saying he can't ask who ever he wants out, I'm just saying that it took me by surprise. And, by the way, you do have the right to remain silent." Kim muttered the last part under her breath.
    Steph scowled. "I have the freedom of speech, Kimberly. It is a free country!" She spat.
    Kim shrugged. "I disagree. If it were free, I'd be able to bitch slap you with a folding chair without repercussions, but I can't, looks like it isn't that free." She replied coolly, also drinking her champagne.
    Steph gaped and Henry snickered behind his hand. She was annoyed by the comment, but pleased that Kim could calm Henry. "I'll have you know-"
    Steph's threat was interrupted by an announcement. A tall thin man in tight clothes stood on the stage, he leaned into the microphone. "How's everybody doing tonight?" He asked.
    The crowd of people clapped and cheered.
    "I'd like to wish you all a goodnight, but before we get this party started, I'd like to invite our guest speaker up to talk. She's a close friend with Luna Margaret and has worked with her for years. Without further adieu, Kimberly Jones!" The man announced her.
    Everyone started clapping and hollering.
    Kim froze.
    The cheering died down and everyone started whispering and looking around.
    The man leaned back into the microphone. "Um, Kimberly Jones?" He called.
    Did he just say her name twice? She couldn't go up there; she hadn't prepared a speech or even known she was going up here.
    Henry tapped her trembling hand. "Kim, they said your name. Did you say you were going to give a speech?"
    Kim shook her head violently. "No." She croaked.
    Steph grinned. "No, I did."
    Kim suddenly really hated the girl. "Why would you do that?" She whisper yelled.
    Steph shrugged innocently. "I thought that's what you'd want. You're new here, so I thought you'd want to be introduced properly."
    Kim wanted to scream. "One person shakes hands with another person; they exchange names, that is how you introduce someone properly!" Kim growled.
    Steph eyed her. "Are you alright? You look like you're about to blow up."
    Kim clenched both fists. "Oh, I'm gonna-"
    "She's right here!" Steph shouted, pointing to Kim.
    The entire room turned to look at them.
    "Ah, Kimberly, come up here and say hi to everyone."
    Kim wanted to crawl inside of herself and hide there like a scared turtle. "Can't I stay here and say hi?" She asked.
    Everyone laughed as though she had told a joke.
    Kim half laughed, unsure of what they were actually laughing at.
    Steph turned back to her; a malicious grin adorned her face. "Sorry, cupcake, you gotta go up there." She smirked.
    Kim gulped, pushing back her chair and walking down the aisle of staring faces. They watched her like a vulture watches its prey, intent and hard.
    Henry glared over at Steph. "Why'd you have to go and do that?" He asked.
    Steph rolled her eyes. "The more she hates me, the faster she'll want you back, sugarplum."
    He nodded. "But why the speech, you know she has major anxiety with public speaking, right?"
    Steph gaped, "Shit. No. Why didn't you stop her then?" She grumbled.
    Henry frowned, looking back up at his mate. She was stumbling up to the stage. Her usually pale skin was tinted green, her eyes were wide and frightened like a deer in the headlights, and her bottom lip trembled as if she was about to cry. "You should have asked me."
    Steph sighed. "If it were up to you, Captain Wolf-man, she wouldn't be put in any uncomfortable position, but we need her to be. So deal with it!" She groaned, sagging into her chair.
    He watched Kim shake hands with Barry, the announcer for most things, and approach the mic. "H-h-hi." She spoke into the mic. It came out loud and all the wolves plugged their sensitive ears. "Sorry," She muttered. Kim tried smiling at the crowd, but her trembling lips made it hard. "So, we're all here for the same reason, right?" She asked.
    The wolves laughed. Still, Kim didn't know what they were laughing at.
    Kim took a few deep breaths. "I've been working with Margaret for exactly four years, ever since she asked me to come work for her." She pursed her lips. "Scratch that, Margaret threatened my life or work for her." Kim said, chuckling at the memory.
    Everyone laughed along with her.
    The support seemed to be helping Kim; she straightened and smiled a genuine smile. "I love Margaret like family and am so happy that her career has worked out so well for her. She went from changing her house decorations almost daily to creating a multi-million company out of nothing and only changing her house design like every month." She chuckled, "I wish I could do more to help her, but I can't"
    Kim continued her speech. Everyone liked her. Laughing at her small jokes and nodding sympathetically for her. Except Steph, who sat brewing about how her plan didn't work.
    "Put your mean face back on, Steph, she's coming back." Henry nudged Steph.
    Steph frowned. "I don't see why you're so obsessed with her, Henry. She's so awkward and weird. You would've picked me to be your mate if you could, wouldn't you?" Steph complained.
    "Stop whining, Steph. If I wasn't destined to be with Kim I would have picked her anyway, my obsession with her has nothing to do with us being mates and more about me loving every detail about her." Henry shot back, glowering at Steph.
    She puckered her lips as if she'd eaten a sour candy. "But you wouldn't have noticed every detail about her if she wasn't your mate." She responded.
    "Uh, yes. I notice every detail about you."
    Steph frowned. "And you don't like me?"
    "No, I don't. In fact, knowing everything about you makes me like you even less, Stephanie. Now quit talking about mates, Kim is coming." Henry growled.
    Sure enough, Kim strolled over. She looked breathless and had a happy glow stuck to her skin. "Wow, I didn't realize it would be like that." She smiled, smoothing out her purple dress and taking a seat. "So, what have you guys been talking about?" Kim asked, less annoyed by Steph's presence.
    "Having sex." Steph muttered, gulping her champagne.
    The angry look in Kim's emerald eyes gave Steph a brilliant idea on how to piss her off. She wanted Henry! She didn't want Steph say anything that said that Steph owned Henry. Steph felt a grin spread across her face. "Oh, Henry, baby." She smiled when Kim frowned.
    "Uh, yeah?" Henry asked.
    "Go get me some more drink and I might give you a treat later." Steph said, wiggling her brow to indicate her sexual innuendo.
    Henry visually shuddered in disgust. It hurt Steph's ego, but Kim was human and didn't notice. "Sure thing, Steph." he muttered, slipping out of his chair to track down a waiter.
    Steph turned her attention back to Kim, playtime now. "So, what're you gonna be doing after this?" She asked casually.
    Kim rolled her eyes, "I'm going to go back to my fabulous mansion in Beverly Hills and bathe in money, then maybe I'll go on my husband's yacht and throw gold at orphans. Same as usual." Kim answered sarcastically.
    Steph choked on a piece of crab cake she had snuck off a nearby plate. "What?" She croaked, coughing into her hands. "You have a husband?" She demanded. Oh, boy would Henry get pissed.
    "Seriously, of all the things I just said? All you heard was that I had a husband, that's the least believable one. I'd sooner be rich, swimming in money, on a yacht, and throwing gold at orphans at the same time than married. God, you're so gullible." Kim mumbled.
    "So, you aren't married?"
    "Of course not." Kim exclaimed.
    Steph sighed with relief. "Thank God."
    "Why so thankful, Steph? Because you won't have little tyrants running around causing trouble. Hmm?" Kim asked.
    Steph shrugged nonchalantly. "No reason, maybe I just wanted to make sure I got married before you."
    Kim smirked. "And who would you be marrying so soon?"
    "Henry of course, darlin'. We were planning to invite every person in this room, but only single people. So, now you get to come, because you are single and probably will be for the rest of your virgin life." Steph sneered.
    Kim didn't deny being a virgin, which is what most or all girls do. Steph's eyes widened. "Virgin?"
    A blush crept up Kim's neck. "What's it to you?"
    Steph ran a tongue over her teeth. "What a prize we've got here: A pretty virgin." Steph would use this embarrassment to her advantage. "Did no boy want to put his hands on you?" She asked, feigning sympathy.
    Kim looked away. "No, I just wanted to wait until I met the right one, alright? Leave it be." She said sternly.
    Hardly, Steph was going to exploit all of Kim weaknesses until she broke. "Did no one want to touch you because you have some disease? On the other hand, was it because you're insane? Maybe no one wanted to touch you because you're a prude." Steph wanted to laugh at the murderous look on Kim's face.
    "Shut up, Stephanie!" Kim spat, trying to hide her shame behind her hair.
    Henry returned with drinks. "I got your favorite."
    Steph smiled. "Merlot?"
    "What a dear." She took the glass from him.
    Henry noticed Kim's tight jaw and hard eyes and looked at Steph. "What happened here?"
    "Progress," She shrugged.
    The thin man returned to the stage. "The food will be served." He said, and just like that, waiter entered through all the doors carrying platters of food.
    Steph smiled over at Kim. "Good thing they're serving food now, or Kim would have eaten you out of house and home."
    Kim blushed; she'd always been self-conscious about her weight. She felt her appetite leave her until cold emptiness was all that remained. Breathe, Kim, breathe. Don't left her rile you up like this. You aren't overweight. She's underweight. She needs to eat a sandwich; you can serve her a knuckle sandwich! Wait, Stop! Don't go down that train of thought. Forget her! Her opinion means nothing to you.
    And just like that, Steph saw the fire in Kim's eyes die and her breathing went back to normal. Shit, she was going to have to try harder. She also saw Henry's wolf was getting closer to the surface, give him a few more hours and there would be NO way to save him from his impending insanity.
    Henry was gripping his fork with a death grip, it bent under the force. "Jesus, Henry." Steph whispered, nudging him until he noticed that he was abusing his fork. "Get your shit together."
    Henry dropped his fork and scowled. He obviously hadn't noticed what he was doing to his utensil. "Sorry." He muttered.
    Steph patted him arm reassuringly then turned back to the rest of the table. Gina Dvoynev had joined them at the head table. Gina was the pack's healer and future teller, she could read your future, and she could tell you all about yourself. Conveniently, Gina hated Steph for some reason.
    Gina was very old; she had more wrinkles than a Sphynx cat. Steph didn't know how old Gina was exactly; all she knew was that Gina had looked the same since Steph was a kid. She had a mop of silvery hair tied on top of her head and intelligent grey eyes that had seen so much. Steph wanted Gina to like her, tried so hard, yet the woman wouldn't dare crack a smile around Steph.
    "Gina," Steph greeted, trying to give her a warm smile.
    Gina frowned. "Is that you Satan?" She asked.
    Kim stifled a giggle.
    Steph frowned. "Um, it's so nice of you to join us. You never come to these kinds of events."
    Gina sat beside Kim. "I came to watch what's going to happen; it'll be fun to watch." She said with a gleam in her eye.
    Gina knew the future, so she knew something was going to go down. Steph wished she knew the future. Gina was old because she knew when and where she was supposed to die and expertly avoided those places.
    "Oh, really," Steph said, taking a sip of her wine, letting the flavor coat her pallet. "And what's going to happen?"
    Gina shook her head. "Always wanting to know what lies ahead and never wanting to know what you left behind, Stephanie Jean Miller." There was meaning behind her words, always, but Steph let it slide without asking questions.
    Kim took the opportunity to observe Henry while Steph was preoccupied. He looked different, what was it about him that had changed? He still had the same chocolatey brown hair that was shorter on the sides and longer on the top. He did have some stubble on his face, but the change of appearance wasn't there. His eyes! His eye color had changed! It was no longer the tawny brown she'd grown to love, to crave the sight of. Now an icy blue that looked like it was losing color as she looked into them.
    Kim realized that he had caught her staring at him. She cleared her throat and looked away. She listened into the Steph and Gina's conversation.
    Gina was asking questions about Steph and Henry's relationship. "You guys have been together long?"
    Steph nodded, reaching out to take Henry's hand. "Yes, we've had our differences, but we always come back to each other."
    Gina nodded. "And you love him, yes?"
    Steph paled, "Uh, love? Sure."
    Another nod, "Will you complete the rites?"
    Steph tightened her grip on Henry. "Uh, um, see, we're not to that point yet. We want to get to know each other better before we progress to that."
    Kim raised a brow. Why would Steph and Henry be doing something called the rites together? "What are the rites?" She asked, getting into the conversation.
    Gina turned to her. "Formally known as the blood rites, it is a ritual that all werewol-"
    Henry slammed a fist onto the table, causing all drinks in the vicinity to slosh their content onto the white tablecloth. "You will not tell her of the rites, Gina Dvoynev!" He growled, but it did not sound like him. His wolf was so close to the surface that is was now speaking for him. A deep guttural voice that put Steph on edge.
    Kim glared at Henry. "And why can't I know? Steph obviously knows, as well as Gina and you!"
    Henry glared back at her. "Because I said so. You will listen to me."
    Kim gaped. "Excuse me? What gives you the right to order me around like that?"
    He bit back a snarl; the insanity process was getting to him.
    Steph could see his nails lengthening and his face starting to morph into his wolf's. Shit, she had to get Kim to claim him now or he was going to phase into his wolf right here in the ballroom. "Henry, baby. You're mine aren't you? Mine forever and ever. Nobody else's."
    Kim slammed a fist down onto the table, just as Henry had done. "Excuse me! He is not yours!"
    Henry bent down; the phasing process was happening and after he turned, it would be hard to get him to change back while he was going insane. She had to say something else!
    "Henry, tell me you want me! I want you to be mine and I-"
    Kim launched herself across the table, soaring over to land on Steph. She shoved Steph to the ground and began assaulting her. Her fists were flying all over Steph's face, leaving red marks that would soon become bruises. "HE IS NOT YOURS! HE IS MINE! MINE! YOU DON'T GET HIM! HE IS MINE TO BE WITH HOWEVER I SEE FIT! I GET TO HAVE HIM TELL ME HE WANTS ME! HE STAYS WITH ME!" Kim grabbed a handful of blonde hair and started slamming Steph's head against the ground. "MINE! MINE! MINE! NOBODY ELSE'S! NOT YOURS!"
    Steph tried pushing Kim off her, she had successfully gotten the woman to claim Henry, but now she wouldn't get off her. Steph pushed Kim to the side and jumped up; attempting to get away from the bloodthirsty savage woman, but Kim hooked her arm around Steph's waist, dragging her back down. "Oh, no you don't, bitch!"
    Steph threw a fist, trying to get back out from under her.
    Every wolf watched the fight curiously and whispered about them.
    "Is she trying to claim Henry?"
    "Is that Steph, the pack whore?"
    "Are they actually mates?"
    "Where'd the new girl come from?"
    Steph dragged herself out from under Kim, wiggling to get free. Her entire body ached, she'd never had to fight so hard to get a human off her! She wondered why Kim had stopped fighting her. Steph looked up to see Henry hoisting Kim up onto his shoulder, literally dragging her out of the ballroom kicking and screaming. Kim was making the biggest scene, her violent expletives echoed back to Steph. She wanted to finish Steph. To break every bone in her. Well, she had broken bone. Lots and lots of broken bone.
    Steph looked up at the wolves peering down at her with disappointed looks. They thought she was trying to get in a mated man's pants. That was worse than trying to sleep with a married man. They didn't know that she was actually trying to get the mated couple together.
    The wolves shook their heads and walked away from her, leaving her bruised and broken alone. Steph closed her eyes and thought of the things that made her happiest. The thing that didn't like her and left her alone. She felt her mind shut down and went to sleep, but not before feeling someone pick her up and carry her away from the mess she'd left.
    She was a hopeless slut that had no future and no one who truly loved her. Even Henry didn't like her as a friend, he'd said so himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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