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" So what is it that you want to talk about" I say stuffing my hands in my pocket.
She goes to sit down on her bed and pat the space besides her telling me to sit down.
I walk over and sit down next to her waiting for her to speak
" Why didn't you call?" She say and turns to face me
" What are you-" I say but she cuts me off
" Nai please don't act like you don't know. After I left, you didn't call, text or nothing. It's like you forgot about me. I would call and you didn't answer. So what's the deal with that" she says and looks at me.
I mean I couldn't lie to her.
" I just.. I don't know after what happened on Christmas I avoided you. I felt like what we did wasn't right. I had so many things going through my head. I just couldn't put myself to talk to you. I'm sorry" I say and I put my head down. And we sit in silence
" I'm not going to let you go " she speaks up and shakes her head
" Nai I like you; hell I might even love you. I felt something when we kissed and I know you did to. You can't tell me you didn't. " she say and takes my hand and looks me in my eyes. All I could do was look down because she was right. I did feel something.
" Aubrey, yes I felt something. But you know this isn't going to work. We are 5 years apart. I'm not 18 yet. You could go to jail Bre. " I tell her and stand up and she stands to and grabs my chin making me look in her eyes
" You think I care about that. There is nothing that could stop me from loving you Naomi. Baby I don't give not one fuck about what anybody gotta say bout what we have going on. Because for one if they gotta a problem they damn sho can take it up with me. I just want a chance. We don't even have to go into a full relationship. Just know you mine though Ma. " she says and rubs my cheek. I begin to smile because she know she gets me when she call me 'Ma'
" Okay, maybe we can sneak around for a lil bit until I'm comfortable with telling people. But right now can we just keep it between us. I like having the secret relationship. It's less drama, and problems." I say and smile and she smiles back then pulls me into a hug.
" What ever you want to do is fine with me baby. I can wait however long you want me to. As long as I'm with you I'm good." She says and I feel her hand slowly slide down to my butt
" Aubrey" I smack her shoulder and she begins laughing.
" Come on let's go back down and chill with the fam, before they ass come looking for us. You know after all this over Rayne is going want to go out so have a fit ready" she says