Chapter four

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"I asked for salted peanuts." Margaret whined. "These aren't salted; they're bland, plain, regular, ordinary, unsalted peanuts. Go get me salted peanuts!"
    Kim frowned, placing a hand on her jutting hip. "What kind of sick person eats that? You should be eating healthy foods for sick people. Not salted peanuts or any other kind of peanuts." She was beyond sick of the orders. Margaret had started whistling for her, snapping, demanding things of her.
    "Sick person says she wants peanuts, but not any kind of peanut, she wants salted peanuts. Therefore, you, being the personal assistant of the sick woman, should go get salted peanuts. I'm sure they're not so bad for sick people. It's not like I'm asking you to travel down to France to pick me up some mousse, but if you are okay with that, would you go? Because I'm suddenly craving mousse."
    Kim's scowl deepened. "I am not your servant, Margaret. I am here to help you through your sickness, nothing more nothing less." She stomped over to the side of the bed. "I don't have to stay here, I'm just being nice."
    "Yes, I'm quite aware of our agreement, dear, but if you are here to be nice, then why don't you be nice and get me some salted peanuts? I mean seriously, Kim, all I want is salted peanuts. Is that so much to ask?" Margaret whined, she pulled the sheets back and kicked her legs over the side of the bed. "I'll go get them myself if I have to." She threatened.
    "NO!" Kim exclaimed, she didn't want Margaret stressing her body out. "I'll go get them." She assured her, pushing Margaret back into bed and tucking the comforter around her.
    "Good, because I wasn't going to get out of bed." Margaret huffed, turning her show back on. "And be quick about it, the next episode is starting soon and I want my peanuts before then."
    Kim gaped. "Did you really just-"
    "Absolutely, now go and get my damned peanuts...."
    Kim wasn't really surprised by Margaret's manipulativeness. She had known Margaret for years; she was an expert of the games Margaret played. Margaret had a problem with playing with people's lives. Margaret knew how to get people to do what she wants and she knew how to get her way. Kim wished she knew how to play people like that. Margaret could get herself out of handcuffs and make a police officer feel like the crime she committed was their fault.
    Kim frowned at Margaret and left the room in a huff. Lately, she hadn't wanted to leave the room at all, with the chance that she may see Henry. Her entire body and soul ached just to see him (along with other things). She didn't know what kind of shit would go down if she saw him. Lots of shit, that's all she knew. She entered the kitchen where just a day ago she had made bread with Henry. It seemed so much longer than a day. The image of him in a cherry apron was still burned into her mind, yet she didn't want to ever forget it.
    At the sink were two of the young women Margaret hired. They had their foreheads pressed together, gossiping, and giggling wildly. She tried not to listen into their conversation as she maneuvered around them, but it was hard, seeing as how they spoke loud enough to hear.
    "...I can't even wait. It's going to be so awesome..." The freckled blonde-haired girl whispered, moving a dish to the dishwasher.
    The girl with slicked back black hair responded with, "Do you think he'll be there?"
    Another hyena laugh burst from their lips. They shared a dreamy look before getting back to loading the dishwasher. After about less than a minute, they got back to gossiping. A long gossip session that Kim certainly did not want to be a part of, yet she couldn't seem to find the damned peanuts.
    "What if he finds his mate?"
    "If he meets me he will."
    The black haired one laughed. "That's funny, seeing as how...I'm obviously his mate."
    The blonde stopped smiling to turn the other girl. A look of pure rage crossed her features. "Ha, that's funny. You must be joking." No amusement flashed across her face. She was angry.
    "I'm not kidding. I am his mate, if he meets me he'll know."
    Kim broke in before the two women started a catfight over whoever HE is. "Excuse me," She said, pushing in between them. "May I ask what you guys are talking about?" She asked.
    The blonde turned to her, confused. "The ball, of course. You're high in ranks, you should know." The two girls looked at her suspiciously as though she were a traitor. "Why don't you know?" The blonde asked with a raised brow.
    "Um...." Kim racked her brain for an excuse. "I've been tending to Ms. Halliday for the past few days. I haven't heard any rumors or about recent events."
    The two girls exchanged looks and turned to her. "Henry is hosting a ball in honor of Luna Margaret's many exceptional achievements. It will be held this afternoon in the ballroom. Every rank may come to honor the Luna."
    Luna? Were they talking about Margaret? Why did they call her Luna? "Uh huh, I think I know what you're talking about," Not. "Who are you guys talking about? Why are you talking about him in such a reverenced state?" She asked, leaning against a counter.
    "Henry, of course." They both blurted out.
    The blonde flicked a strand of hair over her shoulder, a smug smirk rested on her face. "Henry will be the most attractive man at the entire gathering. He is, if you haven't heard, my mate. I will be Luna and live in this house, once he notices me that is, then I won't be forced to wash dishes for a living." She said with such a conceited tone, her nose already high as though she was already with him.
    The black haired girl let out a huff, "You liar, he's my mate."
    "I am not lying."
    "Are to!"
    "He's my mate!"
    Something inside Kim banged around, trying to escape the confinements of her body and get to the fighting females. She felt a surge of power, "Stop!" She shouted, giving each girl a hard look. "He is not either of yours, he belongs to m..." She stopped herself before she said anything she may regret later on in the future.
    The two girls tried to climb over each other to put space in between them and Kim. "Y-you're his m-mate? I-I-I'm sorry. We're sorry. We don't own him." They scampered out of the kitchen like cockroaches when the lights were turned on.
    Kim smiled, very content with herself. She didn't mean to scare them off, but now that those annoying fan-girls had left, she felt kind of like she could breathe again. That animalistic push seemed to vanish, replaced by a sense of calm. "Now let's find some peanuts.," she said, clapping excitedly.
    Under the cabinet in the back behind a stack of towels was a full box of junk food. The box contained all the foods Ms. Halliday's chef said she could not eat. Knowing Margaret, she hid her junk food where the chef wouldn't find it.
    "You sneaky bitch." Kim exclaimed, dragging the box out of the cabinet and hefting it onto a nearby counter. She didn't see any peanuts on the top of the pile of food, so she took the box with her back to Margaret's room.
    She could hear murmuring outside the room. One voice was Margaret's and one was obviously Henry's. She could hear Henry's voice from miles away. She could hear his voice in a crowd of roaring people. He was talking to his mother.
    "I know for sure, mother. More sure than anything in my life." He said.
    "But are you absolutely sure, Son?" The voice of a tired Margaret.
    "You've been through the same situation, mom. You know how I feel. Don't think me dumb, don't think me inexperienced. I know deep in my bones that this is true; the seams of my soul seem to scream for her. I know, and you know I know." He said gruffly.
    "You're right, son, but if this goes poorly-"
    "It won't." He interjected.
    Kim slipped inside before she was caught eavesdropping. Henry had his back turned away from her and didn't seem to notice her sudden presence.
    "But it might, and if it does, you need to know how to pick up the pieces. She's not like the others, son."
    "I know, mum."
"Good, but you don't know to what degree, dear. She's not just what you think she is...she is a-"
    "Hey, guys." Kim quickly said. She didn't know who they were talking about, but something told her she didn't want to know what "She" was. "I came back from the kitchen, I couldn't find peanuts, but I found a stash of goodies I'm sure you'd be interested in."
    Henry instantly tensed at the sound of her voice, which saddened her slightly. She didn't want him to hate her voice. She hid her pout and continued with what she had been saying. Rambling always helped to chase the awkward silence away. "I should have known you would have a basket of illegal junk food. You know what, I would've bet on it. We can go through it and see you want anything out of it." Kim suggested, moving around Henry to set the box on the bed next to Margaret. In the process, she unintentionally brushed her shoulder against Henry's arm, sending a spark of tingles flying across her body.
    "Kim," Margaret greeted with a smile. "I'm so glad you returned. I have news for you. News I'm sure you'd be excited to hear."
    Kim tried not to look at Henry while she sat down on the bed next to Margaret. "Yes?" She asked curiously, only half paying attention. Most of her attention was on Henry, though looking at him from the corner of her eye.
    "As you may have heard, Henry has decided to hold a ball in my honor."
    Kim frowned. "How thoughtful of him." She said sarcastically.
    "Yes, very thoughtful." Ms. Halliday said, giving Kim a hard look. "As I was saying, Henry is hosting a ball for me, but I can't attend. As you very well know, I am rather ill and I won't be able to attend. You, being my assistant, are obligated to fill in for me when I cannot be somewhere. Kim, I need you to go to the ball in my place." Margaret said, fluffing out her blanket.
    Kim gaped, "At the ball?"
    "Yes." Margaret answered calmly.
    "In your place?"
    "As the CEO of Halliday interior design?"
    "Will I have to give a speech?"
    "No," Margaret said, getting slightly impatient.
    "I don't have anything to wear."
    "I will provide you with adequate attire."
    Kim felt the urge to barf all over the place, preferably all over Margaret. Then she couldn't make her go to the ball. "I actually think I'm coming down with something." She lied, faking an exaggerated cough.
    Margaret gave her another one of her hard looks. "No, you aren't. Those are called nerves, Kimberly."
    Oh no! She called Kim by her full name. That wasn't a good sign, never was.
    "Yeah, but these nerves feel a lot like sickness." Kim huffed, crossing her arms like a pouting child. "And I really don't want to vomit all over the place in front of everyone. Thanks for the invitation, Margaret, but I'll have to decline."
    Margaret almost smiled, "I wasn't inviting you, Kimberly. I need you. Please, please, Kim, please. I want to be there for Henry but I can't. I need a replacement, a stand-in. Please, Kim. I'm begging you now, don't make me grovel. Please don't make me climb out of this bed and kneel before you, I will do it. I will struggle out of bed and bow before you, please."
    Kim sighed, unfolding her arms. "Fine, I'll do it." She mumbled.
    "Good," Margaret nodded. "You have a few hours to get ready."
    "Just a few hours? I need more time than that, it takes time to hide hideous." Kim grumbled.
    "Well, you only have a few hours. Sorry." Margaret said, with no remorse.
    "Sorry, my ass." Kim murmured under her breath.
    "You should probably start getting ready." Margaret suggested.
    Kim blinked, "Now?"
    "Yeah, now. Go to the room next to the design room and ask for Gina."
    Kim turned away, suddenly noticing that Henry was still in the room. She blushed, he heard her whining about this. He probably thought she didn't want to go to his ball. Which she didn't, but she didn't want him to know that she didn't. "Hi." She mumbled, looking down at her feet instead of looking up at his face. She quickly rushed out of the room.
    "Why am I so weird?" Kim growled, mentally kicking herself.
    She navigated herself to the room Margaret had told her to go to. The room right next to the design room. It was filled with fabrics of all kinds and mannequins with unfinished outfits. It was disorderly with a few women milling about doing their own thing as though the other women in the room weren't there.
    Kim rapped lightly on the door, trying to draw their attention. "Hello?" She called in a light voice. No one paid her heed, they continued with what they were doing. "Excuse me?" She called out, a little louder. "I'm looking for...Um,"
    A small, old woman peered up from her work. "Gina. Gina Dvoynev. That is who you are looking for."
    Kim raised a brow. "Yes, actually. How did you know?"
    Gina seemed to be hiding a smile behind her frown, or that might have been Kim's imagination. "I have my ways, don't question them." The last part seemed to be a threat.
    "Oh," Kim moved further into the room. "Um..I'm here to, um.."
    Gina waved her off. "Don't stress yourself out, dearie. I know why you're here: For a gown for the ball."
    Kim nodded, swallowing back every question she was about to ask.
    Gina moved over to a rack of fabrics, "So, you're preparing for a ball? One you don't really want to go to. Don't know how to dress because you've never been to a ball. Yet, you want to look good for someone...ah, a crush?" She sighed. "True love always warmed me up inside."
    Kim was sure her jaw hit the floor. "How did you know? Are you psychic?"
    Gina smiled, grabbing a frail wrinkly hand around Kim's. "Don't ask questions you don't want to know, dearie. Now let me help you pick out the perfect dress." She closed her eyes and tightened her clasp around Kim's.
    Kim just looked at her questioningly. "Wha-"
    "Shush," Gina snapped. With her other hand, she placed a finger on her temple. A look of concentration settled on her features. "Hmm...Interesting. Very interesting. I know exactly the type of dress to show off those beautiful curves of yours. Oh, and the perfect color to accentuate your green eyes. God, what a gorgeous dress. You surely will be the most exquisite at the ball." She opened her eyes, a look of excitement lighting her eyes. "This is going to be so much fun. Now take your clothes off."

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